#!/usr/bin/env perl # This script will eventually become the top-level configure directory ONCE # we've completely migrated away from autotools use strict; use warnings; use Getopt::Long; use File::Path; use File::Basename qw(dirname); use Cwd qw(getcwd realpath); use FindBin qw($Bin $RealBin); # Format here is: # [ Argument Name, # Option format string, # Option description, # Default format string, # Default value (ref) # ] my @HELP_DESCRIPTIONS = ( [ "enable-debug", "", "Create a debug build", "%d", \(my $DEBUG = 0) ], [ "enable-profiler", "", "Build with profiler support (gperftools)", "%d", \(my $USE_PROFILER = 0) ], [ "disable-tracing", "", "Disable builtin tracing", "%d", \(my $NO_TRACING = 0) ], [ "with-ninja", "s", "Generate Ninja Makefiles", "%s", \(my $USE_NINJA = "") ], [ "prefix", "s", "installation prefix", "%s", \(my $PREFIX = "/usr/local") ], [ "disable-tools", "", "Don't build tools", "%d", \(my $NO_TOOLS = 0)], [ "disable-tests", "", "Don't build tests", "%d", \(my $NO_TESTS = 0)], [ "with-libuv", "s", "Path to LIBUV installation", "%s", \(my $LIBUV_ROOT = "")], [ "with-libev", "s", "Path to LIBEV installation", "%s", \(my $LIBEV_ROOT = "")], [ "with-libevent", "s", "Path to LIBEVENT installation", "%s", \(my $LIBEVENT_ROOT = "")], [ "with-cmake", "s", "Executable to use as cmake", "%s", \(my $CMAKE_EXE = "cmake")], [ "with-openssl", "s", "Path to OpenSSL installation", "%s", \(my $OPENSSL_ROOT = "")], [ "disable-plugins", "", "Disable building of external plugins", "%d", \(my $NO_PLUGINS = 0)], [ "disable-cxx", "", "Disable C++ targets", "%d", \(my $NO_CXX = 0) ], [ "disable-couchbasemock", "", "Don't run tests with Mock", "%d", \(my $NO_MOCK = 0) ], [ "enable-maintainer-mode", "", "Maintainer mode. Everything is strict", "%d", \(my $MAINTAINER_MODE = 0)], [ "enable-fat-binary", "", "Build universal binaries on OS X", "%d", \(my $OSX_UNIVERSAL_BUILD = 0)], [ "cmake-verbose", "", "Verbose CMake output", "%d", \(my $CMAKE_VERBOSE = 0)], [ "host", "s", "Set host target for Win32 cross compilation", "%s", \(my $CMAKE_HOST = "")], [ "enable-static", "", "Build static libraries", "%d", \(my $STATIC_LIBS = 0)], [ "enable-embedded-libevent-plugin", "", "Embed the libevent plugin into the library's core", "%d", \(my $EMBED_LIBEVENT_PLUGIN = 0) ], [ "cc", "s", "C Compiler", "%s", \(my $CC = "") ], [ "cxx", "s", "C++ Compiler", "%s", \(my $CXX = "") ], [ "disable-ssl", "", "Do not build SSL support", "%d", \(my $NO_SSL = 0)], [ "enable-asan", "", "Enable LLVM AddressSanitizer support", "%d", \(my $LCB_USE_ASAN = 0)], [ "enable-coverage", "", "Compile with code coverage instrumentation", "%d", \(my $LCB_USE_COVERAGE = 0)], [ "enable-examples", "", "Build examples", "%s", \(my $BUILD_EXAMPLES = 0)], [ "build-dir", "s", "Directory to build in", "%s", \(my $BUILD_DIR = "build") ], [ "skip-git-version", "", "Skip version detection using git", "%d", \(my $SKIP_GIT_VERSION = 0) ], [ "help", "", "This message", "%s", \(my $WANT_HELP = 0) ] ); my @HELPLINES = (); my %GETOPT_ARGS = (); foreach my $optdesc (@HELP_DESCRIPTIONS) { my ($name, $vfmt, $desc, $deflfmt, $vref) = @$optdesc; my $go_key = $name; if ($vfmt) { $go_key .= "=$vfmt"; } $GETOPT_ARGS{$go_key} = $vref; } GetOptions(%GETOPT_ARGS); if ($WANT_HELP) { printf("configure.pl ... options\n"); foreach my $optdesc (@HELP_DESCRIPTIONS) { my ($name, $vfmt, $desc, $fmt, $deflref) = @$optdesc; printf(" --%-20s", $name); if (length($name) > 18) { printf("\n"); printf("%-20s%s\n","", $desc); } else { printf("%s.", $desc); } printf(" Default=".$fmt."\n", ${$deflref}); } exit(0); } my $origdir = getcwd(); my $srcdir = realpath("$RealBin/.."); if ($origdir eq $srcdir) { printf("Detected in-source build. Making '$BUILD_DIR' directory\n"); mkpath($BUILD_DIR); chdir($BUILD_DIR); } if ($NO_CXX) { $NO_TESTS=1; $NO_TOOLS=1; } my @CM_OPTIONS = (); my @VARNAMES = (qw(CC CXX CFLAGS CPPFLAGS CXXFLAGS LDFLAGS LIBS)); my %ENVOPTIONS = (); foreach my $var (@VARNAMES) { $ENVOPTIONS{$var} = $ENV{$var}; } foreach my $arg (@ARGV) { my ($k,$v) = $arg =~ m/([^=]+)=(.*)/; unless ($k && $v && exists $ENVOPTIONS{$k}) { die("Invalid variable $arg"); } $ENVOPTIONS{$k} = $v; } my $flags_common = ""; my $flags_cxx = ""; my $flags_cc = ""; if ($ENVOPTIONS{CC}) { $CC = $ENVOPTIONS{CC}; } if ($ENVOPTIONS{CXX}) { $CXX = $ENVOPTIONS{CXX}; } if ($ENVOPTIONS{CPPFLAGS}) { $flags_common = $ENVOPTIONS{CPPFLAGS}; } $flags_cxx = $flags_common; $flags_cc = $flags_common; if ($ENVOPTIONS{CFLAGS}) { $flags_cc .= " " . $ENVOPTIONS{CFLAGS}; } if ($ENVOPTIONS{CXXFLAGS}) { $flags_cxx .= " ".$ENVOPTIONS{CXXFLAGS}; } if ($flags_cc) { push @CM_OPTIONS, "-DCMAKE_C_FLAGS=$flags_cc"; } if ($flags_cxx) { push @CM_OPTIONS, "-DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=$flags_cxx"; } if ($ENVOPTIONS{LDFLAGS}) { # Flags for the linker my $flags = $ENVOPTIONS{LDFLAGS}; foreach my $var (qw(EXE_LINKER_FLAGS SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS)) { push @CM_OPTIONS, "-DCMAKE_${var}=$flags"; } } if ($ENVOPTIONS{LIBS}) { warn("Don't know how to convert autotools 'LIBS' into CMake"); } if ($DEBUG) { push @CM_OPTIONS, "-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=DEBUG"; } else { push @CM_OPTIONS, "-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo" } if ($USE_PROFILER) { push @CM_OPTIONS, "-DLCB_USE_PROFILER=1"; } if ($PREFIX) { push @CM_OPTIONS, "-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$PREFIX"; } if ($NO_TESTS) { push @CM_OPTIONS, "-DLCB_NO_TESTS=1"; } if ($NO_TOOLS) { push @CM_OPTIONS, "-DLCB_NO_TOOLS=1"; } if ($NO_TRACING) { push @CM_OPTIONS, "-DLCB_TRACING=0" } if ($SKIP_GIT_VERSION) { push @CM_OPTIONS, "-DLCB_SKIP_GIT_VERSION=1" } if ($NO_PLUGINS) { push @CM_OPTIONS, "-DLCB_NO_PLUGINS=1"; } if ($LIBUV_ROOT) { push @CM_OPTIONS, "-DLIBUV_ROOT=$LIBUV_ROOT"; } if ($LIBEV_ROOT) { push @CM_OPTIONS, "-DLIBEV_ROOT=$LIBEV_ROOT"; } if ($MAINTAINER_MODE) { push @CM_OPTIONS, "-DLCB_MAINTAINER_MODE=1"; } if ($OSX_UNIVERSAL_BUILD) { push @CM_OPTIONS, "-DLCB_UNIVERSAL_BINARY=1"; } if ($CMAKE_VERBOSE) { push @CM_OPTIONS, "--debug-output"; } if ($STATIC_LIBS) { push @CM_OPTIONS, "-DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=OFF", "-DLCB_BUILD_STATIC=1"; } if ($CC) { push @CM_OPTIONS, "-DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=$CC"; } if ($CXX) { push @CM_OPTIONS, "-DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=$CXX"; } if ($USE_NINJA) { push @CM_OPTIONS, "-DCMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM=$USE_NINJA"; push @CM_OPTIONS, "-GNinja"; } else { push @CM_OPTIONS, "-GUnix Makefiles"; } if ($NO_SSL) { push @CM_OPTIONS, "-DLCB_NO_SSL=$NO_SSL"; } if ($OPENSSL_ROOT) { push @CM_OPTIONS, "-DOPENSSL_ROOT_DIR=$OPENSSL_ROOT"; } if ($LCB_USE_ASAN) { push @CM_OPTIONS, "-DLCB_USE_ASAN=1"; } if ($LCB_USE_COVERAGE) { push @CM_OPTIONS, "-DLCB_USE_COVERAGE=1"; } if ($NO_MOCK) { push @CM_OPTIONS, "-DLCB_NO_MOCK=1"; } if ($EMBED_LIBEVENT_PLUGIN) { push @CM_OPTIONS, "-DLCB_EMBED_PLUGIN_LIBEVENT=1"; } if ($BUILD_EXAMPLES) { push @CM_OPTIONS, "-DLCB_BUILD_EXAMPLES=1"; } if ($CMAKE_HOST) { # Write the toolchain file my $fname = "TOOLCHAIN-$CMAKE_HOST.cmake"; open my $fp, ">", $fname; print $fp <", "Makefile"); print $fh <