module Bones # This class holds one algorithm, which includes a species, # a name, and the source C-code. # # The algorithm class holds all sorts of information on var- # iables. This information is only available after calling # the 'populate' method, which populates a lists of varia- # bles of all sorts: a regular list, a specialized hash, # and lists of input/output array variables. class Algorithm < Common attr_reader :name, :species, :code, :lists, :arrays, :id, :function_name attr_accessor :hash, :merge_factor, :register_caching_enabled # Constant to set the name of the algorithm's accelerated version ACCELERATED = '_accelerated' # Constant to set the name of the algorithm's original version ORIGINAL = '_original' # This method initializes the class. It gives the new # algorithm a name, species and source code. At initiali- # zation, this method checks if the name starts with a # digit. This is not allowed, so an underscore is added # prior to the digit. def initialize(name, filename, id, species, code) name = '_'+name if name =~ /^\d/ @filename = filename @basename = name @name = (name+'_'+id).gsub(/\W/,'') @id = id @original_name = @name+ORIGINAL @accelerated_name = @name+ACCELERATED @species = species begin @code = C::Statement.parse(code).preprocess rescue @code = C::Statement.parse('{'+code+'}').preprocess end @hash = {} @lists = {:host_name => [],:host_definition => [], :argument_name => [], :argument_definition => [], :golden_name => []} @arrays = @constants = @merge_factor = 0 @register_caching_enabled = 1 @function_code = '' @function_name = '' # Set the initial hash @hash = {:algorithm_id => @id, :algorithm_name => @name, :algorithm_basename => @basename, :algorithm_filename => @filename} end # This method sets the code and name for the function in # which the algorithm is found. This is done based on the # original code, which is given as input to this method. # The method does not return any value, instead, it sets # two class variables (@function_code and @function_name). def set_function(full_code) full_code.get_functions.each do |function| if function.node_exists?(@code) @function_code = function @function_name = end end raise_error("Incorrect code found in body of #{@name}, something wrong with the classification?") if @function_code == "" end # This method performs the code transformations according # to the transformation settings as provided as an argument # to the function. It calls the various code transformation # functions as implemented for the CAST class. The resulting # modified code is finally stored in the search-and-replace # hash. # This method assumes that the populate method has already # been called, such that the hash contains the dimensions # needed to create the global ID definitions. def perform_transformations(transformation_settings) complexity = 0 # Save the original code (with flattened arrays) in the hash as well new_code = @code.clone @arrays.each do |array| new_code.transform_flatten(array) end @hash[:algorithm_code0] = new_code.to_s # Loop over the number of transformation 'blocks' transformation_settings.split(' ').each_with_index do |transformation,num_transformation| new_code = @code.clone extra_indent = '' # Replace existing loops in the code (always do this) array = @arrays.representative array.species.dimensions.each_with_index do |dimension,num_dimension| index = (array.species.reverse?) ? num_dimension : array.species.dimensions.length-num_dimension-1 index_reverse = !(array.species.reverse?) ? num_dimension : array.species.dimensions.length-num_dimension-1 # Calculate the loop start and end conditions from = array.species.from_at(index) to = array.species.to_at(index) # Process the existing code and update the hash if from != to new_code, loop_variable_name = new_code.remove_loop(from,to) new_variable_name = GLOBAL_ID+'_'+index_reverse.to_s new_code.replace_variable(loop_variable_name,new_variable_name) update_hash(loop_variable_name) end end # Shuffle the indices of the first input(s) (conditionally do this) shuffle_arrays = [] if transformation[0,1] == '2' shuffle_arrays.push([0]) elsif transformation[0,1] == '3' shuffle_arrays.push([0]) shuffle_arrays.push([1]) end new_code.transform_shuffle(shuffle_arrays) # Use the local on-chip memory (conditionally do this) if transformation[0,1] == '1' local_memory_arrays = [[0]] new_code.transform_use_local_memory(local_memory_arrays) end # Flatten the arrays to 1D (always do this) @arrays.each do |array| new_code.transform_flatten(array) end # Perform array substitution a.k.a. register caching (conditionally do this) if @register_caching_enabled == 1 @arrays.outputs.each do |array| if array.species.element? if @arrays.inputs.include?(array) new_code.transform_substitution(array,true) else new_code.transform_substitution(array,false) end extra_indent = INDENT end end end # Perform transformations for reduction operations (conditionally do this) if transformation[1,1].to_i >= 1 input =[0] do |output| if output.species.shared? new_code = new_code.transform_reduction(input,output,transformation[1,1].to_i) end end end # Perform thread-merging (experimental) # TODO: Solve the problem related to constants (e.g chunk/example1.c) if @merge_factor == 0 if transformation[0,1] == '4' && @hash[:parallelism].to_i >= 1024*1024 @merge_factor = 4 else @merge_factor = 1 end end if @merge_factor > 1 #puts @hash[:parallelism] if new_code.has_conditional_statements? puts MESSAGE+'Not coarsening ('+@merge_factor.to_s+'x) because of conditional statements in kernel body.' # TODO: Fix this temporary hack for multiple loops with mismatching bounds elsif ((@hash[:parallelism].to_i % @merge_factor) != 0) || (@hash[:parallelism].to_i == 4192256) puts MESSAGE+'Not coarsening ('+@merge_factor.to_s+'x) because of mismatching amount of parallelism ('+@hash[:parallelism]+').' else puts MESSAGE+'Coarsening threads by a factor '+@merge_factor.to_s+'.' # Update the hash @hash[:ids] = @hash[:ids].split(NL).map { |line| C::parse(line).transform_merge_threads(@merge_factor,[GLOBAL_ID]{ |c| }).to_s.split(NL) do |id,index| id.gsub(/\b#{GLOBAL_ID}\b/,"(#{GLOBAL_ID}+gridDim.x*blockDim.x*#{index})") end }.join(NL+INDENT*2) @hash[:parallelism] = (@hash[:parallelism].to_i / @merge_factor).to_s # Transform the code excludes = (@constants+@arrays).map { |c| } new_code.transform_merge_threads(@merge_factor,excludes) end end # Obtain the complexity in terms of operations for the resulting code complexity += new_code.get_complexity # Store the resulting code in the hash resulting_code = new_code.strip_brackets.to_s @hash[('algorithm_code'+(num_transformation+1).to_s).to_sym] = (transformation[1,1].to_i >= 1) ? resulting_code : extra_indent+INDENT+resulting_code.gsub!(NL,NL+INDENT) end @hash[:complexity] = complexity.to_s end # This method creates the search-and-replace hash based on # information provided by the algorithm. It is called from # the 'populate' method of this class. # # == List of possible hash keys: # # algorithm_id # _name # _basename # _filename # _code* # (in*|out*)_type # _name # _devicename # _devicepointer # _dimensions # _dimension*_to # _from # _sum # _to # _from # _parameters # _parameter*_to # _from # _sum # _ids # _localids # _flatindex # (in|out)_names # _devicenames # _devicedefinitions # _devicedefinitionsopencl # names # devicenames # devicedefinitions # devicedefinitionsopencl # # parallelism # factors # ids # verifyids # # argument_name # argument_definition # kernel_argument_list # def populate_hash @hash[:argument_name] = @lists[:argument_name] @hash[:argument_definition] = @lists[:argument_definition] # Obtain the necessary data for the hash per array parallelisms = [] DIRECTIONS.each do |direction| arrays = arrays.each_with_index do |array,num_array| hashid = "#{direction}#{num_array}".to_sym # Gather the name and type data minihash = {:type => array.type_name, :name =>, :devicepointer => array.device_pointer, :devicename => array.device_name, :flatindex => array.flatindex} # Gather the dimensions data dimensions = array.species.dimensions dimensions.each_with_index do |dimension,num_dimension| minihash["dimension#{num_dimension}".to_sym] = {:sum => simplify(sum(dimension)), :from => simplify(from(dimension)), :to => simplify(to(dimension))} end minihash[:dimensions] = simplify( { |d| sum(d) }.join('*')) minihash[:from] = { |d| from(d) }.zip(array.factors.drop(1).reverse).map { |e| simplify(e.join('')) }.join('+') minihash[:to ] = { |d| to(d) }.zip(array.factors.drop(1).reverse).map { |e| simplify(e.join('')) }.join('+') # Gather the parameter data if array.species.has_parameter? parameters = array.species.parameters parameters.each_with_index do |parameter,num_parameter| minihash["parameter#{num_parameter}".to_sym] = {:sum => simplify(sum(parameter)), :from => simplify(from(parameter)), :to => simplify(to(parameter))} end minihash[:parameters] = simplify( { |p| sum(p) }.join('*')) end # Store the data into the hash @hash[hashid] = minihash # Gather information regarding the parallelism if array.species.chunk? dim_div = simplify(minihash[:dimensions]+'/'+minihash[:parameters]) parallelisms.push([dim_div,hashid,0]) elsif array.species.element? || array.species.neighbourhood? parallelisms.push([minihash[:dimensions],hashid,1]) end # Populate the global ID definitions hash, create the proper indices (and store as '{in/out}*_ids' in the hash) ids, localids, verifyids, factors = [], [], [], [''] dimensions = array.species.dimensions.clone dimensions.each_with_index do |dimension,num_dimension| index = (array.species.reverse?) ? num_dimension : array.species.dimensions.length-num_dimension-1 index_reverse = !(array.species.reverse?) ? num_dimension : array.species.dimensions.length-num_dimension-1 # Generate the index expressions divider = (array.species.chunk?) ? '/'+sum(array.species.parameters[index]) : '' dimensions_hash = (index == dimensions.length-1) ? '1' : dimensions.drop(index+1).map { |d| sum(d) }.join('*') dimensions_hash = simplify(dimensions_hash) dimensions_division = (dimensions_hash == '1') ? '' : '/('+dimensions_hash+')' minihash = {:dimensions1 => "#{GLOBAL_ID}#{dimensions_division}", :dimensions2 => "#{LOCAL_ID }#{dimensions_division}", :modulo => (index_reverse != dimensions.length-1) ? '%('+simplify(sum(dimension)+divider)+')' : '', :offset => simplify(from(dimension))} expr_global = search_and_replace(minihash,"(())+") expr_local = search_and_replace(minihash,"(())+") # Selectively push the ID definitions to the result array from = array.species.from_at(index) to = array.species.to_at(index) verifyids.push("const int #{GLOBAL_ID}_#{index_reverse} = "+expr_global+';') if from != to ids.push("const int #{GLOBAL_ID}_#{index_reverse} = "+expr_global+';') localids.push("const int #{LOCAL_ID }_#{index_reverse} = "+expr_local+';') factors.push(array.factors[index_reverse]) end end # Store the results in the hash @hash[hashid][:ids] = ids.join(NL+INDENT*2) @hash[hashid][:localids] = localids.join(NL+INDENT*2) @hash[hashid][:verifyids] = verifyids.join(NL+INDENT*2) @hash[hashid][:factors] = factors.last end # Create lists of array names and definitions @hash["#{direction}_devicedefinitions".to_sym] = { |a| a.device_definition }.uniq.join(', ') @hash["#{direction}_devicedefinitionsopencl".to_sym] = { |a| '__global '+a.device_definition }.uniq.join(', ') @hash["#{direction}_devicenames".to_sym] = { |a| a.device_name }.uniq.join(', ') @hash["#{direction}_names".to_sym] = { |a| }.uniq.join(', ') end @hash[:devicedefinitions] = { |a| a.device_definition }.uniq.join(', ') @hash[:devicedefinitionsopencl] = { |a| '__global '+a.device_definition }.uniq.join(', ') @hash[:devicenames] = { |a| a.device_name }.uniq.join(', ') @hash[:names] = { |a| }.uniq.join(', ') # Set the parallelism for the complete species, first sort them according to priorities and then find the maximum # TODO: Remove the 'reverse' statement and get the 'ids' part working correctly for chunks # TODO: How to find the maximum of symbolic expressions? parallelisms = parallelisms.reverse.sort_by { |p| p[2] } parallelism = parallelisms.reverse.max_by { |p| p[0].to_i } @hash[:parallelism] = parallelism[0] @hash[:ids] = @hash[parallelism[1]][:ids] @hash[:factors] = @hash[parallelism[1]][:factors] @arrays.set_representative(parallelism[1]) end # Helper function to create a the special code which is required # for OpenCL function calls to be able to use kernel arguments. def opencl_arguments(list,kernel_id) return '' if list == '' argument_string = '' list.split(', ').each_with_index do |variable,id| argument_string += 'clSetKernelArg(bones_kernel_'+@name+'_'+kernel_id.to_s+',bones_num_args+'+id.to_s+',sizeof('+variable.strip+'),(void*)&'+variable.strip+');'+NL+INDENT end return argument_string end # This method updates the hash after loops are removed from # the code. It takes as an argument a loop variable, which # it removes from both the ':argument_name' and ':argument_ # definition' hash entries. def update_hash(loop_variable) names = @hash[:argument_name].split(', ') definitions = @hash[:argument_definition].split(', ') # TODO: The following two lines give problems with correlation-k4 names.delete(loop_variable.to_s) definitions.each { |definition| definitions.delete(definition) if definition =~ /\b#{loop_variable}\b/ } @hash[:argument_name] = names.join(', ') @hash[:argument_definition] = definitions.join(', ') # Now, generate the special code which is required for OpenCL function calls to be able to use kernel arguments. @hash[:kernel_argument_list] = opencl_arguments([@hash[:devicenames],@hash[:argument_name]].join(', ').remove_extras,0) @hash[:kernel_argument_list_in] = opencl_arguments(@hash[:in_devicenames],0) @hash[:kernel_argument_list_out] = opencl_arguments(@hash[:out_devicenames],0) @hash[:kernel_argument_list_constants] = opencl_arguments(@hash[:argument_name],0) # Add declarations for the loop variables for the original code in the hash @hash[:algorithm_code0] = INDENT+"int #{loop_variable};"+NL+@hash[:algorithm_code0] end # Method to create a list of variables for the current # algorithm. These variables should hold two conditions: # 1) they are not local to the algorithm's code, and 2), # they are used in the algorithm's code. # # The method gets a lists of undefined variables in the # algorithm's code and subsequently searches the original # code for the definition of this variable. def populate_variables(original_code,defines) @code.undefined_variables.each do |name| type = @function_code.variable_type(name) raise_error('Variable '+name+' not declared in original code') if !type size = original_code.size(name) direction = @code.direction(name)! { |s| simplify(replace_defines(s,defines)) } variable =,type,size,direction,@id,@species.shared?) (variable.dimensions > 0) ? @arrays.push(variable) : @constants.push(variable) end raise_error('No input nor output arrays detected, make sure they are properly defined') if arrays.empty? DIRECTIONS.each do |direction| species = @species.structures(direction) if direction == INPUT && @species.shared? arrays = @arrays.inputs_only else arrays = end if !arrays.empty? # Check if the amount of input/ouput arrays is equal to the amount of input/output species if species.length < arrays.length array_names = { |a| }.join('","') raise_error(direction.capitalize+'put array count mismatch (expected '+species.length.to_s+', found '+arrays.length.to_s+' ["'+array_names+'"])') end # Set the species for the arrays (distinguish between arrays with and without a name) species.each do |structure| # Loop over all found arrays and match it with a species array = nil arrays.each do |free_array| if !free_array.species if structure.has_arrayname? if == array = free_array break end else array = free_array break end end end # Still haven't found anything, assign the species to an array of equal name if !array arrays.each do |free_array| array = free_array if == end end # Still haven't found anything, raise an error if !array raise_error("Could not find a matching array in C-code for a species with name '#{}'") end # Process the assignment array.species = structure raise_error("Species of '#{}' is mismatched with array '#{}'") if != # Check if the array size was set, if not, it will be set to the species' size if array.size.empty? array.size = { |d| sum(d) } array.guess = true puts WARNING+'Could not determine size for array "''" automatically, assuming: '+array.size.inspect+'.' end # Set the multiplication factors (for later) array.set_factors end end end # Sort the arrays according to the alphabet if @arrays.length > 1 @arrays.sort_by(['chunk','neighbourhood','element','shared','full']) end end # Method to populate 5 lists with variable information. # Below are listed the names of the four lists with an # example value: # # host_name:: Example: 'array' # host_definition:: Example: 'int array[10][10]' # argument_name:: Example: 'threshold' # argument_definition:: Example: 'float threshold' # golden_name:: Example: 'golden_array' def populate_lists @constants.each do |variable| @lists[:host_name] .push( @lists[:host_definition] .push(variable.definition) @lists[:argument_name] .push( @lists[:argument_definition].push(variable.definition) @lists[:golden_name] .push( end @arrays.each do |variable| @lists[:host_name] .push( @lists[:host_definition] .push(variable.definition) @lists[:golden_name] .push(variable.golden_name) end @lists.each { |name,list| @lists[name] = list.join(', ') } end # This method is used to generate verification code. This # verification code contains a copy of the original code. # It also provides a verification which compares the output # of the original code with the output of the generated # code. The verification code prints warnings if the outputs # are not equal, else it prints a success message. def generate_replacement_code(options, skeleton, verify_code, prefix, timer_start, timer_stop) replacement = replacement.push(C::ExpressionStatement.parse(@accelerated_name+'('+@lists[:host_name]+');')) original_definition = '' verify_definitions = [] if options[:verify] guesses = { |array| array.guess } if guesses.include?(true) puts WARNING+'Verification not supported for this class' else # Generate the replacement code and the original function @arrays.each do |array| replacement.insert(0,C::ExpressionStatement.parse("memcpy(#{array.golden_name},#{},#{array.size.join('*')}*sizeof(#{array.type_name}));")) replacement.insert(0,C::Declaration.parse(array.definition.gsub!(/\b#{}\b/,array.golden_name)+array.initialization)) end replacement.push(C::ExpressionStatement.parse(@original_name+'('+@lists[:golden_name]+');')) original_definition = "void #{@original_name}(#{@lists[:host_definition]})" body = "#{timer_start}#{NL} // Original code#{NL}#{@code}#{NL}#{timer_stop}" verify_code.push(prefix+original_definition+' {'+NL+body+'}'+NL+NL) do |array| replacement.push(C::ExpressionStatement.parse(("bones_verify_results_#{}_#{@id}(#{}#{array.flatten},#{array.golden_name}#{array.flatten},#{@hash[:argument_name]});").remove_extras)) end @arrays.each do |array| replacement.push(C::ExpressionStatement.parse("free(#{array.golden_name});")) if array.dynamic? end # Generate the verification function itself do |array,num_array| minihash = @hash["out#{num_array}".to_sym] minihash[:name] = minihash[:name]+'_'+@id minihash[:argument_definition] = @hash[:argument_definition] instantiated_skeleton = search_and_replace(minihash,skeleton) verify_definitions.push(instantiated_skeleton.scan(/#{START_DEFINITION}(.+)#{END_DEFINITION}/m).join.strip.remove_extras) verify_code.push(instantiated_skeleton.remove_extras.gsub!(/#{START_DEFINITION}(.+)#{END_DEFINITION}/m,'')) end end end return replacement, original_definition, verify_definitions.join(NL) end # Method to generate performance modeling code. # This method is still under construction and will not be called yet. # TODO: Complete this method def performance_model_code(model_dir) # Load the profile database profiles =,'profile.txt')).each do |line| profiles.push(line.split(',')) end # Iterate over all the profiles result = profiles.each do |profile| # Fill the hash with profile information and species information mini_hash = { :name => profile[0].strip, :comp => profile[1].strip, :coal => profile[2].strip, :unco => profile[3].strip, :copy => profile[4].strip, :f => @hash[:complexity], :w => @hash[:parallelism], :c => { |s| simplify('4*(' { |d| sum(d) }.join('*')+')') }.join(' + '), :m => '1', :u => '0', :o => '8' } # Load the skeleton for the performance model and set the values according to the hash model_skeleton =,'model.c')) search_and_replace!(mini_hash,model_skeleton) result.push(C::Block.parse(model_skeleton)) end return result end end end