class Mg::ReportItemsController < Mg def get_extra ( render :json => { :success => true, :result => "" } and return ) if params[:value].blank? id, model = params[:value].split('-') reportable = model.constantize.find(id) render :json => { :success => true, :result => render_to_string( :partial => 'mg/report_items/report_item_pivot_form', :locals => { :reportable => reportable } ) } end def new @report = Mg::Report.find(params[:report_id]) raise ArgumentError, "Invalid report" if @report.nil? @report_item = render :json => { :success => true, :result => render_to_string(:action => :new, :layout => 'xhr') } end def create @report = Mg::Report.find(params[:report_id]) raise ArgumentError, "Invalid report" if @report.nil? @report_item =[:report_item].clone.delete_if { |k, v| k.intern == :reportable || k.intern == :pivot } ) @report_item.order = @report.mg_report_items.maximum(:order) + 1 # { |ri| ri.order }.push(0).max + 1# -- weird sqlite3 bugs if !params[:report_item][:reportable].blank? id, model = params[:report_item][:reportable].split('-') @report_item.reportable = model.constantize.find(id) end if !params[:report_item][:pivot].blank? id, model = params[:report_item][:pivot].split('-') @report_item.pivot = model.constantize.find(id) end if render :json => { :success => true, :close_dialog => true, :result => "Successfully added report item", :also => [ { :item => ".report-report-items", :result => render_to_string( :partial => "mg/reports/report_report_items", :locals => { :report => @report_item.mg_report } ) } ] } else render :json => { :success => true, :result => render_to_string(:action => :new, :layout => 'xhr') } end end def edit @report_item = Mg::ReportItem.find(params[:id]) @report = @report_item.mg_report render :json => { :success => true, :result => render_to_string(:action => :edit, :layout => 'xhr') } end def update @report_item = Mg::ReportItem.find(params[:id]) @report_item.update_attributes(params[:report_item].clone.delete_if { |k, v| k.intern == :reportable || k.intern == :pivot } ) if !params[:report_item][:reportable].blank? id, model = params[:report_item][:reportable].split('-') @report_item.reportable = model.constantize.find(id) end if !params[:report_item][:pivot].blank? id, model = params[:report_item][:pivot].split('-') @report_item.pivot = model.constantize.find(id) end if render :json => { :success => true, :close_dialog => true, :result => "Successfully updated report item", :also => [ { :item => ".report-report-items", :result => render_to_string( :partial => "mg/reports/report_report_items", :locals => { :report => @report_item.mg_report }) } ] } else render :json => { :success => true, :result => render_to_string(:action => :edit, :layout => 'xhr') } end end def up @report_item = Mg::ReportItem.find(params[:id]) old_order = @report_item.order @report_item2 = Mg::ReportItem.last( :conditions => ["mg_report_items.order < ?", old_order], :order => "mg_report_items.order") ( render :json => { :success => true } and return ) if @report_item2.nil? @report_item.update_attribute(:order, @report_item2.order) @report_item2.update_attribute(:order, old_order) render :json => { :success => true, :result => render_to_string( :partial => "mg/reports/report_report_items", :locals => { :report => @report_item.mg_report } ) } end def down @report_item = Mg::ReportItem.find(params[:id]) old_order = @report_item.order @report_item2 = Mg::ReportItem.first( :conditions => ["mg_report_items.order > ?", old_order], :order => "mg_report_items.order") ( render :json => { :success => true } and return ) if @report_item2.nil? @report_item.update_attribute(:order, @report_item2.order) @report_item2.update_attribute(:order, old_order) render :json => { :success => true, :result => render_to_string( :partial => "mg/reports/report_report_items", :locals => { :report => @report_item.mg_report } ) } end def destroy @report_item = Mg::ReportItem.find(params[:id]) @report_item.destroy render :json => { :success => true, :result => render_to_string( :partial => "mg/reports/report_report_items", :locals => { :report => @report_item.mg_report } ) } end end