import React, { Component } from 'react'; import { b as _inherits, a as _classCallCheck, d as _assertThisInitialized, _ as _createClass, c as _createSuper } from './createSuper-d0f30da3.js'; import Measure from 'react-measure'; import assign from 'deep-assign'; import WaveSurfer from 'wavesurfer.js'; var EVENTS = ['audioprocess', 'error', 'finish', 'loading', 'mouseup', 'pause', 'play', 'ready', 'scroll', 'seek', 'zoom']; function capitaliseFirstLetter(string) { return string.split('-').map(function (part) { return part.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + part.slice(1); }).join(''); } var Wavesurfer = /*#__PURE__*/function (_Component) { _inherits(Wavesurfer, _Component); var _super = _createSuper(Wavesurfer); function Wavesurfer(props) { var _this; _classCallCheck(this, Wavesurfer); _this =, props); _this.state = { isReady: false }; if (typeof WaveSurfer === undefined) { throw new Error('WaveSurfer is undefined!'); } _this._loadMediaElt = _this._loadMediaElt.bind(_assertThisInitialized(_this)); _this._loadAudio = _this._loadAudio.bind(_assertThisInitialized(_this)); _this._seekTo = _this._seekTo.bind(_assertThisInitialized(_this)); _this._handleResize = function () { if (_this.state.isReady) { // Force redraw _this._wavesurfer.zoom(false); } }; return _this; } _createClass(Wavesurfer, [{ key: "componentDidMount", value: function componentDidMount() { var _this2 = this; var options = assign({}, this.props.options, { container: this.wavesurferEl }); // media element loading is only supported by MediaElement backend if (this.props.mediaElt) { options.backend = 'MediaElement'; } this._wavesurfer = WaveSurfer.create(options); // file was loaded, wave was drawn this._wavesurfer.on('ready', function () { _this2.setState({ isReady: true, pos: _this2.props.pos }); // set initial position if (_this2.props.pos) { _this2._seekTo(_this2.props.pos); } // set initial volume if (_this2.props.volume != null) { _this2._wavesurfer.setVolume(_this2.props.volume); } // set initial playing state if (_this2.props.playing) {; } // set initial zoom if (_this2.props.zoom) { _this2._wavesurfer.zoom(_this2.props.zoom); } }); this._wavesurfer.on('audioprocess', function (pos) { _this2.setState({ pos: pos }); _this2.props.onPosChange({ wavesurfer: _this2._wavesurfer, originalArgs: [pos] }); }); // `audioprocess` is not fired when seeking, so we have to plug into the // `seek` event and calculate the equivalent in seconds (seek event // receives a position float 0-1) – See the for explanation why we // need this this._wavesurfer.on('seek', function (pos) { var formattedPos = _this2._posToSec(pos); _this2.setState({ formattedPos: formattedPos }); _this2.props.onPosChange({ wavesurfer: _this2._wavesurfer, originalArgs: [formattedPos] }); }); // hook up events to callback handlers passed in as props EVENTS.forEach(function (e) { var propCallback = _this2.props["on".concat(capitaliseFirstLetter(e))]; var wavesurfer = _this2._wavesurfer; if (propCallback) { _this2._wavesurfer.on(e, function () { for (var _len = arguments.length, originalArgs = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) { originalArgs[_key] = arguments[_key]; } propCallback({ wavesurfer: wavesurfer, originalArgs: originalArgs }); }); } }); // if audioFile prop, load file if (this.props.audioFile) { this._loadAudio(this.props.audioFile, this.props.audioPeaks); } // if mediaElt prop, load media Element if (this.props.mediaElt) { this._loadMediaElt(this.props.mediaElt, this.props.audioPeaks); } } // update wavesurfer rendering manually }, { key: "componentDidUpdate", value: function componentDidUpdate(prevProps) { // update audioFile if (this.props.audioFile !== this.props.audioFile) { this._loadAudio(this.props.audioFile, this.props.audioPeaks); } // update mediaElt if (prevProps.mediaElt !== this.props.mediaElt) { this._loadMediaElt(this.props.mediaElt, this.props.audioPeaks); } // update peaks if (prevProps.audioPeaks !== this.props.audioPeaks) { if (this.props.mediaElt) { this._loadMediaElt(prevProps.mediaElt, this.props.audioPeaks); } else { this._loadAudio(this.props.audioFile, this.props.audioPeaks); } } // update position if (this.props.pos && this.state.isReady && prevProps.pos !== this.props.pos && this.props.pos !== this.state.pos) { this._seekTo(this.props.pos); } // update playing state if (this.props.playing !== prevProps.playing) { if (this.props.playing) {; } else { this._wavesurfer.pause(); } } // update volume if (this.props.volume !== prevProps.volume) { this._wavesurfer.setVolume(this.props.volume); } // update volume if (this.props.zoom !== prevProps.zoom) { this._wavesurfer.zoom(this.props.zoom); } // update audioRate if (this.props.options.audioRate !== prevProps.options.audioRate) { this._wavesurfer.setPlaybackRate(this.props.options.audioRate); } if (prevProps.options.waveColor !== this.props.options.waveColor) { this._wavesurfer.setWaveColor(this.props.options.waveColor); } if (prevProps.options.progressColor !== this.props.options.progressColor) { this._wavesurfer.setProgressColor(this.props.options.progressColor); } if (prevProps.options.cursorColor !== this.props.options.cursorColor) { this._wavesurfer.setCursorColor(this.props.options.cursorColor); } if (prevProps.options.height !== this.props.options.height) { this._wavesurfer.setHeight(this.props.options.height); } } }, { key: "componentWillUnmount", value: function componentWillUnmount() { var _this3 = this; // remove listeners EVENTS.forEach(function (e) { _this3._wavesurfer.un(e); }); // destroy wavesurfer instance this._wavesurfer.destroy(); } // receives seconds and transforms this to the position as a float 0-1 }, { key: "_secToPos", value: function _secToPos(sec) { return 1 / this._wavesurfer.getDuration() * sec; } // receives position as a float 0-1 and transforms this to seconds }, { key: "_posToSec", value: function _posToSec(pos) { return pos * this._wavesurfer.getDuration(); } // pos is in seconds, the 0-1 proportional position we calculate here … }, { key: "_seekTo", value: function _seekTo(sec) { var pos = this._secToPos(sec); if (this.props.options.autoCenter) { this._wavesurfer.seekAndCenter(pos); } else { this._wavesurfer.seekTo(pos); } } // load a media element selector or HTML element // if selector, get the HTML element for it // and pass to _loadAudio }, { key: "_loadMediaElt", value: function _loadMediaElt(selectorOrElt, audioPeaks) { if (selectorOrElt instanceof global.HTMLElement) { this._loadAudio(selectorOrElt, audioPeaks); } else { // Ignore if media element cannot be found. There are edge cases // where React already unmounted the corresponding media element, // but the parent Waveform component still holds the old media // element id. if (global.document.querySelector(selectorOrElt)) { this._loadAudio(global.document.querySelector(selectorOrElt), audioPeaks); } } } // pass audio data to wavesurfer }, { key: "_loadAudio", value: function _loadAudio(audioFileOrElt, audioPeaks) { if (audioFileOrElt instanceof global.HTMLElement) { // media element this._wavesurfer.loadMediaElement(audioFileOrElt, audioPeaks); } else if (typeof audioFileOrElt === 'string') { // bog-standard string is handled by load method and ajax call this._wavesurfer.load(audioFileOrElt, audioPeaks); } else if (audioFileOrElt instanceof global.Blob || audioFileOrElt instanceof global.File) { // blob or file is loaded with loadBlob method this._wavesurfer.loadBlob(audioFileOrElt, audioPeaks); } else { throw new Error("Wavesurfer._loadAudio expects prop audioFile\n to be either HTMLElement, string or file/blob"); } } }, { key: "_measureIfResponsive", value: function _measureIfResponsive(children) { if (this.props.responsive) { return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(Measure, { client: true, onResize: this._handleResize }, function (_ref) { var measureRef = _ref.measureRef; return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("div", { ref: measureRef }, children); }); } return children; } }, { key: "render", value: function render() { var _this4 = this; var childrenWithProps = this.props.children ?, function (child) { return React.cloneElement(child, { wavesurfer: _this4._wavesurfer, isReady: _this4.state.isReady }); }) : false; return this._measureIfResponsive( /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("div", null, /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("div", { ref: function ref(c) { _this4.wavesurferEl = c; } }), childrenWithProps)); } }]); return Wavesurfer; }(Component); Wavesurfer.defaultProps = { playing: false, pos: 0, options: WaveSurfer.defaultParams, responsive: true, onPosChange: function onPosChange() {} }; export default Wavesurfer;