# Encoding: UTF-8 # # ActiveFacts CQL Parser. # Parse rules the French syntax elements for CQL. # # Copyright (c) 2009 Clifford Heath. Read the LICENSE file. # module ActiveFacts module CQL grammar French # >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Object Types <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< # The pattern to introduce a Value Type rule written_as s est s 'écrit' S 'en' s end rule auto_assignment 'auto-assigné' S to time:('assertion' / 'validation') !alphanumeric s { def auto_assigned_at time.text_value == 'assertion' ? 'assert' : 'commit' end } end # The pattern to introduce an Entity Type rule identified_by 'identifié' s 'par' s end rule basetype_expression is s i:( independent s )? identification end # The pattern to introduce an Entity Subtype rule subtype_prefix est s un s ('type'/'genre') s 'de' S end rule subtype_expression subtype_prefix i:( independent s )? supertype_list ident:identification? end # The pattern to introduce an objectified fact type with implicit identification rule is_where existe s i:(independent s)? si { def independent; !i.empty?; end } end rule in_which # Introduce an objectification step where / # Old syntax dans s laquel # preferred syntax end # Units conversion keyword rule conversion converts s a:(approximately s)? to s { def approximate? !a.empty? end } end # >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Constraints <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< # External presence constraint syntax: rule each_occurs_in_clauses s chaque s ('combinaison' S)? role_list s existe s quantifier 'fois' S 'parmis' S ce S 'qui' S 'suit' s ':' s clauses_list s c:context_note? ';' { def role_list_ast role_list.ast end def quantifier_ast quantifier.ast end def clauses_ast clauses_list.ast end } end rule either_or s soit s r1:clauses s 'ou' S r2:clauses s c:context_note? enforcement ';' { def role_list_ast nil end def quantifier_ast Compiler::Quantifier.new(1, nil) end def clauses_ast [r1.ast, r2.ast] end } end # Used for exclusion (at most one) and mandatory exclusion (exactly one) rule for_each_how_many 'pour' S 'chaque' S role_list s quantifier s 'des' S 'suivants' S 's\'applique' s ':' s clauses_list s c:context_note? ';' { def role_list_ast role_list.ast end def quantifier_ast quantifier.ast end def clauses_ast clauses_list.ast end } end rule either_or_not_both s soit s r1:clauses s 'ou' S r2:clauses 'mais' S 'pas' S 'les' S 'deux' s c:context_note? enforcement ';' { def role_list_ast nil end def quantifier_ast Compiler::Quantifier.new(1, 1) end def clauses_ast [r1.ast, r2.ast] end } end rule a_only_if_b s clauses s only_if r2:clauses s c:context_note? enforcement ';' end rule only_if que s si s end rule if_b_then_a s 'si' S clauses s 'puis' S r2:clauses s c:context_note? enforcement ';' end rule if_and_only_if s clauses s tail:( 'si' S 'et' S ('seulement'/'uniquement'/'que') S 'si' S clauses s)+ c:context_note? enforcement ';' end # During the prescan we need to know where terms in a role list finish. # This rule matches any non-term expressions that may follow a role list. rule role_list_constraint_followers existe end # >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Quantifiers <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< rule quantifier ( ( chaque s # "each" { def value; [1, nil]; end } / un s 'certain' 'e'? ) s # "some" { def value; nil; end } / ce s # "that" { def value; nil; end } / un s # "one"; masculine or feminine { def value; [1, 1]; end } / 'pas' s 'de' s # REVISIT: Example: "Personne n'a pas de Casier-judiciaire" { def value; [0, 0]; end } / exactement s quantity { def value; q = quantity.value; [q, q]; end } / au s moins s quantity most:( et s au s plus q:quantity )? # At least (or at most) { def value; [ quantity.value, most.empty? ? nil : most.q.value ]; end } / au s plus s quantity # At most { def value; [ nil, quantity.value ]; end } / entre s numeric_range s # within numeric_range { def value; numeric_range.value; end } / soit s tous s soit s aucun # either all or none { def value; [ -1, 1 ]; end } ) { def ast v = value Compiler::Quantifier.new(v[0], v[1]) end } end rule quantity un s { def value; 1; end } / number s { def value; number.value; end } end # >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Context Notes <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< rule as_agreed_by s 'comme' S 'convenu' S d:('le' s date s)? 'par' S agents { def value; [ d.empty? ? nil : d.date.value, agents.value ]; end } end rule date s d:(!(by/')') .)+ { def value; d.text_value.strip; end } end rule agents s h:agent s t:(',' s !context_type agent s)* { def value; [h.text_value] + t.elements.map{|e| e.agent.text_value }; end def node_type; :linking; end } end rule agent id (s id)* end rule negative_prefix s 'ce' S "n'est" s 'pas' s 'le' s 'cas' s 'que' end rule agg_of de end rule agg_in dans end rule restricted_to 'limité' s 'à' !alphanumeric s end rule any un !alphanumeric end # >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Internal vocabulary <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< rule all 'tous' !alphanumeric end rule at 'a' !alphanumeric end rule both 'les deux' !alphanumeric end rule ce ('cette'/'cet'/'ce') !alphanumeric end # ce is masculine, cette feminine, cet is ce before a noun rule chaque 'chaque' !alphanumeric end rule converts 'convertit' !alphanumeric end rule de 'de' !alphanumeric end rule dans 'dans' !alphanumeric end rule laquel 'laquel' 'le'? !alphanumeric end rule descending 'descendant' !alphanumeric end rule each chaque end rule either 'soit' !alphanumeric end rule entity 'entité' !alphanumeric end rule est 'est' !alphanumeric end rule exactement 'exactement' !alphanumeric end rule existe 'existe' !alphanumeric end rule from 'à partir de' !alphanumeric end # REVISIT: google translate rule includes 'comprend' !alphanumeric end rule matches 'matches' !alphanumeric end rule moins 'moins' !alphanumeric end rule none 'aucun' !alphanumeric end rule not 'not' !alphanumeric end # REVISIT: Used in constraints rule plus 'plus' !alphanumeric end rule some 'quelques' !alphanumeric end rule un 'un' 'e'? !alphanumeric end # un is masculine, une is feminine rule que 'que' !alphanumeric end # >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> External vocabulary <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< rule according_to 'selon' !alphanumeric end rule acyclic 'acyclique' !alphanumeric end rule alias 'alias' !alphanumeric end rule accepts 'accepte' !alphanumeric end rule and 'et' !alphanumeric end rule antisymmetric 'antisymmetric' !alphanumeric end rule approximately 'environ' !alphanumeric end # REVISIT: google translate rule as 'comme' !alphanumeric end rule as_opposed_to 'au' S 'lieu' S 'de' !alphanumeric end rule asymmetric 'asymétrique' !alphanumeric end rule au 'au' !alphanumeric end rule because ('parce' s 'que' / 'car') !alphanumeric end rule but 'mais' !alphanumeric end rule by 'par' !alphanumeric end rule definitely 'définitivement' !alphanumeric end rule entre 'entre' !alphanumeric end rule ephemera 'éphémère' !alphanumeric end rule existe 'existe' !alphanumeric end rule false 'faux' !alphanumeric end rule feminine 'féminin' !alphanumeric end rule identified ('identifié') !alphanumeric end rule if 'si' !alphanumeric end rule import 'import' !alphanumeric end # REVISIT: translation? rule independent 'indépendant' !alphanumeric end rule stronglyintransitive 'stronglyintransitif' !alphanumeric end rule intransitive 'intransitif' !alphanumeric end rule irreflexive 'irréflexive' !alphanumeric end rule is est end # Called from ObjectTypes.treetop in "is identified by" rule its ('sa' / 'son') !alphanumeric end rule masculine 'masculin' !alphanumeric end rule max 'max' !alphanumeric end rule maybe 'peut-être' !alphanumeric end # REVISIT: eventuellement = possibly? rule min 'min' !alphanumeric end rule only 'que' !alphanumeric end # REVISIT: Used in constraints rule or 'ou' !alphanumeric end rule ordering_prefix by s (ascending/descending)? s end rule otherwise 'sinon' !alphanumeric end rule partitioned 'partitionné' !alphanumeric end rule personal 'personelle' !alphanumeric end rule radix_point ',' end rule reflexive 'réflexive' !alphanumeric end rule restricted 'limité' !alphanumeric s end rule restricts 'limit' [ée] !alphanumeric s end rule returning 'retour' !alphanumeric end rule separate 'distincte' !alphanumeric end rule schema 'schema' !alphanumeric end rule si 'si' !alphanumeric end rule so_that 'pour' s 'que' !alphanumeric end rule soit 'soit' !alphanumeric end rule static 'statique' !alphanumeric end rule symmetric 'symétrique' !alphanumeric end rule that que end rule then 'puis' !alphanumeric end rule to 'à' !alphanumeric end rule to_avoid ('pour' s 'empecher' s 'de' / 'pour' s 'ne' s 'pas') !alphanumeric end rule topic 'sujet' !alphanumeric end rule transform 'transform' !alphanumeric end rule transient 'transitoires' !alphanumeric end rule transitive 'transitif' !alphanumeric end rule true 'vrai' !alphanumeric end rule version 'version' !alphanumeric end rule vocabulary 'vocabulaire' !alphanumeric end rule where 'où' !alphanumeric end rule who 'qui' !alphanumeric end rule with 'avec' !alphanumeric end end end end # vi:encoding=utf-8