= Synopsis Ruby openEHR implementation project. * http://github.com/skoba/ruby-impl-openehr = Version Release-0.9.3 = Requirements * Ruby 1.9.2 reccomended * RubyGems * Tested with Ruby 1.9.2 on Linux and FreeBSD. * If you use early version of Ruby 1.8, you should prepare racc runtime environment and some adjustment. We do not support Ruby 1.6 anymore. * It should work on other platforms with Ruby support as well. == DESCRIPTION: This is the beta version 0.9.3 release of Ruby openEHR implementation project. This release is still experimental preview of our work based on openEHR specification release 1.0.2. We implemented almost of the specifications of the openEHR. The work is still in progress. The intention is to have a sample EHR to utilize all over the world quickly with Ruby on Rails. Parser is nearly performing completely. We now consider to descrive archetype as another formalism such as YAML, instead of ADL. Almost all classes passed the test constructed by RSpec2 (formaly used test/unit). These test specifications are under /spec. Some specifications are not well determined yet, such as rm/security and so on. We postponed to implement such classes. Terminology and Demographic server will be implemented in other project. = Authors * Main codes Akimichi Tatsukawa, Shinji Kobayashi openEHR.jp, * ADL parser test cases are derived from Java and Eiffel reference implementation project of the openEHR. = Copyright The software, including all files in this directory and subdirectories is copyrighted to the original authors and contributors, 2011. All Rights Reserved. = License This product is under openEHR Open Source Software License The openEHR Foundation has used the Mozilla Tri-license 1.1 on all software copyrighted to the Foundation. Therefore, we release this product under Mozilla Tri-license at now, but the openEHR foundation is discussing about lincense for the resouces. We would change our license for this package after the decision. The Mozilla tri-licence essentially provides the user a choice of licence conditionsunder which to operate with any given piece of software, being: the Mozilla Public licence (MPL), and the Free Software Foundation GNU General Public Licence (GPL) and Lesser GNU General Public Licence (LGPL). See the Mozilla relicensing FAQ for details of this license. This in no way constrains the way in which software created by other organisations is licenced.