## [Unreleased] ## [1.0.0] - 2024-03-13 ### Added - RSpec integration (#60). - Add DNS cache (#65). - Allow to disable the `FiberScheduler#io_write` hook (#63). ### Fixed - Preload fiber ID (#62). - Release ActiveRecord connections on yield (#66). - Logger fixes (#64). - Fix publish calls in cluster mode (#67). ## [0.7.0] - 2024-01-09 - Add conditional GET using `stale?` by [@tonekk](https://github.com/tonekk) (#55). - Add Rails integration (#57). - Add JSON log formatter (#59). ## [0.6.0] - 2023-12-22 ### Added - Implement after actions (#53). - Zeitwerk autoloading and reloading by [@alex-rogachev](https://github.com/alex-rogachev) (#54). - Support the `environment`, `binding`, `timeout`, and `max_clients` options when using `rage s` (#52). - Add CORS middleware (#49). ### Fixed - Prevent `block` and `sleep` channels from conflicting (#51). ## [0.5.2] - 2023-12-11 ### Added - Add env class (#43). ### Changed - Schedule request Fibers in a separate middleware (#48). ## [0.5.1] - 2023-12-01 ### Fixed - Fix logging inside detached fibers (#41). - Allow to configure the logger as `nil` (#42). ## [0.5.0] - 2023-11-25 ### Added - Add sessions for compatibility with `Sidekiq::Web` (#35). - Add logger (#33). ### Fixed - Fixes for `FiberScheduler#io_wait` and `FiberScheduler#io_read` (#32). - Correctly handle exceptions in inner fibers (#34). - Fixes for `FiberScheduler#kernel_sleep` (#36). ### Changed - Use config namespaces (#25). - Update `Fiber.await` signature (#36). ## [0.4.0] - 2023-10-31 ### Added - Expose the `params` object (#23). - Support header authentication with `authenticate_with_http_token` (#21). - Add the `resources` route helper (#20). - Add the `namespace` route helper by [@arikarim](https://github.com/arikarim) (#17). - Add the `mount` and `match` route helpers by [@arikarim](https://github.com/arikarim) (#18) (#14). - Allow to access request headers by [@arikarim](https://github.com/arikarim) (#15). - Support custom ports when starting the app with `rage s`. ## [0.3.0] - 2023-10-08 ### Added - CLI `routes` task by [@arikarim](https://github.com/arikarim) (#9). - CLI `console` task (#12). - `:if` and `:unless` options in `before_action` (#10). - Allow to set response headers (#11). - Block version of `before_action` by [@heysyam99](https://github.com/heysyam99) (#8). ## [0.2.0] - 2023-09-27 ### Added - Gem configuration by env. - Add `skip_before_action`. - Add `rescue_from`. - Add `Fiber.await`. - Support the `defaults` route option. ### Fixed - Ignore trailing slashes in the URLs. - Support constraints in routes with optional params. - Make the `root` routes helper work correctly with scopes. - Convert objects to string when rendering text. ## [0.1.0] - 2023-09-15 - Initial release - Add console utility to generate new apps and start up the server. - Implement base API controller: - support `before_action` with the `only` and `except` options; - support `render` with the `json`, `plain` and `status` options; - support the `head` method; - Implement router: - support the `root`, `get`, `post`, `patch`, `put`, `delete` methods; - support the `scope` method with the `path` and `module` options; - support `host` constraint;