module ShopifyCLI ## # ShopifyCLI::Git wraps git functionality to make it easier to integrate will # git. class Git class << self # Check if Git exists in the environment def exists?(ctx) _output, status = ctx.capture2e("git", "version") status.success? rescue Errno::ENOENT # git is not installed false end # Check if the current working directory is a Git repository def available?(ctx) _output, status = ctx.capture2e("git", "status") status.success? rescue Errno::ENOENT # git is not installed false end ## # will return the current sha of the cli repo # # #### Parameters # # * `dir` - the directory of the git repo. This defaults to the cli repo # * `ctx` - the current running context of your command # # #### Returns # # * `sha_string` - string of the sha of the most recent commit to the repo # # #### Example # # ShopifyCLI::Git.sha # # Some environments don't have git in PATH and this prevents # the execution from raising an error # def sha(dir: Dir.pwd, ctx: if available?(ctx) rev_parse("HEAD", dir: dir, ctx: ctx) end end ## # returns array with components of git clone command # # #### Parameters # # * `repo` - repo url without branch name # * `dest` - a filepath to where the repo should be cloned to # * `branch` - branch name when cloning # # #### Returns # # * array of strings # # #### Example # # ["clone", "--single-branch", "--branch", "test-branch", "test-app"] # def git_clone_command(repo, dest, branch) if branch ["clone", "--single-branch", "--branch", branch, repo, dest] else ["clone", "--single-branch", repo, dest] end end ## # calls git to clone a new repo into a supplied destination, # it will also call a supplied block with the percentage of clone completion # # #### Parameters # # * `repo_with_branch` - a git url for git to clone the repo from # * `dest` - a filepath to where the repo should be cloned to # * `ctx` - the current running context of your command, defaults to a new context. # # #### Returns # # * `sha_string` - string of the sha of the most recent commit to the repo # # #### Example # # ShopifyCLI::Git.raw_clone('', 'test-app') # def raw_clone(repo_with_branch, dest, ctx: if Dir.exist?(dest) && !Dir.empty?(dest) ctx.abort(ctx.message("core.git.error.directory_exists")) else msg = [] # require at usage point to not slow down CLI startup # require "open3" repo, branch = repo_with_branch.split("#") git_cmd = git_clone_command(repo, dest, branch) success = Open3.popen3("git", *git_cmd, "--progress") do |_stdin, _stdout, stderr, thread| msg = clone_progress(stderr, bar: nil) thread.value end.success? ctx.abort((msg.join("\n"))) unless success end end ## # calls git to clone a new repo into a supplied destination, # it will also output progress of the cloning process into a new progress bar # # #### Parameters # # * `repo_with_branch` - a git url for git to clone the repo from # * `dest` - a filepath to where the repo should be cloned to # * `ctx` - the current running context of your command, defaults to a new context. # # #### Returns # # * `sha_string` - string of the sha of the most recent commit to the repo # # #### Example # # ShopifyCLI::Git.clone('', 'test-app') # def clone(repo_with_branch, dest, ctx: if Dir.exist?(dest) && !Dir.empty?(dest) ctx.abort(ctx.message("core.git.error.directory_exists")) else msg = [] # require at usage point to not slow down CLI startup # require "open3" repo, branch = repo_with_branch.split("#") git_cmd = git_clone_command(repo, dest, branch) success_message = ctx.message("core.git.cloned", dest)"core.git.cloning", repo, dest), success_text: success_message) do CLI::UI::Progress.progress do |bar| success = Open3.popen3("git", *git_cmd, "--progress") do |_stdin, _stdout, stderr, thread| msg = clone_progress(stderr, bar: bar) thread.value end.success? ctx.abort((msg.join("\n"))) unless success bar.tick(set_percent: 1.0) end end end end ## # will fetch the repos list of branches. # # #### Parameters # # * `ctx` - the current running context of your command, defaults to a new context. # # #### Returns # # * `branches` - [String] an array of strings that are branch names # # #### Example # # branches = ShopifyCLI::Git.branches(@ctx) # def branches(ctx) output, status = ctx.capture2e("git", "branch", "--list", "--format=%(refname:short)") ctx.abort(ctx.message("core.git.error.no_branches_found")) unless status.success? branches = if output == "" ["master"] else output.split("\n") end branches end ## # Run git three-way file merge (it doesn't require an initialized git repository) # # #### Parameters # # * `current_file - string path of the current file # * `base_file` - string path of the base file # * `other_file` - string path of the other file # * `opts` - list of "git merge-file" options. Valid values: # - "-q" - do not warn about conflicts # - "--diff3" - show conflicts # - "--ours" - resolve conflicts favoring lines from `current_file` # - "--theirs" - resolve conflicts favoring lines from `other_file` # - "--union" - resolve conflicts favoring lines from both files # - "-p" - send results to standard output instead of # overwriting the `current_file` # * `ctx` - the current running context of your command, defaults to a new context # # #### Returns # # * standard output from git # # #### Example # # output = ShopifyCLI::Git.merge_file(current_file, base_file, other_file, opts, ctx: ctx) # def merge_file(current_file, base_file, other_file, opts = [], ctx: output, status = ctx.capture2e("git", "merge-file", current_file, base_file, other_file, *opts) unless status.success? ctx.abort(ctx.message("core.git.error.merge_failed")) end output end ## # will initialize a new repo in the current directory. This will output # if it was successful or not. # # #### Parameters # # * `ctx` - the current running context of your command, defaults to a new context. # # #### Example # # ShopifyCLI::Git.init(@ctx) # def init(ctx) output, status = ctx.capture2e("git", "status") unless status.success? ctx.abort(ctx.message("core.git.error.repo_not_initiated")) end if output.include?("No commits yet") ctx.abort(ctx.message("core.git.error.no_commits_made")) end end def sparse_checkout(repo, set, branch, ctx) _, status = ctx.capture2e("git init") unless status.success? ctx.abort(ctx.message("core.git.error.repo_not_initiated")) end _, status = ctx.capture2e("git remote add -f origin #{repo}") unless status.success? ctx.abort(ctx.message("core.git.error.remote_not_added")) end _, status = ctx.capture2e("git config core.sparsecheckout true") unless status.success? ctx.abort(ctx.message("core.git.error.sparse_checkout_not_enabled")) end _, status = ctx.capture2e("git sparse-checkout set #{set}") unless status.success? ctx.abort(ctx.message("core.git.error.sparse_checkout_not_set")) end resp, status = ctx.capture2e("git pull origin #{branch}") unless status.success? if resp.include?("fatal: couldn't find remote ref") ctx.abort(ctx.message("core.git.error.pull_failed_bad_branch", branch)) end ctx.abort(ctx.message("core.git.error.pull_failed")) end end ## # handles showing the progress of the git clone command. # if block given, assumes passing percent to block, otherwise # increments bar for progress bar # # #### Parameters # # * `stderr` - Open3.popen3 output stream # * `bar` - progress bar object to set percent # def clone_progress(stderr, bar: nil) msg = [] while (line = stderr.gets) msg << line.chomp next unless line.strip.start_with?("Receiving objects:") percent = (line.match(/Receiving objects:\s+(\d+)/)[1].to_f / 100).round(2) if block_given? yield percent elsif !bar.nil? bar.tick(set_percent: percent) end end msg end private def exec(*args, dir: Dir.pwd, default: nil, ctx: args = %w(git) + ["--git-dir", File.join(dir, ".git")] + args out, _, stat = ctx.capture3(*args) return default unless stat.success? out.chomp end def rev_parse(*args, dir: nil, ctx: exec("rev-parse", *args, dir: dir, ctx: ctx) end end end end