# frozen_string_literal: true module RubyLokaliseApi module Resources class Base using RubyLokaliseApi::Utils::StringUtils extend RubyLokaliseApi::Request extend RubyLokaliseApi::Utils::AttributeHelpers include RubyLokaliseApi::Utils::AttributeHelpers extend RubyLokaliseApi::Utils::EndpointHelpers attr_reader :raw_data, :project_id, :client, :path, :branch, :user_id, :team_id, :key_id # Initializes a new resource based on the response. # `endpoint_generator` is used in cases when a new instance is generated # from a different resource. For example, restoring from a snapshot # creates a totally different project which should have a new path. # # @param response [Hash] # @param endpoint_generator [Proc] Generate proper paths for certain resources # @return [RubyLokaliseApi::Resources::Base] def initialize(response, endpoint_generator = nil) populate_attributes_for response['content'] extract_common_attributes_for response['content'] @client = response['client'] @path = infer_path_from response, endpoint_generator end # Returns object attribute with [] notation by calling # the corresponding method on the object if the # instance variable named after the requested key exists # # @param raw_key_attr [String or Hash] def [](raw_key_attr) key_attr = raw_key_attr.to_s.to_sym return nil unless instance_variables.include?(:"@#{key_attr}") send key_attr end class << self # Dynamically adds attribute readers for each inherited class. # Attributes are defined in the `data/attributes.json` file. # Also sets the `ATTRIBUTES` constant to assign values to each attribute later when # the response arrives from the API def inherited(subclass) klass_attributes = attributes_for subclass subclass.class_exec do const_set :ATTRIBUTES, klass_attributes attr_reader(*klass_attributes) end super end # Defines CRUD instance methods. In the simplest case it delegates work to the # class method. In more complex case it is possible to specify sub-path and the # class method name to call. # Usage: `supports :update, :destroy, [:complex_method, '/sub/path', :update]` def supports(*methods) methods.each do |m_data| # `method_name` - the method that the resource should support # `sub_path` - a string that has to be appended to a base path # `c_method` - method name to delegate the work to method_name, sub_path, c_method = m_data.is_a?(Array) ? m_data : [m_data, '', m_data] define_method method_name do |params = {}| path = instance_variable_get(:@path) # If there's a sub_path which is a string, # preserve the initial path to allow further chaining params = params.merge(_initial_path: path) if sub_path self.class.send c_method, instance_variable_get(:@client), path + sub_path, params end end end # Fetches a single record def find(client, path, params = {}) new get(path, client, prepare_params(params)) end # Creates one or multiple records def create(client, path, params) response = post path, client, prepare_params(params) object_from response, params end # Updates one or multiple records def update(client, path, params) response = put path, client, prepare_params(params) object_from response, params end # Destroys records by given ids def destroy(client, path, params = {}) delete(path, client, prepare_params(params))['content'] end private # Filters out internal attributes that should not be sent to Lokalise def prepare_params(params) filter_attrs = %i[_initial_path] params.reject { |key, _v| filter_attrs.include?(key) } end # Instantiates a new resource or collection based on the given response def object_from(response, params) model_class = name.base_class_name data_key_plural = data_key_for model_class: model_class, plural: true # Preserve the initial path to allow chaining response['path'] = params.delete(:_initial_path) if params.key?(:_initial_path) if response['content'].key?(data_key_plural) produce_collection model_class, response, params else produce_resource model_class, response end end def produce_resource(model_class, response) content = response['content'] data_key_singular = data_key_for model_class: model_class if content.key? data_key_singular data = content.delete data_key_singular content.merge! data end new response end def produce_collection(model_class, response, params) Module.const_get("RubyLokaliseApi::Collections::#{model_class}").new(response, params) end end # Generates path for the individual resource based on the path for the collection def infer_path_from(response, endpoint_generator = nil) id_key = id_key_for self.class.name.base_class_name data_key = data_key_for model_class: self.class.name.base_class_name path_with_id response, id_key, data_key, endpoint_generator end def path_with_id(response, id_key, data_key, endpoint_generator = nil) # Some resources do not have ids at all return unless response['content'] && (response['content'].key?(id_key) || response['content'].key?(data_key)) # ID of the resource id = id_from response, id_key, data_key # If `endpoint_generator` is present, generate a new path # based on the fetched id if endpoint_generator path = endpoint_generator.call project_id, id return path.remove_trailing_slash end path = response['path'] || response['base_path'] # If path already has id - just return it return path if path.match?(/#{id}\z/) # Otherwise this looks like a collection path, so append the resource id to it path.remove_trailing_slash + "/#{id}" end def id_from(response, id_key, data_key) # Content may be `{"project_id": '123', ...}` or {"snapshot": {"snapshot_id": '123', ...}} # Sometimes there is an `id_key` but it has a value of `null` # (for example when we do not place the actual order but only check its price). # In rare cases the actual identifier does not have an "_id" suffix # (for segments that have "segment_number" field instead) # Therefore we must explicitly check if the key is present content = response['content'] return content[id_key] if content.respond_to?(:key?) && content&.key?(id_key) content[data_key][id_key] end # Store all resources attributes under the corresponding instance variables. # `ATTRIBUTES` is defined inside resource-specific classes def populate_attributes_for(content) return unless content data_key = data_key_for model_class: self.class.name.base_class_name self.class.const_get(:ATTRIBUTES).each do |attr| value = if content.key?(data_key) && content[data_key].is_a?(Hash) content[data_key][attr] else content[attr] end instance_variable_set "@#{attr}", value end end # Extracts all common attributes that resources have. # Some of them may be absent in certain cases. # rubocop:disable Naming/MemoizedInstanceVariableName def extract_common_attributes_for(content) return unless content @raw_data = content @project_id ||= content['project_id'] @user_id ||= content['user_id'] @team_id ||= content['team_id'] @key_id ||= content['key_id'] @branch ||= content['branch'] end # rubocop:enable Naming/MemoizedInstanceVariableName end end end