var Pizza = { version : '0.2.1', settings : { donut: false, donut_inner_ratio: 0.4, // between 0 and 1 percent_offset: 35, // relative to radius show_text: true, // show or hide the percentage on the chart. animation_speed: 500, always_show_text: false, show_grid: true, bar_spacer: 100, bar_intervals: 6, animation_type: 'elastic' // options: backin, backout, bounce, easein, // easeinout, easeout, linear }, NS : '', init : function (scope, options) { var self = this; this.scope = scope || document.body; var charts = $('[data-pie-id], [data-line-id], [data-bar-id]', this.scope); $.extend(true, this.settings, options); if (charts.length > 0) { charts.each(function () { return$(this), options); }); } else if ($(this.scope).is('[data-pie-id]') || $(this.scope).is('[data-line-id]') || $(this.scope).is('[data-bar-id]')) {$(this.scope), options); }; }, events : function () { var self = this; $(window).off('.pizza').on('', self.throttle(function () { self.init(); }, 500)); $(this.scope).off('.pizza'); this.pie_events(); this.line_events(); this.bar_events(); }, build : function(legend, options) {'settings', $.extend({}, this.settings, options,'options')));, options || {}); if ('pie-id')) { this.update_DOM(this.pie(legend)); } else if ('line-id')) { this.update_DOM(this.line(legend)); } else if ('bar-id')) { this.update_DOM(; } }, data : function (legend, options) { var data = [], count = 0; $('li', legend).each(function () { var segment = $(this); if ( { data.push({ value:[segment.index()], text:'text'), color: segment.css('color'), segment: segment }); } else { data.push({ x :'x'), y :'y'), value:'value'), text:'text'), color: segment.css('color'), segment: segment }); } }); return'graph-data', data); }, update_DOM : function (parts) { var legend = parts[0], graph = parts[1]; return $(this.identifier(legend)).html(graph); }, animate : function (el, cx, cy, settings, scale) { var self = this, scale = scale || 1.05; el.hover(function (e) { var path = Snap(, text = Snap(path.node.nextSibling); path.animate({ transform: 's' + scale + ' ' + scale + ' ' + cx + ' ' + cy }, settings.animation_speed, mina[settings.animation_type]); if (!/text/.test(text.node.nodeName)) return; text.touchend(function () { Snap(path).animate({ transform: 's' + scale + ' ' + scale + ' ' + cx + ' ' + cy }, settings.animation_speed, mina[settings.animation_type]); }); if (settings.show_text) { text.animate({ opacity: 1 }, settings.animation_speed); text.touchend(function () { text.animate({ opacity: 1 }, settings.animation_speed); }); } }, function (e) { var path = Snap(, text = Snap(path.node.nextSibling); path.animate({ transform: 's1 1 ' + cx + ' ' + cy }, settings.animation_speed, mina[settings.animation_type]); if (!/text/.test(text.node.nodeName)) return; text.animate({ opacity: 0 }, settings.animation_speed); }); }, parse_options : function (string, percent, value) { var matches = string.match(/{{(percent|value)}}/g), output = ''; for (var i = 0; i < matches.length; i++) { if (/percent/i.test(matches[i])) { output = string.replace(matches[i], [Math.ceil(percent), '%'].join('')); } if (/value/i.test(matches[i])) { output = output.replace(matches[i], value); } } return output; }, svg : function (legend, settings) { var container = $(this.identifier(legend)), svg = $('svg', container), width = container.width(), pie = legend.attr('data-pie-id'), height = container.height(); if (svg.length > 0) { svg = svg[0]; } else { var svg = this.svg_obj('svg'); svg.width = width; svg.height = height; } if (pie) { var view_box = '-' + settings.percent_offset + ' -' + settings.percent_offset + ' ' + (width + (settings.percent_offset * 1.5)) + ' ' + (width + (settings.percent_offset * 1.5)); } else { var view_box = '-' + settings.percent_offset + ' -' + settings.percent_offset + ' ' + (width + (settings.percent_offset * 1.6)) + ' ' + (height + (settings.percent_offset * 1.6)); } this.set_attr(svg, {width: '100%', height: '100%', viewBox: view_box}); return svg; }, identifier : function (legend) { id ='pie-id') ||'bar-id') ||'line-id'); return '#' + id; }, throttle : function(fun, delay) { var timer = null; return function () { var context = this, args = arguments; clearTimeout(timer); timer = setTimeout(function () { fun.apply(context, args); }, delay); }; }, svg_obj : function (type) { return document.createElementNS(this.NS, type); }, ticks: function (min, max, count) { var span = max - min, step = Math.pow(10, Math.floor(Math.log(span / count) / Math.LN10)), err = count / span * step; // Filter ticks to get closer to the desired count. if (err <= .15) step *= 10; else if (err <= .35) step *= 5; else if (err <= .75) step *= 2; // Round start and stop values to step interval. var tstart = Math.ceil(min / step) * step, tstop = Math.floor(max / step) * step + step * .5, ticks = [], x; // now generate ticks for (i=tstart; i < tstop; i += step) { ticks.push(i); } return ticks; }, set_attr : function (node, attrs) { for (attr in attrs) { node.setAttribute(attr, attrs[attr]); } return this; }, flip : function (node, h) { node.setAttribute('transform', 'translate(0, ' + h +') scale(1, -1)'); } };