require 'fileutils' require 'erb' module Serverspec class Setup def ask_os_type if @os_type == 'UN*X' ask_unix_backend else ask_windows_backend end if @backend_type == 'ssh' print 'Vagrant instance y/n: ' @vagrant = $stdin.gets.chomp if @vagrant =~ (/(true|t|yes|y|1)$/i) @vagrant = true print 'Auto-configure Vagrant from Vagrantfile? y/n: ' auto_config = $stdin.gets.chomp if auto_config =~ (/(true|t|yes|y|1)$/i) auto_vagrant_configuration else print("Input vagrant instance name: ") @hostname = $stdin.gets.chomp end else @vagrant = false print("Input target host name: ") @hostname = $stdin.gets.chomp end else @hostname = 'localhost' end ['spec', "spec/#{@hostname}"].each { |dir| safe_mkdir(dir) } safe_create_spec safe_create_spec_helper safe_create_rakefile safe_create_dotrspec end def self.ask_os_type prompt = <<-EOF Select OS type: 1) UN*X 2) Windows Select number: EOF print prompt.chop num = $stdin.gets.to_i - 1 puts @os_type = ['UN*X', 'Windows'][num] || 'UN*X' end def self.ask_unix_backend prompt = <<-EOF Select a backend type: 1) SSH 2) Exec (local) Select number: EOF print prompt.chop num = $stdin.gets.to_i - 1 puts @backend_type = ['ssh', 'exec'][num] || 'exec' end def self.ask_windows_backend prompt = <<-EOF Select a backend type: 1) WinRM 2) Cmd (local) Select number: EOF print prompt.chop num = $stdin.gets.to_i - 1 puts @backend_type = ['winrm', 'cmd'][num] || 'exec' end def self.safe_create_spec content = <<-EOF require 'spec_helper' describe package('httpd'), :if => os[:family] == 'redhat' do it { should be_installed } end describe package('apache2'), :if => os[:family] == 'ubuntu' do it { should be_installed } end describe service('httpd'), :if => os[:family] == 'redhat' do it { should be_enabled } it { should be_running } end describe service('apache2'), :if => os[:family] == 'ubuntu' do it { should be_enabled } it { should be_running } end describe service('org.apache.httpd'), :if => os[:family] == 'darwin' do it { should be_enabled } it { should be_running } end describe port(80) do it { should be_listening } end EOF if File.exists? "spec/#{@hostname}/sample_spec.rb" old_content ="spec/#{@hostname}/sample_spec.rb") if old_content != content $stderr.puts "!! spec/#{@hostname}/sample_spec.rb already exists and differs from template" end else"spec/#{@hostname}/sample_spec.rb", 'w') do |f| f.puts content end puts " + spec/#{@hostname}/sample_spec.rb" end end def self.safe_mkdir(dir) if File.exists? dir unless dir $stderr.puts "!! #{dir} already exists and is not a directory" end else FileUtils.mkdir dir puts " + #{dir}/" end end def self.safe_create_spec_helper content =, nil, '-').result(binding) if File.exists? 'spec/spec_helper.rb' old_content ='spec/spec_helper.rb') if old_content != content $stderr.puts "!! spec/spec_helper.rb already exists and differs from template" end else'spec/spec_helper.rb', 'w') do |f| f.puts content end puts ' + spec/spec_helper.rb' end end def self.safe_create_rakefile content = <<-'EOF' require 'rake' require 'rspec/core/rake_task' task :spec => 'spec:all' task :default => :spec namespace :spec do targets = [] Dir.glob('./spec/*').each do |dir| next unless targets << File.basename(dir) end task :all => targets task :default => :all targets.each do |target| desc "Run serverspec tests to #{target}" do |t| ENV['TARGET_HOST'] = target t.pattern = "spec/#{target}/*_spec.rb" end end end EOF if File.exists? 'Rakefile' old_content ='Rakefile') if old_content != content $stderr.puts '!! Rakefile already exists and differs from template' end else'Rakefile', 'w') do |f| f.puts content end puts ' + Rakefile' end end def self.find_vagrantfile do |dir| path = File.expand_path('Vagrantfile', dir) return path if File.exists?(path) end nil end def self.auto_vagrant_configuration if find_vagrantfile vagrant_list = `vagrant status` list_of_vms = [] if vagrant_list != '' vagrant_list.each_line do |line| if match = /([\w-]+[\s]+)(created|aborted|not created|poweroff|running|saved)[\s](\(virtualbox\)|\(vmware\))/.match(line) list_of_vms << match[1].strip! end end if list_of_vms.length == 1 @hostname = list_of_vms[0] else list_of_vms.each_with_index { |vm, index | puts "#{index}) #{vm}\n" } print 'Choose a VM from the Vagrantfile: ' chosen_vm = $stdin.gets.chomp @hostname = list_of_vms[chosen_vm.to_i] end else $stderr.puts 'Vagrant status error - Check your Vagrantfile or .vagrant' exit 1 end else $stderr.puts 'Vagrantfile not found in directory!' exit 1 end end def self.spec_helper_template template = <<-'EOF' require 'serverspec' <% if @backend_type == 'ssh' -%> require 'net/ssh' <% end -%> <%- if @vagrant -%> require 'tempfile' <% end -%> <% if @backend_type == 'winrm' -%> require 'winrm' <% end -%> set :backend, :<%= @backend_type %> <% if @os_type == 'UN*X' && @backend_type == 'ssh' -%> if ENV['ASK_SUDO_PASSWORD'] begin require 'highline/import' rescue LoadError fail "highline is not available. Try installing it." end set :sudo_password, ask("Enter sudo password: ") { |q| q.echo = false } else set :sudo_password, ENV['SUDO_PASSWORD'] end <%- if @backend_type == 'ssh' -%> host = ENV['TARGET_HOST'] <%- if @vagrant -%> `vagrant up #{host}` config ='', Dir.tmpdir) `vagrant ssh-config #{host} > #{config.path}` options = Net::SSH::Config.for(host, [config.path]) <%- else -%> options = Net::SSH::Config.for(host) <%- end -%> options[:user] ||= Etc.getlogin set :host, options[:host_name] || host set :ssh_options, options # Disable sudo # set :disable_sudo, true <%- end -%> <%- end -%> # Set environment variables # set :env, :LANG => 'C', :LC_MESSAGES => 'C' # Set PATH # set :path, '/sbin:/usr/local/sbin:$PATH' <% if @backend_type == 'winrm'-%> user = <username> pass = <password> endpoint = "http://<hostname>:5985/wsman" c.winrm =, :ssl, :user => user, :pass => pass, :basic_auth_only => true) c.winrm.set_timeout 300 # 5 minutes max timeout for any operation <% end -%> EOF template end def self.safe_create_dotrspec content = <<-'EOF' --color --format documentation EOF if File.exists? '.rspec' old_content ='.rspec') if old_content != content $stderr.puts '!! .rspec already exists and differs from template' end else'.rspec', 'w') do |f| f.puts content end puts ' + .rspec' end end end end