{%- capture article_class %}media js-comment comment{% if include.name == site.author.name %} admin{% endif %}{% if include.is_reply %} child{% endif %}{% endcapture %} {% assign comment_id = include.uid | prepend: 'comment-' %} <article class="{{ article_class }}" id="{{ comment_id }}" uid="{{ include.uid }}"> <!-- Gravatar here --> <figure class="media-left"> <p class="image is-64x64"> {% if include.avatar %} <img src="{{ include.avatar }}" alt="{{ include.name | escape }}" width="64px" height="64px" class="is-rounded"> {% elsif include.email != "" %} <img src="https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/{{ include.email }}?d={{ '/assets/img/user-circle-solid.svg' | absolute_url | url_encode }}&&s=64" srcset="https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/{{ include.email }}?d={{ '/assets/img/user-circle-solid.svg' | absolute_url | url_encode }}&&s=128 2x" alt="{{ include.name | escape }}" width="64px" height="64px" class="is-rounded"> {% else %} <img src="{{ '/assets/img/user-circle-solid.svg' | absolute_url }}" alt="{{ include.name | escape }}" width="64px" height="64px" class="is-rounded"> {% endif %} </p> </figure> <!-- end gravatar --> <div class="media-content"> <div class="comment__author"> <p> <strong>{{- include.name | strip_html -}}</strong> <small class="comment__date"> {%- if include.date -%} <a href="#{{ comment_id}}" title="Permalink to this comment"> {{- include.date | date:"%B %eth, %Y %H:%M" -}} </a> {%- endif -%} </small> <br> {{ include.message | strip_html | markdownify }} </p> </div> {% unless include.is_reply %} <nav class="level is-mobile"> <div class="level-left"> <a rel="nofollow" class="level-item comment__reply-link" data-comment-id="{{ comment_id }}" data-page-slug="{{ page.slug }}" data-uid="{{ include.uid }}" data-respond-id="respond"> <span class="icon is-small pr-3"> <i class="fas fa-reply"></i></span> <small>reply to {{ include.name }}</small> </a> </div> </nav> {%- capture this_uid %}{{ include.uid }}{% endcapture %} {%- assign replies = site.data.comments[page.slug] | where_exp: 'item', 'item.replying_to_uid == this_uid' %} {%- assign replies_date = replies | sort: 'date' %} {% for reply in replies_date %} {%- assign email = reply.email -%} {%- assign name = reply.name -%} {%- assign url = reply.url -%} {%- assign date = reply.date -%} {%- assign message = reply.message -%} {%- assign uid = reply._id -%} {% include themes/jmblog-theme/components/comment.html is_reply=true uid=uid email=email name=name url=url date=date message=message %} {% endfor %} <!-- <hr style="border-top: 1px solid #ccc; background: transparent; margin-bottom: 10px;"> --> {% endunless %} </div> </article>