# pdfjs_viewer-rails [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/senny/pdfjs_viewer-rails.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/senny/pdfjs_viewer-rails) ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: ```ruby gem 'pdfjs_viewer-rails' ``` *Note: pdfjs_viewer-rails is still in early development. Please report if you encounter any issues along the way.* ## Viewer Styles This gem ships with three viewer styles: **full**
## Usage ### Using the mountable Engine The mountable engine makes it extremely simple to integrate the PDF.js viewer into your application: *config/routes.rb* ```ruby mount PdfjsViewer::Rails::Engine => "/pdfjs", as: 'pdfjs' ``` Now you can use a link in your templates to open up the viewer: ```erb <%= link_to "display using the full viewer", pdfjs.full_path(file: "/sample.pdf") %> <%= link_to "display using the minimal viewer", pdfjs.minimal_path(file: "/sample.pdf") %> ``` ### Using the helper If your integration scenario is more complex you may want to consider using the `pdfjs_viewer` helper. This allows you to embed the viewer into a container like an iframe. ```erb <%= pdfjs_viewer pdf_url: "/sample.pdf", style: :full %> <%= pdfjs_viewer pdf_url: "/sample.pdf", style: :minimal %> ``` NOTE: The helper will render a full HTML document and should not be used in a layout. ### Verbosity of PDF.js The verbosity of PDF.js can be set with: ``` $ export PDFJS_VIEWER_VERBOSITY=warnings ``` Verbosity levels: * errors (default) * warnings * infos ### Customizing the viewer If you're not happy with the 3 different styles with which pdfjs_viewer-rails is shipped, you can make your own adjustments by creating a file in `app/views/pdfjs_viewer/viewer/_extra_head.html.erb`. This file will be appended to the viewer's `` tag. So for example, if you'd like to hide the print icon: ```erb ``` NOTE: You can use the parameters you passed into `pdfjs_viewer` (if you're using the helper): ```erb <%= pdfjs_viewer style: "reduced", something: "sick!" %> ``` and then access them: ```erb <%= tag.meta name: "something", content: something %> ``` ### Setting up CORS If you plan to load PDFs from that are hosted on another domain from the PDF.js viewer, you may need to set up a Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) Policy to allow PDF.js to read PDFs from your domain. If you're serving PDFs straight from Amazon S3 (e.g. `bucket.s3-us-west-1.amazonaws.com`), you will need to add a CORS policy to the S3 bucket. This CORS configuration has been tested on S3: ```xml