module Timetrap module CLI extend Helpers attr_accessor :args extend self USAGE = <<-EOF Timetrap - Simple Time Tracking Usage: #{File.basename $0} COMMAND [OPTIONS] [ARGS...] COMMAND can be abbreviated. For example `t in` and `t i` are equivalent. COMMAND is one of: * archive - Move entries to a hidden sheet (by default named '_[SHEET]') so they're out of the way. usage: t archive [--start DATE] [--end DATE] [SHEET] -s, --start <date:qs> Include entries that start on this date or later -e, --end <date:qs> Include entries that start on this date or earlier * backend - Open an sqlite shell to the database. usage: t backend * configure - Write out a config file. print path to config file. usage: t configure Currently supported options are: round_in_seconds: The duration of time to use for rounding with the -r flag database_file: The file path of the sqlite database append_notes_delimiter: delimiter used when appending notes via t edit --append * display - Display the current timesheet or a specific. Pass `all' as SHEET to display all sheets. usage: t display [--ids] [--start DATE] [--end DATE] [--format FMT] [SHEET | all] -v, --ids Print database ids (for use with edit) -s, --start <date:qs> Include entries that start on this date or later -e, --end <date:qs> Include entries that start on this date or earlier -f, --format <format> The output format. Currently supports ical, csv, and text (default). * edit - Alter an entry's note, start, or end time. Defaults to the active entry. usage: t edit [--id ID] [--start TIME] [--end TIME] [--append] [NOTES] -i, --id <id:i> Alter entry with id <id> instead of the running entry -s, --start <time:qs> Change the start time to <time> -e, --end <time:qs> Change the end time to <time> -z, --append Append to the current note instead of replacing it the delimiter between appended notes is configurable (see configure) -m, --move <sheet> Move to another sheet * format - Deprecated: alias for display. * in - Start the timer for the current timesheet. usage: t in [--at TIME] [NOTES] -a, --at <time:qs> Use this time instead of now * kill - Delete a timesheet or an entry. usage: t kill [--id ID] [TIMESHEET] -i, --id <id:i> Alter entry with id <id> instead of the running entry * list - Show the available timesheets. usage: t list * now - Show the status of the current timesheet. usage: t now * out - Stop the timer for the current timesheet. usage: t out [--at TIME] -a, --at <time:qs> Use this time instead of now * running - Show all running timesheets. usage: t running * switch - Switch to a new timesheet. usage: t switch TIMESHEET * week - Shortcut for display with start date set to monday of this week. usage: t week [--ids] [--end DATE] [--format FMT] [SHEET | all] OTHER OPTIONS -h, --help Display this help. -r, --round Round output to 15 minute start and end times. -y, --yes Noninteractive, assume yes as answer to all prompts. Submit bugs and feature requests to EOF def parse arguments args.parse arguments end def invoke args['-h'] ? say(USAGE) : invoke_command_if_valid rescue => e say e.message exit 1 end def commands Timetrap::CLI::USAGE.scan(/\* \w+/).map{|s| s.gsub(/\* /, '')} end def say *something puts *something end def invoke_command_if_valid command = args.unused.shift set_global_options case (valid ={|name| name =~ %r|^#{command}|}).size when 0 then say "Invalid command: #{command}" when 1 then send valid[0] else say "Ambiguous command: #{command}" if command say(USAGE) end end # currently just sets whether output should be rounded to 15 min intervals def set_global_options Timetrap::Entry.round = true if args['-r'] end def archive ee = selected_entries if ask_user "Archive #{ee.count} entries? " ee.all.each do |e| next unless e.end e.update :sheet => "_#{e.sheet}" end else say "archive aborted!" end end def configure Config.configure! say "Config file is at #{Config::PATH.inspect}" end def edit entry = args['-i'] ? Entry[args['-i']] : Timetrap.active_entry say "can't find entry" && return unless entry entry.update :start => args['-s'] if args['-s'] =~ /.+/ entry.update :end => args['-e'] if args['-e'] =~ /.+/ # update sheet if args['-m'] =~ /.+/ if entry == Timetrap.active_entry Timetrap.current_sheet = args['-m'] end entry.update :sheet => args['-m'] end # update notes if unused_args =~ /.+/ note = unused_args if args['-z'] note = [entry.note, note].join(Config['append_notes_delimiter']) end entry.update :note => note end end def backend exec "sqlite3 #{DB_NAME}" end def in Timetrap.start unused_args, args['-a'] end def out Timetrap.stop args['-a'] end def kill if e = Entry[args['-i']] out = "are you sure you want to delete entry #{}? " out << "(#{e.note}) " if e.note.to_s =~ /.+/ if ask_user out e.destroy say "it's dead" else say "will not kill" end elsif (sheets ={|e| e.sheet }.uniq).include?(sheet = unused_args) victims = Entry.filter(:sheet => sheet).count if ask_user "are you sure you want to delete #{victims} entries on sheet #{sheet.inspect}? " Timetrap.kill_sheet sheet say "killed #{victims} entries" else say "will not kill" end else victim = args['-i'] ? args['-i'].to_s.inspect : sheet.inspect say "can't find #{victim} to kill", 'sheets:', *sheets end end def display begin fmt_klass = if args['-f'] Timetrap::Formatters.const_get("#{args['-f'].classify}") else Timetrap::Formatters::Text end rescue say "Invalid format specified `#{args['-f']}'" return end say Timetrap.format(fmt_klass, selected_entries.order(:start).all) end alias_method :format, :display def switch sheet = unused_args if not sheet =~ /.+/ then say "No sheet specified"; return end say "Switching to sheet " + Timetrap.switch(sheet) end def list sheets = do |sheet| sheet_atts = {:total => 0, :running => 0, :today => 0} Timetrap::Entry.filter(:sheet => sheet).inject(sheet_atts) do |m, e| e_end = e.end_or_now m[:name] ||= sheet m[:total] += (e_end.to_i - e.start.to_i) m[:running] += (e_end.to_i - e.start.to_i) unless e.end m[:today] += (e_end.to_i - e.start.to_i) if same_day?(, e.start) m end end if sheets.empty? then say "No sheets found"; return end width = sheets.sort_by{|h|h[:name].length }.last[:name].length + 4 say " %-#{width}s%-12s%-12s%s" % ["Timesheet", "Running", "Today", "Total Time"] sheets.each do |sheet| star = sheet[:name] == Timetrap.current_sheet ? '*' : ' ' say "#{star}%-#{width}s%-12s%-12s%s" % [ sheet[:running], sheet[:today], sheet[:total] ].map(&method(:format_seconds)).unshift(sheet[:name]) end end def now if Timetrap.running? out = "#{Timetrap.current_sheet}: #{format_duration(Timetrap.active_entry.start, Timetrap.active_entry.end_or_now)}".gsub(/ /, ' ') out << " (#{Timetrap.active_entry.note})" if Timetrap.active_entry.note =~ /.+/ say out else say "#{Timetrap.current_sheet}: not running" end end def running say "Running Timesheets:" say Timetrap::Entry.filter(:end => nil).map{|e| " #{e.sheet}: #{e.note}"}.uniq.sort end def week args['-s'] = == 1 ? : Date.parse(Chronic.parse(%q(last monday)).to_s).to_s display end private def unused_args args.unused.join(' ') end def ask_user question return true if args['-y'] print question $stdin.gets =~ /\Aye?s?\Z/i end end end