module Hancock::Gallery module Models module OriginalImage extend ActiveSupport::Concern include Hancock::Model include Hancock::Gallery::Paperclipable include Hancock::Gallery.orm_specific('OriginalImage') included do if Hancock.rails4? belongs_to :originable, polymorphic: true else belongs_to :originable, polymorphic: true, optional: true end def from_db_to_fs unless self.original.blank? _paperclip_obj = Paperclip.io_adapters.for(self.original_as_base64) mime_type = MIME::Types[_paperclip_obj.content_type].first _paperclip_obj.original_filename = "#{_paperclip_obj.original_filename}.#{mime_type.extensions.first}" if mime_type self.image = _paperclip_obj self.original = nil return self end return false end def from_db_to_fs! self.from_db_to_fs and end def relocate_original unless File.exists? self.image.path _path = self.image.path _old_file = Dir[File.dirname(self.image.path) + "/*#{File.extname(self.image.path)}"].first if _old_file return File.rename _old_file, _path end return nil end return false end def relocate_original! self.relocate_original and self.image.reprocess! end def original_as_base64(content_type = nil) _original = self.original if _original _data = Base64.encode64( _content_type = content_type else _data = '' _content_type = content_type || 'jpg' end "data:#{_content_type};base64,#{_data}" end def original_as_image(content_type = nil) "".html_safe end # def self.admin_can_default_actions # [:show, :read].freeze # end # def self.manager_can_default_actions # [:show, :read].freeze # end def self.admin_cannot_actions [:new, :create, :edit, :update].freeze end def self.manager_cannot_actions [:new, :create, :edit, :update].freeze end end end end end