/* markup.js is part of Aloha Editor project http://aloha-editor.org * * Aloha Editor is a WYSIWYG HTML5 inline editing library and editor. * Copyright (c) 2010-2012 Gentics Software GmbH, Vienna, Austria. * Contributors http://aloha-editor.org/contribution.php * * Aloha Editor is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or any later version. * * Aloha Editor is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * As an additional permission to the GNU GPL version 2, you may distribute * non-source (e.g., minimized or compacted) forms of the Aloha-Editor * source code without the copy of the GNU GPL normally required, * provided you include this license notice and a URL through which * recipients can access the Corresponding Source. */ define([ 'aloha/core', 'util/class', 'util/html', 'jquery', 'aloha/ecma5shims', 'aloha/console', 'aloha/block-jump' ], function ( Aloha, Class, Html, jQuery, shims, console, BlockJump ) { "use strict"; var GENTICS = window.GENTICS; var isOldIE = !!(jQuery.browser.msie && 9 > parseInt(jQuery.browser.version, 10)); function isBR(node) { return 'BR' === node.nodeName; } function isBlock(node) { return 'false' === jQuery(node).attr('contenteditable'); } function isTextNode(node) { return node && 3 === node.nodeType; // Node.TEXT_NODE } function nodeLength(node) { return !node ? 0 : (isTextNode(node) ? node.length : node.childNodes.length); } /** * Determines whether the given text node is visible to the the user, * based on our understanding that browsers will not display * superfluous white spaces. * * @param {HTMLEmenent} node The text node to be checked. */ function isVisibleTextNode(node) { return 0 < node.data.replace(/\s+/g, '').length; } function nextVisibleNode(node) { if (!node) { return null; } if (node.nextSibling) { // Skip over nodes that the user cannot see ... if (isTextNode(node.nextSibling) && !isVisibleTextNode(node.nextSibling)) { return nextVisibleNode(node.nextSibling); } // Skip over propping
s ... if (isBR(node.nextSibling) && node.nextSibling === node.parentNode.lastChild) { return nextVisibleNode(node.nextSibling); } // Skip over empty editable elements ... if ('' === node.nextSibling.innerHTML && !isBlock(node.nextSibling)) { return nextVisibleNode(node.nextSibling); } return node.nextSibling; } if (node.parentNode) { return nextVisibleNode(node.parentNode); } return null; } function prevVisibleNode(node) { if (!node) { return null; } if (node.previousSibling) { // Skip over nodes that the user cannot see... if (isTextNode(node.previousSibling) && !isVisibleTextNode(node.previousSibling)) { return prevVisibleNode(node.previousSibling); } // Skip over empty editable elements ... if ('' === node.previousSibling.innerHTML && !isBlock(node.previousSibling)) { return prevVisibleNode(node.previouSibling); } return node.previousSibling; } if (node.parentNode) { return prevVisibleNode(node.parentNode); } return null; } function isFrontPosition(node, offset) { return (0 === offset) || (offset <= node.data.length - node.data.replace(/^\s+/, '').length); } function isBlockInsideEditable($block) { return $block.parent().hasClass('aloha-editable'); } function isEndPosition(node, offset) { var length = nodeLength(node); if (length === offset) { return true; } var isText = isTextNode(node); // If within a text node, then ignore superfluous white-spaces, // since they are invisible to the user. if (isText && node.data.replace(/\s+$/, '').length === offset) { return true; } if (1 === length && !isText) { return isBR(node.childNodes[0]); } return false; } function blink(node) { jQuery(node).stop(true).css({ opacity: 0 }).fadeIn(0).delay(100).fadeIn(function () { jQuery(node).css({ opacity: 1 }); }); return node; } function nodeContains(node1, node2) { return isOldIE ? (shims.compareDocumentPosition(node1, node2) & 16) : 0 < jQuery(node1).find(node2).length; } function isInsidePlaceholder(range) { var start = range.startContainer; var end = range.endContainer; var $placeholder = window.$_alohaPlaceholder; return $placeholder.is(start) || $placeholder.is(end) || nodeContains($placeholder[0], start) || nodeContains($placeholder[0], end); } function cleanupPlaceholders(range) { if (window.$_alohaPlaceholder && !isInsidePlaceholder(range)) { if (0 === window.$_alohaPlaceholder.html().replace(/^( )*$/, '').length) { window.$_alohaPlaceholder.remove(); } window.$_alohaPlaceholder = null; } } /** * @TODO(petro): We need to be more intelligent about whether we insert a * block-level placeholder or a phrasing level element. * @TODO(petro): test with
	 * @TODO: move to block-jump.js
	function jumpBlock(block, isGoingLeft, currentRange) {
		var range = new GENTICS.Utils.RangeObject();
		var sibling = isGoingLeft ? prevVisibleNode(block) : nextVisibleNode(block);

		if (!sibling || isBlock(sibling)) {
			var $landing = jQuery('
'); if (isGoingLeft) { jQuery(block).before($landing); } else { jQuery(block).after($landing); } range.startContainer = range.endContainer = $landing[0]; range.startOffset = range.endOffset = 0; // Clear out any old placeholder first ... cleanupPlaceholders(range); window.$_alohaPlaceholder = $landing; } else { // Don't jump the block yet if the cursor is moving to the // beginning or end of a text node, or if it is about to leave // an element node. Both these cases require a hack in some // browsers. var moveToBoundaryPositionInIE = ( // To the beginning or end of a text node? (currentRange.startContainer.nodeType === 3 && currentRange.startContainer === currentRange.endContainer && currentRange.startContainer.nodeValue !== "" && (isGoingLeft ? currentRange.startOffset === 1 : currentRange.endOffset + 1 === currentRange.endContainer.length)) // Leaving an element node? || (currentRange.startContainer.nodeType === 1 && (!currentRange.startOffset || (currentRange.startContainer.childNodes[currentRange.startOffset] && currentRange.startContainer.childNodes[currentRange.startOffset].nodeType === 1))) ); if (moveToBoundaryPositionInIE) { // The cursor is moving to the beginning or end of a text // node, or is leaving an element node, which requires a // hack in some browsers. var zeroWidthNode = BlockJump.insertZeroWidthTextNodeFix(block, isGoingLeft); range.startContainer = range.endContainer = zeroWidthNode; range.startOffset = range.endOffset = isGoingLeft ? 1 : 0; } else { // The selection is already at the boundary position - jump // the block. range.startContainer = range.endContainer = sibling; range.startOffset = range.endOffset = isGoingLeft ? nodeLength(sibling) : 0; if (!isGoingLeft) { // Just as above, jumping to the first position right of // a block requires a hack in some browsers. Jumping // left seems to be fine. BlockJump.insertZeroWidthTextNodeFix(block, true); } } cleanupPlaceholders(range); } range.select(); Aloha.trigger('aloha-block-selected', block); Aloha.Selection.preventSelectionChanged(); } /** * Markup object */ Aloha.Markup = Class.extend({ /** * Key handlers for special key codes */ keyHandlers: {}, /** * Add a key handler for the given key code * @param keyCode key code * @param handler handler function */ addKeyHandler: function (keyCode, handler) { if (!this.keyHandlers[keyCode]) { this.keyHandlers[keyCode] = []; } this.keyHandlers[keyCode].push(handler); }, /** * Removes a key handler for the given key code * @param keyCode key code */ removeKeyHandler: function (keyCode) { if (this.keyHandlers[keyCode]) { this.keyHandlers[keyCode] = null; } }, insertBreak: function () { var range = Aloha.Selection.rangeObject, nonWSIndex, nextTextNode, newBreak; if (!range.isCollapsed()) { this.removeSelectedMarkup(); } newBreak = jQuery('
'); GENTICS.Utils.Dom.insertIntoDOM(newBreak, range, Aloha.activeEditable.obj); nextTextNode = GENTICS.Utils.Dom.searchAdjacentTextNode( newBreak.parent().get(0), GENTICS.Utils.Dom.getIndexInParent(newBreak.get(0)) + 1, false ); if (nextTextNode) { // trim leading whitespace nonWSIndex = nextTextNode.data.search(/\S/); if (nonWSIndex > 0) { nextTextNode.data = nextTextNode.data.substring(nonWSIndex); } } range.startContainer = range.endContainer = newBreak.get(0).parentNode; range.startOffset = range.endOffset = GENTICS.Utils.Dom.getIndexInParent(newBreak.get(0)) + 1; range.correctRange(); range.clearCaches(); range.select(); }, /** * first method to handle key strokes * @param event DOM event * @param rangeObject as provided by Aloha.Selection.getRangeObject(); * @return "Aloha.Selection" */ preProcessKeyStrokes: function (event) { if (event.type !== 'keydown') { return false; } var rangeObject, handlers, i; if (this.keyHandlers[event.keyCode]) { handlers = this.keyHandlers[event.keyCode]; for (i = 0; i < handlers.length; ++i) { if (!handlers[i](event)) { return false; } } } // LEFT (37), RIGHT (39) keys for block detection if (event.keyCode === 37 || event.keyCode === 39) { if (Aloha.getSelection().getRangeCount()) { rangeObject = Aloha.getSelection().getRangeAt(0); if (this.processCursor(rangeObject, event.keyCode)) { cleanupPlaceholders(Aloha.Selection.rangeObject); return true; } } return false; } // BACKSPACE if (event.keyCode === 8) { event.preventDefault(); // prevent history.back() even on exception Aloha.execCommand('delete', false); return false; } // DELETE if (event.keyCode === 46) { Aloha.execCommand('forwarddelete', false); return false; } // ENTER if (event.keyCode === 13) { if (event.shiftKey || !Html.allowNestedParagraph(Aloha.activeEditable)) { Aloha.execCommand('insertlinebreak', false); return false; } Aloha.execCommand('insertparagraph', false); return false; } return true; }, /** * Processing of cursor keys. * Detect blocks (elements with contenteditable=false) and will select them * (normally the cursor would simply jump right past them). * * For each block that is selected, an 'aloha-block-selected' event will be * triggered. * * TODO: the above is what should happen. Currently we just skip past blocks. * * @param {RangyRange} range A range object for the current selection. * @param {number} keyCode Code of the currently pressed key. * @return {boolean} False if a block was found, to prevent further events, * true otherwise. * @TODO move to block-jump.js */ processCursor: function (range, keyCode) { if (!range.collapsed) { return true; } BlockJump.removeZeroWidthTextNodeFix(); var node = range.startContainer, selection = Aloha.getSelection(); if (!node) { return true; } var sibling, offset; // special handling for moving Cursor around zero-width whitespace in IE7 if (jQuery.browser.msie && parseInt(jQuery.browser.version, 10) <= 7 && isTextNode(node)) { if (keyCode == 37) { // moving left -> skip zwsp to the left offset = range.startOffset; while (offset > 0 && node.data.charAt(offset - 1) === '\u200b') { offset--; } if (offset != range.startOffset) { range.setStart(range.startContainer, offset); range.setEnd(range.startContainer, offset); selection = Aloha.getSelection(); selection.removeAllRanges(); selection.addRange(range); } } else if (keyCode == 39) { // moving right -> skip zwsp to the right offset = range.startOffset; while (offset < node.data.length && node.data.charAt(offset) === '\u200b') { offset++; } if (offset != range.startOffset) { range.setStart(range.startContainer, offset); range.setEnd(range.startContainer, offset); selection.removeAllRanges(); selection.addRange(range); } } } // Versions of Internet Explorer that are older that 9, will // erroneously allow you to enter and edit inside elements which have // their contenteditable attribute set to false... if (isOldIE && !jQuery(node).contentEditable()) { var $parentBlock = jQuery(node).parents('[contenteditable=false]'); var isInsideBlock = $parentBlock.length > 0; if (isInsideBlock) { if (isBlockInsideEditable($parentBlock)) { sibling = $parentBlock[0]; } else { return true; } } } var isLeft; if (!sibling) { // True if keyCode denotes LEFT or UP arrow key, otherwise they // keyCode is for RIGHT or DOWN in which this value will be false. isLeft = (37 === keyCode || 38 === keyCode); offset = range.startOffset; if (isTextNode(node)) { if (isLeft) { var isApproachingFrontPosition = (1 === offset); if (!isApproachingFrontPosition && !isFrontPosition(node, offset)) { return true; } } else if (!isEndPosition(node, offset)) { return true; } } else { node = node.childNodes[offset === nodeLength(node) ? offset - 1 : offset]; } sibling = isLeft ? prevVisibleNode(node) : nextVisibleNode(node); } if (isBlock(sibling)) { jumpBlock(sibling, isLeft, range); return false; } return true; }, /** * method handling shiftEnter * @param Aloha.Selection.SelectionRange of the current selection * @return void */ processShiftEnter: function (rangeObject) { this.insertHTMLBreak(rangeObject.getSelectionTree(), rangeObject); }, /** * method handling Enter * @param Aloha.Selection.SelectionRange of the current selection * @return void */ processEnter: function (rangeObject) { if (rangeObject.splitObject) { // now comes a very evil hack for ie, when the enter is pressed in a text node in an li element, we just append an empty text node // if ( jQuery.browser.msie // && GENTICS.Utils.Dom // .isListElement( rangeObject.splitObject ) ) { // jQuery( rangeObject.splitObject ).append( // jQuery( document.createTextNode( '' ) ) ); // } this.splitRangeObject(rangeObject); } else { // if there is no split object, the Editable is the paragraph type itself (e.g. a p or h2) this.insertHTMLBreak(rangeObject.getSelectionTree(), rangeObject); } }, /** * Insert the given html markup at the current selection * @param html html markup to be inserted */ insertHTMLCode: function (html) { var rangeObject = Aloha.Selection.rangeObject; this.insertHTMLBreak(rangeObject.getSelectionTree(), rangeObject, jQuery(html)); }, /** * insert an HTML Break
into current selection * @param Aloha.Selection.SelectionRange of the current selection * @return void */ insertHTMLBreak: function (selectionTree, rangeObject, inBetweenMarkup) { var i, treeLength, el, jqEl, jqElBefore, jqElAfter, tmpObject, offset, checkObj; inBetweenMarkup = inBetweenMarkup || jQuery('
'); for (i = 0, treeLength = selectionTree.length; i < treeLength; ++i) { el = selectionTree[i]; jqEl = el.domobj ? jQuery(el.domobj) : undefined; if (el.selection !== 'none') { // before cursor, leave this part inside the splitObject if (el.selection == 'collapsed') { // collapsed selection found (between nodes) if (i > 0) { // not at the start, so get the element to the left jqElBefore = jQuery(selectionTree[i - 1].domobj); // and insert the break after it jqElBefore.after(inBetweenMarkup); } else { // at the start, so get the element to the right jqElAfter = jQuery(selectionTree[1].domobj); // and insert the break before it jqElAfter.before(inBetweenMarkup); } // now set the range rangeObject.startContainer = rangeObject.endContainer = inBetweenMarkup[0].parentNode; rangeObject.startOffset = rangeObject.endOffset = GENTICS.Utils.Dom.getIndexInParent(inBetweenMarkup[0]) + 1; rangeObject.correctRange(); } else if (el.domobj && el.domobj.nodeType === 3) { // textNode // when the textnode is immediately followed by a blocklevel element (like p, h1, ...) we need to add an additional br in between if (el.domobj.nextSibling && el.domobj.nextSibling.nodeType == 1 && Aloha.Selection.replacingElements[el.domobj.nextSibling.nodeName.toLowerCase()]) { // TODO check whether this depends on the browser jqEl.after('
'); } if (this.needEndingBreak()) { // when the textnode is the last inside a blocklevel element // (like p, h1, ...) we need to add an additional br as very // last object in the blocklevel element checkObj = el.domobj; while (checkObj) { if (checkObj.nextSibling) { checkObj = false; } else { // go to the parent checkObj = checkObj.parentNode; // found a blocklevel or list element, we are done if (GENTICS.Utils.Dom.isBlockLevelElement(checkObj) || GENTICS.Utils.Dom.isListElement(checkObj)) { break; } // reached the limit object, we are done if (checkObj === rangeObject.limitObject) { checkObj = false; } } } // when we found a blocklevel element, insert a break at the // end. Mark the break so that it is cleaned when the // content is fetched. if (checkObj) { jQuery(checkObj).append('
'); } } // insert the break jqEl.between(inBetweenMarkup, el.startOffset); // correct the range // count the number of previous siblings offset = 0; tmpObject = inBetweenMarkup[0]; while (tmpObject) { tmpObject = tmpObject.previousSibling; ++offset; } rangeObject.startContainer = inBetweenMarkup[0].parentNode; rangeObject.endContainer = inBetweenMarkup[0].parentNode; rangeObject.startOffset = offset; rangeObject.endOffset = offset; rangeObject.correctRange(); } else if (el.domobj && el.domobj.nodeType === 1) { // other node, normally a break if (jqEl.parent().find('br.aloha-ephemera').length === 0) { // but before putting it, remove all: jQuery(rangeObject.limitObject).find('br.aloha-ephemera').remove(); // now put it: jQuery(rangeObject.commonAncestorContainer).append(this.getFillUpElement(rangeObject.splitObject)); } jqEl.after(inBetweenMarkup); // now set the selection. Since we just added one break do the currect el // the new position must be el's position + 1. el's position is the index // of the el in the selection tree, which is i. then we must add // another +1 because we want to be AFTER the object, not before. therefor +2 rangeObject.startContainer = rangeObject.commonAncestorContainer; rangeObject.endContainer = rangeObject.startContainer; rangeObject.startOffset = i + 2; rangeObject.endOffset = i + 2; rangeObject.update(); } } } rangeObject.select(); }, /** * Check whether blocklevel elements need breaks at the end to visibly render a newline * @return true if an ending break is necessary, false if not */ needEndingBreak: function () { // currently, all browser except IE need ending breaks return !jQuery.browser.msie; }, /** * Get the currently selected text or false if nothing is selected (or the selection is collapsed) * @return selected text */ getSelectedText: function () { var rangeObject = Aloha.Selection.rangeObject; if (rangeObject.isCollapsed()) { return false; } return this.getFromSelectionTree(rangeObject.getSelectionTree(), true); }, /** * Recursive function to get the selected text from the selection tree starting at the given level * @param selectionTree array of selectiontree elements * @param astext true when the contents shall be fetched as text, false for getting as html markup * @return selected text from that level (incluiding all sublevels) */ getFromSelectionTree: function (selectionTree, astext) { var text = '', i, treeLength, el, clone; for (i = 0, treeLength = selectionTree.length; i < treeLength; i++) { el = selectionTree[i]; if (el.selection == 'partial') { if (el.domobj.nodeType === 3) { // partial text node selected, get the selected part text += el.domobj.data.substring(el.startOffset, el.endOffset); } else if (el.domobj.nodeType === 1 && el.children) { // partial element node selected, do the recursion into the children if (astext) { text += this.getFromSelectionTree(el.children, astext); } else { // when the html shall be fetched, we create a clone of // the element and remove all the children clone = jQuery(el.domobj.outerHTML).empty(); // then we do the recursion and add the selection into the clone clone.html(this.getFromSelectionTree(el.children, astext)); // finally we get the html of the clone text += clone.outerHTML(); } } } else if (el.selection == 'full') { if (el.domobj.nodeType === 3) { // full text node selected, get the text text += jQuery(el.domobj).text(); } else if (el.domobj.nodeType === 1 && el.children) { // full element node selected, get the html of the node and all children text += astext ? jQuery(el.domobj).text() : jQuery(el.domobj).outerHTML(); } } } return text; }, /** * Get the currently selected markup or false if nothing is selected (or the selection is collapsed) * @return {?String} */ getSelectedMarkup: function () { var rangeObject = Aloha.Selection.rangeObject; return rangeObject.isCollapsed() ? null : this.getFromSelectionTree(rangeObject.getSelectionTree(), false); }, /** * Remove the currently selected markup */ removeSelectedMarkup: function () { var rangeObject = Aloha.Selection.rangeObject, newRange; if (rangeObject.isCollapsed()) { return; } newRange = new Aloha.Selection.SelectionRange(); // remove the selection this.removeFromSelectionTree(rangeObject.getSelectionTree(), newRange); // do a cleanup now (starting with the commonancestorcontainer) newRange.update(); GENTICS.Utils.Dom.doCleanup({ 'merge': true, 'removeempty': true }, Aloha.Selection.rangeObject); Aloha.Selection.rangeObject = newRange; // need to set the collapsed selection now newRange.correctRange(); newRange.update(); newRange.select(); Aloha.Selection.updateSelection(); }, /** * Recursively remove the selected items, starting with the given level in the selectiontree * @param selectionTree current level of the selectiontree * @param newRange new collapsed range to be set after the removal */ removeFromSelectionTree: function (selectionTree, newRange) { // remember the first found partially selected element node (in case we need // to merge it with the last found partially selected element node) var firstPartialElement, newdata, i, el, adjacentTextNode, treeLength; // iterate through the selection tree for (i = 0, treeLength = selectionTree.length; i < treeLength; i++) { el = selectionTree[i]; // check the type of selection if (el.selection == 'partial') { if (el.domobj.nodeType === 3) { // partial text node selected, so remove the selected portion newdata = ''; if (el.startOffset > 0) { newdata += el.domobj.data.substring(0, el.startOffset); } if (el.endOffset < el.domobj.data.length) { newdata += el.domobj.data.substring(el.endOffset, el.domobj.data.length); } el.domobj.data = newdata; // eventually set the new range (if not done before) if (!newRange.startContainer) { newRange.startContainer = newRange.endContainer = el.domobj; newRange.startOffset = newRange.endOffset = el.startOffset; } } else if (el.domobj.nodeType === 1 && el.children) { // partial element node selected, so do the recursion into the children this.removeFromSelectionTree(el.children, newRange); if (firstPartialElement) { // when the first parially selected element is the same type // of element, we need to merge them if (firstPartialElement.nodeName == el.domobj.nodeName) { // merge the nodes jQuery(firstPartialElement).append(jQuery(el.domobj).contents()); // and remove the latter one jQuery(el.domobj).remove(); } } else { // remember this element as first partially selected element firstPartialElement = el.domobj; } } } else if (el.selection == 'full') { // eventually set the new range (if not done before) if (!newRange.startContainer) { adjacentTextNode = GENTICS.Utils.Dom.searchAdjacentTextNode( el.domobj.parentNode, GENTICS.Utils.Dom.getIndexInParent(el.domobj) + 1, false, { 'blocklevel': false } ); if (adjacentTextNode) { newRange.startContainer = newRange.endContainer = adjacentTextNode; newRange.startOffset = newRange.endOffset = 0; } else { newRange.startContainer = newRange.endContainer = el.domobj.parentNode; newRange.startOffset = newRange.endOffset = GENTICS.Utils.Dom.getIndexInParent(el.domobj) + 1; } } // full node selected, so just remove it (will also remove all children) jQuery(el.domobj).remove(); } } }, /** * split passed rangeObject without or with optional markup * @param Aloha.Selection.SelectionRange of the current selection * @param markup object (jQuery) to insert in between the split elements * @return void */ splitRangeObject: function (rangeObject, markup) { // UAAAA: first check where the markup can be inserted... *grrrrr*, then decide where to split // object which is split up var splitObject = jQuery(rangeObject.splitObject), selectionTree, insertAfterObject, followUpContainer; // update the commonAncestor with the splitObject (so that the selectionTree is correct) rangeObject.update(rangeObject.splitObject); // set the splitObject as new commonAncestorContainer and update the selectionTree // calculate the selection tree. NOTE: it is necessary to do this before // getting the followupcontainer, since getting the selection tree might // possibly merge text nodes, which would lead to differences in the followupcontainer selectionTree = rangeObject.getSelectionTree(); // object to be inserted after the splitObject followUpContainer = this.getSplitFollowUpContainer(rangeObject); // now split up the splitObject into itself AND the followUpContainer this.splitRangeObjectHelper(selectionTree, rangeObject, followUpContainer); // split the current object into itself and the followUpContainer // check whether the followupcontainer is still marked for removal if (followUpContainer.hasClass('preparedForRemoval')) { // TODO shall we just remove the class or shall we not use the followupcontainer? followUpContainer.removeClass('preparedForRemoval'); } // now let's find the place, where the followUp is inserted afterwards. normally that's the splitObject itself, but in // some cases it might be their parent (e.g. inside a list, a

followUp must be inserted outside the list) insertAfterObject = this.getInsertAfterObject(rangeObject, followUpContainer); // now insert the followUpContainer jQuery(followUpContainer).insertAfter(insertAfterObject); // attach the followUpContainer right after the insertAfterObject // in some cases, we want to remove the "empty" splitObject (e.g. LIs, if enter was hit twice) if (rangeObject.splitObject.nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'li' && !Aloha.Selection.standardTextLevelSemanticsComparator(rangeObject.splitObject, followUpContainer)) { jQuery(rangeObject.splitObject).remove(); } rangeObject.startContainer = null; // first check whether the followUpContainer starts with a
// if so, place the cursor right before the
var followContents = followUpContainer.contents(); if (followContents.length > 0 && followContents.get(0).nodeType == 1 && followContents.get(0).nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'br') { rangeObject.startContainer = followUpContainer.get(0); } if (!rangeObject.startContainer) { // find a possible text node in the followUpContainer and set the selection to it // if no textnode is available, set the selection to the followup container itself rangeObject.startContainer = followUpContainer.textNodes(true, true).first().get(0); } if (!rangeObject.startContainer) { // if no text node was found, select the parent object of
rangeObject.startContainer = followUpContainer.textNodes(false).first().parent().get(0); } if (rangeObject.startContainer) { // the cursor is always at the beginning of the followUp rangeObject.endContainer = rangeObject.startContainer; rangeObject.startOffset = 0; rangeObject.endOffset = 0; } else { rangeObject.startContainer = rangeObject.endContainer = followUpContainer.parent().get(0); rangeObject.startOffset = rangeObject.endOffset = GENTICS.Utils.Dom.getIndexInParent(followUpContainer.get(0)); } // finally update the range object again rangeObject.update(); // now set the selection rangeObject.select(); }, /** * method to get the object after which the followUpContainer can be inserted during splitup * this is a helper method, not needed anywhere else * @param rangeObject Aloha.Selection.SelectionRange of the current selection * @param followUpContainer optional jQuery object; if provided the rangeObject will be split and the second part will be insert inside of this object * @return object after which the followUpContainer can be inserted */ getInsertAfterObject: function (rangeObject, followUpContainer) { var passedSplitObject, i, el; for (i = 0; i < rangeObject.markupEffectiveAtStart.length; i++) { el = rangeObject.markupEffectiveAtStart[i]; // check if we have already passed the splitObject (some other markup might come before) if (el === rangeObject.splitObject) { passedSplitObject = true; } // if not passed splitObject, skip this markup if (!passedSplitObject) { continue; } // once we are passed, check if the followUpContainer is allowed to be inserted into the currents el's parent if (Aloha.Selection.canTag1WrapTag2(jQuery(el).parent()[0].nodeName, followUpContainer[0].nodeName)) { return el; } } return false; }, /** * @fixme: Someone who knows what this function does, please refactor it. * 1. splitObject arg is not used at all * 2. Would be better to use ternary operation would be better than if else statement * * method to get the html code for a fillUpElement. this is needed for empty paragraphs etc., so that they take up their expected height * @param splitObject split object (dom object) * @return fillUpElement HTML Code */ getFillUpElement: function (splitObject) { if (jQuery.browser.msie) { return false; } return jQuery('
'); }, /** * removes textNodes from passed array, which only contain contentWhiteSpace (e.g. a \n between two tags) * @param domArray array of domObjects * @return void */ removeElementContentWhitespaceObj: function (domArray) { var correction = 0, removeLater = [], i, el, removeIndex; for (i = 0; i < domArray.length; ++i) { el = domArray[i]; if (el.isElementContentWhitespace) { removeLater[removeLater.length] = i; } } for (i = 0; i < removeLater.length; ++i) { removeIndex = removeLater[i]; domArray.splice(removeIndex - correction, 1); ++correction; } }, /** * recursive method to parallelly walk through two dom subtrees, leave elements before startContainer in first subtree and move rest to other * @param selectionTree tree to iterate over as contained in rangeObject. must be passed separately to allow recursion in the selection tree, but not in the rangeObject * @param rangeObject Aloha.Selection.SelectionRange of the current selection * @param followUpContainer optional jQuery object; if provided the rangeObject will be split and the second part will be insert inside of this object * @param inBetweenMarkup jQuery object to be inserted between the two split parts. will be either a
(if no followUpContainer is passed) OR e.g. a table, which must be inserted between the splitobject AND the follow up * @return void */ splitRangeObjectHelper: function (selectionTree, rangeObject, followUpContainer, inBetweenMarkup) { if (!followUpContainer) { Aloha.Log.warn(this, 'no followUpContainer, no inBetweenMarkup, nothing to do...'); } var fillUpElement = this.getFillUpElement(rangeObject.splitObject), splitObject = jQuery(rangeObject.splitObject), startMoving = false, el, i, completeText, jqObj, mirrorLevel, parent, treeLength; if (selectionTree.length > 0) { mirrorLevel = followUpContainer.contents(); // if length of mirrorLevel and selectionTree are not equal, the mirrorLevel must be corrected. this happens, when the mirrorLevel contains whitespace textNodes if (mirrorLevel.length !== selectionTree.length) { this.removeElementContentWhitespaceObj(mirrorLevel); } for (i = 0, treeLength = selectionTree.length; i < treeLength; ++i) { el = selectionTree[i]; // remove all objects in the mirrorLevel, which are BEFORE the cursor // OR if the cursor is at the last position of the last Textnode (causing an empty followUpContainer to be appended) if ((el.selection === 'none' && startMoving === false) || (el.domobj && el.domobj.nodeType === 3 && el === selectionTree[(selectionTree.length - 1)] && el.startOffset === el.domobj.data.length)) { // iteration is before cursor, leave this part inside the splitObject, remove from followUpContainer // however if the object to remove is the last existing textNode within the followUpContainer, insert a BR instead // otherwise the followUpContainer is invalid and takes up no vertical space if (followUpContainer.textNodes().length > 1 || (el.domobj.nodeType === 1 && el.children.length === 0)) { // note: the second part of the if (el.domobj.nodeType === 1 && el.children.length === 0) covers a very special condition, // where an empty tag is located right before the cursor when pressing enter. In this case the empty tag would not be // removed correctly otherwise mirrorLevel.eq(i).remove(); } else if (GENTICS.Utils.Dom.isSplitObject(followUpContainer[0])) { if (fillUpElement) { followUpContainer.html(fillUpElement); // for your zoological german knowhow: ephemera = Eintagsfliege } else { followUpContainer.empty(); } } else { followUpContainer.empty(); followUpContainer.addClass('preparedForRemoval'); } continue; } else { // split objects, which are AT the cursor Position or directly above if (el.selection !== 'none') { // before cursor, leave this part inside the splitObject // TODO better check for selection == 'partial' here? if (el.domobj && el.domobj.nodeType === 3 && el.startOffset !== undefined) { completeText = el.domobj.data; if (el.startOffset > 0) { // first check, if there will be some text left in the splitObject el.domobj.data = completeText.substr(0, el.startOffset); } else if (selectionTree.length > 1) { // if not, check if the splitObject contains more than one node, because then it can be removed. this happens, when ENTER is pressed inside of a textnode, but not at the borders jQuery(el.domobj).remove(); } else { // if the "empty" textnode is the last node left in the splitObject, replace it with a ephemera break // if the parent is a blocklevel element, we insert the fillup element parent = jQuery(el.domobj).parent(); if (GENTICS.Utils.Dom.isSplitObject(parent[0])) { if (fillUpElement) { parent.html(fillUpElement); } else { parent.empty(); } } else { // if the parent is no blocklevel element and would be empty now, we completely remove it parent.remove(); } } if (completeText.length - el.startOffset > 0) { // first check if there is text left to put in the followUpContainer's textnode. this happens, when ENTER is pressed inside of a textnode, but not at the borders mirrorLevel[i].data = completeText.substr(el.startOffset, completeText.length); } else if (mirrorLevel.length > 1) { // if not, check if the followUpContainer contains more than one node, because if yes, the "empty" textnode can be removed mirrorLevel.eq((i)).remove(); } else if (GENTICS.Utils.Dom.isBlockLevelElement(followUpContainer[0])) { // if the "empty" textnode is the last node left in the followUpContainer (which is a blocklevel element), replace it with a ephemera break if (fillUpElement) { followUpContainer.html(fillUpElement); } else { followUpContainer.empty(); } } else { // if the "empty" textnode is the last node left in a non-blocklevel element, mark it for removal followUpContainer.empty(); followUpContainer.addClass('preparedForRemoval'); } } startMoving = true; if (el.children.length > 0) { this.splitRangeObjectHelper(el.children, rangeObject, mirrorLevel.eq(i), inBetweenMarkup); } } else { // remove all objects in the origin, which are AFTER the cursor if (el.selection === 'none' && startMoving === true) { // iteration is after cursor, remove from splitObject and leave this part inside the followUpContainer jqObj = jQuery(el.domobj).remove(); } } } } } else { Aloha.Log.error(this, 'can not split splitObject due to an empty selection tree'); } // and finally cleanup: remove all fillUps > 1 splitObject.find('br.aloha-ephemera:gt(0)').remove(); // remove all elements greater than (gt) 0, that also means: leave one followUpContainer.find('br.aloha-ephemera:gt(0)').remove(); // remove all elements greater than (gt) 0, that also means: leave one // remove objects prepared for removal splitObject.find('.preparedForRemoval').remove(); followUpContainer.find('.preparedForRemoval').remove(); // if splitObject / followUp are empty, place a fillUp inside if (splitObject.contents().length === 0 && GENTICS.Utils.Dom.isSplitObject(splitObject[0]) && fillUpElement) { splitObject.html(fillUpElement); } if (followUpContainer.contents().length === 0 && GENTICS.Utils.Dom.isSplitObject(followUpContainer[0]) && fillUpElement) { followUpContainer.html(fillUpElement); } }, /** * returns a jQuery object fitting the passed splitObject as follow up object * examples, * - when passed a p it will return an empty p (clone of the passed p) * - when passed an h1, it will return either an h1 (clone of the passed one) or a new p (if the collapsed selection was at the end) * @param rangeObject Aloha.RangeObject * @return void */ getSplitFollowUpContainer: function (rangeObject) { var tagName = rangeObject.splitObject.nodeName.toLowerCase(), returnObj, inside, lastObj; switch (tagName) { case 'h1': case 'h2': case 'h3': case 'h4': case 'h5': case 'h6': // get the last textnode in the splitobject, but don't consider aloha-cleanme elements lastObj = jQuery(rangeObject.splitObject).textNodes(':not(.aloha-cleanme)').last()[0]; // special case: when enter is hit at the end of a heading, the followUp should be a

if (lastObj && rangeObject.startContainer === lastObj && rangeObject.startOffset === lastObj.length) { returnObj = jQuery('

'); inside = jQuery(rangeObject.splitObject.outerHTML).contents(); returnObj.append(inside); return returnObj; } break; case 'li': // TODO check whether the li is the last one // special case: if enter is hit twice inside a list, the next item should be a

(and inserted outside the list) if (rangeObject.startContainer.nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'br' && jQuery(rangeObject.startContainer).hasClass('aloha-ephemera')) { returnObj = jQuery('

'); inside = jQuery(rangeObject.splitObject.outerHTML).contents(); returnObj.append(inside); return returnObj; } // when the li is the last one and empty, we also just return a

if (!rangeObject.splitObject.nextSibling && jQuery.trim(jQuery(rangeObject.splitObject).text()).length === 0) { returnObj = jQuery('

'); return returnObj; } break; } return jQuery(rangeObject.splitObject.outerHTML); }, /** * Transform the given domobj into an object with the given new nodeName. * Preserves the content and all attributes. If a range object is given, also the range will be preserved * @param domobj dom object to transform * @param nodeName new node name * @param range range object * @api * @return new object as jQuery object */ transformDomObject: function (domobj, nodeName, range) { // first create the new element var jqOldObj = jQuery(domobj), jqNewObj = jQuery('<' + nodeName + '>'), i, attributes = jqOldObj[0].cloneNode(false).attributes; // TODO what about events? // copy attributes if (attributes) { for (i = 0; i < attributes.length; ++i) { if (typeof attributes[i].specified === 'undefined' || attributes[i].specified) { jqNewObj.attr(attributes[i].nodeName, attributes[i].nodeValue); } } } // copy inline CSS if (jqOldObj[0].style && jqOldObj[0].style.cssText) { jqNewObj[0].style.cssText = jqOldObj[0].style.cssText; } // now move the contents of the old dom object into the new dom object jqOldObj.contents().appendTo(jqNewObj); // finally replace the old object with the new one jqOldObj.replaceWith(jqNewObj); // preserve the range if (range) { if (range.startContainer == domobj) { range.startContainer = jqNewObj.get(0); } if (range.endContainer == domobj) { range.endContainer = jqNewObj.get(0); } } return jqNewObj; }, /** * String representation * @return {String} */ toString: function () { return 'Aloha.Markup'; } }); Aloha.Markup = new Aloha.Markup(); return Aloha.Markup; });