require "tempfile" require "fileutils" module ImageProcessing module MiniMagick module DeprecatedApi def self.included(base) base.extend(self) end def self.deprecated_processing_method(name, &body) define_method(name) do |*args, &block| return ImageProcessing::MiniMagick.send(name, *args, &block) if self != ImageProcessing::MiniMagick return super(*args, &block) unless args.first.respond_to?(:read) warn "[IMAGE_PROCESSING DEPRECATION WARNING] This API is deprecated and will be removed in ImageProcessing 1.0. Please use the new chainable API." file = args.shift if file.respond_to?(:path) instance_exec(file, *args, block, &body) else Utils.copy_to_tempfile(file) do |tempfile| instance_exec(tempfile, *args, block, &body) end end end define_method("#{name}!") do |*args, &block| return ImageProcessing::MiniMagick.send("#{name}!", *args, &block) if self != ImageProcessing::MiniMagick return super(*args, &block) unless args.first.respond_to?(:read) processed = send(name, *args, &block) source = args.first if name == :convert File.delete(source.path) else processed.close processed.path, source.path if source.is_a?(Tempfile) end source end end deprecated_processing_method :resize_to_limit do |file, *args, block| source(file) .custom(&block) .resize_to_limit!(*args) end deprecated_processing_method :resize_to_fit do |file, *args, block| source(file) .custom(&block) .resize_to_fit!(*args) end deprecated_processing_method :resize_to_fill do |file, *args, block| source(file) .custom(&block) .resize_to_fill!(*args) end deprecated_processing_method :resize_and_pad do |file, *args, block| source(file) .custom(&block) .resize_and_pad!(*args) end deprecated_processing_method :convert do |file, format, page = nil, block| source(file, page: page) .custom(&block) .convert!(format) end deprecated_processing_method :auto_orient do |file, *args, block| source(file) .custom(&block) .auto_orient!(*args) end deprecated_processing_method :resample do |file, width, height, block| source(file) .custom(&block) .resample!("#{width}x#{height}") end deprecated_processing_method :crop do |file, width, height, x_offset = 0, y_offset = 0, block| source(file) .custom(&block) .crop!("#{width}x#{height}+#{x_offset}+#{y_offset}") end deprecated_processing_method :corrupted? do |file, block| valid_image?(file) end module Utils module_function def copy_to_tempfile(io) extension = File.extname(io.path) if io.respond_to?(:path) tempfile =["image_processing", extension.to_s], binmode: true) IO.copy_stream(io, tempfile) io.rewind # refresh content yield tempfile ensure tempfile.close! if tempfile end end end end end