=begin Copyright © 2010 Dan Wanek Licensed under the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php =end module GSSAPI class GssApiError < StandardError include LibGSSAPI def message; to_s + ": " + @s; end def initialize(maj_stat = nil, min_stat = nil) # If raised as class (raise GssApiError, "msg) the error message is given # as the first parameter. if maj_stat.class == String @s = maj_stat return super maj_stat end if(maj_stat.nil? && min_stat.nil?) @s = '(no error info)' else min = FFI::MemoryPointer.new :OM_uint32 message_context = FFI::MemoryPointer.new :OM_uint32 @s = '' oid = GssOID.gss_c_no_oid min_stat = min_stat.read_uint32 [[maj_stat, GSS_C_GSS_CODE], [min_stat, GSS_C_MECH_CODE]].each do |m, t| message_context.write_int 0 begin out_buff = ManagedGssBufferDesc.new maj = gss_display_status(min, m, t, oid, message_context, out_buff.pointer) if (maj != 0) @s += "failed to retrieve GSSAPI display for status #{m}" @s += " of major status #{maj_stat}, minor_status #{min_stat}\n" @s += "(with major status #{maj}, minor status #{min.read_uint32}\n" break end @s += out_buff.value.to_s + "\n" end while message_context.read_int != 0 end end # We need to call this so we can pass the message to the Error when we have no arguments super() end end end