%nav %h1.ctl-labs-logo= link_to('CenturLink Labs', '#about') %h4 Generic components %ul %li= link_to('CTL Identity', '#ctl_id') %li= link_to('Buttons', '#buttons') %li= link_to('Forms', '#forms') %li= link_to('Colors', '#colors') %li= link_to('Icons', '#icons') %li= link_to('Notices', '#notices') %li= link_to('Typograhy','#typograhy') %li= link_to('Modal Windows','#modals') %h4= "#{CtlBaseUi.configuration.app_name} specific components" %ul - CtlBaseUi.configuration.additional_entries.each do |entry| %li= link_to(entry.humanize,"##{entry}") %main %h1 CenturyLink Labs Base UI Kit %section#about %p This UI kit provides the visual foundation for CenturyLink Labs projects. Optionally, this styleguide may contain application-specific items if the developer of the parent application chooses to include them. Application-specific items will appear in the menu under the "[My application] specific components" headline. %p %strong A quick note about semantics: This style guide uses class names that are tied to corresponding mixin names. In practice, the class names can be much more semantic. %section#ctl_id %h2 Century Link Identity = render 'century_link_identity' %section#buttons %h2 Buttons = render 'buttons' %section#forms %h2 Forms = render 'forms' %section#colors %h2 Color Palette = render 'colors' %section#icons %h2 Icons = render 'icons' %section#notices %h2 Notices = render 'notices' %section#typograhy %h2 Typography = render 'typography' %section#modals %h2 Modal Windows = render 'modals' %h1= "#{CtlBaseUi.configuration.app_name} specific components" - CtlBaseUi.configuration.additional_entries.each do |entry| %section{id: entry} %h2= entry.humanize = render "#{CtlBaseUi.configuration.partials_path}#{entry}"