require 'erb' require 'camping' require 'mongrel/camping' Camping.goes :Configure module Configure::Controllers class Index < R '/' def get render :show end end class Start < R '/start' def get render :start end def post @results = `mongrel_rails start -d -p #{input.port} -e #{input.env} -n #{input.num_procs} -a #{input.address}` render :start_done end end class Kill < R '/kill/(\w+)' def get(signal) if _running? @signal = signal.upcase pid = open($PID_FILE) {|f| } begin Process.kill(@signal, pid.to_i) @results = "Mongrel sent PID #{pid} signal #{@signal}." rescue puts "ERROR: #$!" @results = "Failed to signal the Mongrel process. Maybe it is not running?


" end else @results = "Mongrel does not seem to be running. Maybe delete the pid file #{$PID_FILE} or start again." end render :kill end end class Stop < R '/stop' def get render :stop end end class Logs < R '/logs' def get @log_files = Dir.glob("log/**/*") render :logs end end end module Configure::Views def layout body_content = yield currently_running = _running? pid = _pid open(GemPlugin::Manager.instance.resource("mongrel_config", "/index.html")) do |f| template = self << template.result(binding) end end def show div do h2 { "Status" } if _running? p { "Currently running with PID #{_pid}." } else p { "Mongrel is not running." } end end end def start div do form :action => "/start", :method => "POST" do p { span { "Port:" }; input :name => "port", :value => "4000" } p { span { "Environment:" }; input :name => "env", :value => "development" } p { span { "Address:" }; input :name => "address", :value => "" } p { span { "Number Processors:" }; input :name => "num_procs", :value => "20" } input :type => "submit", :value => "START" end end end def start_done div do p { @results } end end def kill div do p { @results } case @signal when "HUP": p { "A reload (HUP) does not stop the process, but may not be complete." } when "TERM": p { "Stopped with TERM signal. The process should exit shortly, but only after processing pending requests." } when "USR2": p { "Complete restart (USR2) may take a little while. Check status in a few seconds or read logs." } when "KILL": p { "Process was violently stopped (KILL) so pending requests will be lost." } end end end def stop if _running? ul do li { a "Stop (TERM)", :href => "/kill/term" } li { a "Reload (HUP)", :href => "/kill/hup" } li { a "Restart (USR2)", :href => "/kill/usr2" } li { a "Kill (KILL)", :href => "/kill/kill" } end else p { "Mongrel does not appear to be running (no PID file at #$PID_FILE)." } end end def logs div do h2 { "Logs" } table do tr do th { "File"}; th { "Bytes" }; th { "Last Modified" } end @log_files.each do |file| tr do td { a file, :href => "../#{file}" } td { File.size file } td { File.mtime file } end end end end end def _running? File.exist? $PID_FILE end def _pid open($PID_FILE) {|f| } if _running? end end