module Draftsman module Rails module Controller def self.included(base) before = [ :set_draftsman_enabled_for_controller, :set_draftsman_controller_info ] after = [ :warn_about_not_setting_whodunnit ] if base.respond_to? :before_action # Rails 4+ { |sym| base.before_action sym } { |sym| base.after_action sym } else # Rails 3. { |sym| base.before_filter sym } { |sym| base.after_filter sym } end end protected # Returns the user who is responsible for any changes that occur. # By default this calls `current_user` and returns the result. # # Override this method in your controller to call a different # method, e.g. `current_person`, or anything you like. def user_for_draftsman return unless defined?(current_user) ActiveSupport::VERSION::MAJOR >= 4 ? current_user.try!(:id) : current_user.try(:id) rescue NoMethodError current_user end # Returns any information about the controller or request that you # want Draftsman to store alongside any changes that occur. By # default, this returns an empty hash. # # Override this method in your controller to return a hash of any # information you need. The hash's keys must correspond to columns # in your `drafts` table, so don't forget to add any new columns # you need. # # For example: # # {:ip => request.remote_ip, :user_agent => request.user_agent} # # The columns `ip` and `user_agent` must exist in your `drafts` # table. # # Use the `:meta` option to `Draftsman::Model::ClassMethods.has_drafts` # to store any extra model-level data you need. def info_for_draftsman {} end # Returns `true` (default) or `false` depending on whether Draftsman # should be active for the current request. # # Override this method in your controller to specify when Draftsman # should be off. def draftsman_enabled_for_controller ::Draftsman.enabled? end private # Tells Draftsman whether drafts should be saved in the current request. def set_draftsman_enabled_for_controller ::Draftsman.enabled_for_controller = draftsman_enabled_for_controller end # Tells Draftsman who is responsible for any changes that occur. def set_draftsman_whodunnit @set_draftsman_whodunnit_called = true ::Draftsman.whodunnit = user_for_draftsman if ::Draftsman.enabled_for_controller? end # Tells Draftsman any information from the controller you want to store # alongside any changes that occur. def set_draftsman_controller_info ::Draftsman.controller_info = info_for_draftsman end def warn_about_not_setting_whodunnit enabled = ::Draftsman.enabled_for_controller? user_present = user_for_draftsman.present? whodunnit_blank = ::Draftsman.whodunnit.blank? if enabled && user_present && whodunnit_blank && !@set_draftsman_whodunnit_called ::Kernel.warn <<-EOS.strip_heredoc user_for_draftsman is present, but whodunnit has not been set. Draftsman no longer adds the set_draftsman_whodunnit callback for you. To continue recording whodunnit, please add this before_action callback to your ApplicationController . For more information, please see EOS end end end end if defined?(::ActionController) ::ActiveSupport.on_load(:action_controller) do include ::Draftsman::Rails::Controller end end end