require "spec_helper" require 'fakeweb' describe " dummy data requests" do before :each do Intercom.app_id = "some-app-id" Intercom.api_key = "some-secret-key" Intercom.endpoint = "" FakeWeb.clean_registry end def fixture(name)"../fixtures/#{name}.json", __FILE__)) end it "should get all user" do FakeWeb.register_uri(:get, %r|v1/users|, :body => fixture('v1-users')) Intercom::User.all.count.must_be :>, 0 end it "should get a user" do FakeWeb.register_uri(:get, %r(v1/users\?email=), :body => fixture('v1-user')) user = Intercom::User.find(:email => "") "Somebody" end it "not found... " do FakeWeb.register_uri(:get, %r(v1/users\?email=not-found), :status => [404, "Not Found"]) proc { Intercom::User.find(:email => "") }.must_raise Intercom::ResourceNotFound end it "server error" do FakeWeb.register_uri(:get, %r(v1/users\?email=server-error), :status => [500, "Oh Noes"]) proc { Intercom::User.find(:email => "") }.must_raise Intercom::ServerError end it "authentication failure with bad api key" do FakeWeb.register_uri(:get, %r(v1/users\?email=authentication-error), :status => [401, "Authentication Error"]) Intercom.app_id = "bad-app-id" Intercom.api_key = "bad-secret-key" proc { Intercom::User.find(:email => "") }.must_raise Intercom::AuthenticationError end it "should find_all messages for a user" do FakeWeb.register_uri(:get, %r(v1/users/message_threads\?email=somebody), :body => fixture('v1-users-message_threads')) message_thread = Intercom::MessageThread.find_all(:email => "").first %w(thread_id read messages created_at updated_at created_by_user).each do |expected| message_thread.send(expected).wont_be_nil end end it "should mark message_thread as read" do FakeWeb.register_uri(:get, %r(v1/users/message_threads\?email=somebody), :body => fixture('v1-users-message_threads')) FakeWeb.register_uri(:put, %r(v1/users/message_threads), :body => fixture('v1-users-message_thread')) message_thread = Intercom::MessageThread.find_all(:email => "").first message_thread.mark_as_read! end it "should create some impression" do FakeWeb.register_uri(:post, %r(v1/users/impressions), :body => fixture('v1-users-impression')) impression = Intercom::Impression.create(:email => '') impression.unread_messages.must_be :>, 0 '' end it "should create some notes" do FakeWeb.register_uri(:post, %r(v1/users/notes), :body => fixture('v1-users-note')) note = Intercom::Note.create(:body => "This is a note", :email => "") note.html.must_equal "

This is a note

" "" end it "should failover to good endpoint when first one is un-reachable" do FakeWeb.allow_net_connect = %r( FakeWeb.register_uri(:get, %r(, :body => fixture('v1-user')) Intercom.endpoints = unshuffleable_array(["", ""]) user = Intercom::User.find(:email => "") "Somebody" end it "should raise error when endpoint(s) are un-reachable" do FakeWeb.register_uri(:get, %r|example\.com/|, :status => ["503", "Service Unavailable"]) Intercom.endpoints = [""] proc { Intercom::User.find(:email => "")}.must_raise Intercom::ServiceUnavailableError Intercom.endpoints = ["", ""] proc { Intercom::User.find(:email => "")}.must_raise Intercom::ServiceUnavailableError end it "should raise gateway error when the request returns a 502" do FakeWeb.register_uri(:get, %r|example\.com/|, :status => ["502", "Bad Gateway"]) Intercom.endpoints = [""] proc { Intercom::User.find(:email => "")}.must_raise Intercom::BadGatewayError Intercom.endpoints = ["", ""] proc { Intercom::User.find(:email => "")}.must_raise Intercom::BadGatewayError end end