var glob = require('glob'); var path = require('path'); var fs = require('../util/fs'); var Q = require('q'); var mout = require('mout'); var rimraf = require('../util/rimraf'); var endpointParser = require('bower-endpoint-parser'); var Logger = require('bower-logger'); var md5 = require('md5-hex'); var Manager = require('./Manager'); var semver = require('../util/semver'); var createError = require('../util/createError'); var readJson = require('../util/readJson'); var validLink = require('../util/validLink'); var scripts = require('./scripts'); function Project(config, logger) { this._config = config; this._logger = logger || new Logger(); this._manager = new Manager(this._config, this._logger); this._options = {}; } // ----------------- Project.prototype.install = function (decEndpoints, options, config) { var that = this; var targets = []; var resolved = {}; var incompatibles = []; // If already working, error out if (this._working) { return Q.reject(createError('Already working', 'EWORKING')); } this._options = options || {}; this._config = config || {}; this._working = true; // Analyse the project return this._analyse() .spread(function (json, tree) { // It shows an error when issuing `bower install` // and no bower.json is present in current directory if(!that._jsonFile && decEndpoints.length === 0 ) { throw createError('No bower.json present', 'ENOENT'); } // Recover tree that.walkTree(tree, function (node, name) { if (node.incompatible) { incompatibles.push(node); } else if (node.missing || node.different || that._config.force) { targets.push(node); } else { resolved[name] = node; } }, true); // Add decomposed endpoints as targets decEndpoints = decEndpoints || []; decEndpoints.forEach(function (decEndpoint) { // Mark as new so that a conflict for this target // always require a choice // Also allows for the target to be converted in case // of being * decEndpoint.newly = true; targets.push(decEndpoint); }); // Bootstrap the process return that._bootstrap(targets, resolved, incompatibles); }) .then(function () { return that._manager.preinstall(that._json); }) .then(function () { return that._manager.install(that._json); }) .then(function (installed) { // Handle save and saveDev options if ( || that._options.saveDev || that._options.saveExact) { // Cycle through the specified endpoints decEndpoints.forEach(function (decEndpoint) { var jsonEndpoint; jsonEndpoint = endpointParser.decomposed2json(decEndpoint); if (that._options.saveExact) { if ( !== decEndpoint.source) { jsonEndpoint[] = decEndpoint.source + '#' + decEndpoint.pkgMeta.version; } else { jsonEndpoint[] = decEndpoint.pkgMeta.version; } } if (that._options.saveDev) { that._json.devDependencies = mout.object.mixIn(that._json.devDependencies || {}, jsonEndpoint); } else { that._json.dependencies = mout.object.mixIn(that._json.dependencies || {}, jsonEndpoint); } }); } // Save JSON, might contain changes to dependencies and resolutions return that.saveJson() .then(function () { return that._manager.postinstall(that._json).then(function () { return installed; }); }); }) .fin(function () { that._installed = null; that._working = false; }); }; Project.prototype.update = function (names, options) { var that = this; var targets = []; var resolved = {}; var incompatibles = []; // If already working, error out if (this._working) { return Q.reject(createError('Already working', 'EWORKING')); } this._options = options || {}; this._working = true; // Analyse the project return this._analyse() .spread(function (json, tree, flattened) { // If no names were specified, update every package if (!names) { // Mark each root dependency as targets that.walkTree(tree, function (node) { // We don't know the real source of linked packages // Instead we read its dependencies if (node.linked) { targets.push.apply(targets, mout.object.values(node.dependencies)); } else { targets.push(node); } return false; }, true); // Otherwise, selectively update the specified ones } else { // Error out if some of the specified names // are not installed names.forEach(function (name) { if (!flattened[name]) { throw createError('Package ' + name + ' is not installed', 'ENOTINS', { name: name }); } }); // Add packages whose names are specified to be updated that.walkTree(tree, function (node, name) { if (names.indexOf(name) !== -1) { // We don't know the real source of linked packages // Instead we read its dependencies if (node.linked) { targets.push.apply(targets, mout.object.values(node.dependencies)); } else { targets.push(node); } return false; } }, true); // Recover tree that.walkTree(tree, function (node, name) { if (node.missing || node.different) { targets.push(node); } else if (node.incompatible) { incompatibles.push(node); } else { resolved[name] = node; } }, true); } // Bootstrap the process return that._bootstrap(targets, resolved, incompatibles) .then(function () { return that._manager.preinstall(that._json); }) .then(function () { return that._manager.install(that._json); }) .then(function (installed) { // Save JSON, might contain changes to resolutions return that.saveJson() .then(function () { return that._manager.postinstall(that._json).then(function () { return installed; }); }); }); }) .fin(function () { that._installed = null; that._working = false; }); }; Project.prototype.uninstall = function (names, options) { var that = this; var packages = {}; // If already working, error out if (this._working) { return Q.reject(createError('Already working', 'EWORKING')); } this._options = options || {}; this._working = true; // Analyse the project return this._analyse() // Fill in the packages to be uninstalled .spread(function (json, tree, flattened) { var promise = Q.resolve(); names.forEach(function (name) { var decEndpoint = flattened[name]; // Check if it is not installed if (!decEndpoint || decEndpoint.missing) { packages[name] = null; return; } promise = promise .then(function () { var message; var data; var dependantsNames; var dependants = []; // Walk the down the tree, gathering dependants of the package that.walkTree(tree, function (node, nodeName) { if (name === nodeName) { dependants.push.apply(dependants, mout.object.values(node.dependants)); } }, true); // Remove duplicates dependants = mout.array.unique(dependants); // Note that the root is filtered from the dependants // as well as other dependants marked to be uninstalled dependants = dependants.filter(function (dependant) { return !dependant.root && names.indexOf( === -1; }); // If the package has no dependants or the force config is enabled, // mark it to be removed if (!dependants.length || that._config.force) { packages[name] = decEndpoint.canonicalDir; return; } // Otherwise we need to figure it out if the user really wants to remove it, // even with dependants // As such we need to prompt the user with a meaningful message dependantsNames = (dep) { return; }); dependantsNames.sort(function (name1, name2) { return name1.localeCompare(name2); }); dependantsNames = mout.array.unique(dependantsNames); dependants = (dependant) { return that._manager.toData(dependant); }); message = dependantsNames.join(', ') + ' depends on ' +; data = { name:, dependants: dependants }; // If interactive is disabled, error out if (!that._config.interactive) { throw createError(message, 'ECONFLICT', { data: data }); } that._logger.conflict('mutual', message, data); // Prompt the user return Q.nfcall(that._logger.prompt.bind(that._logger), { type: 'confirm', message: 'Continue anyway?', default: true }) .then(function (confirmed) { // If the user decided to skip it, remove from the array so that it won't // influence subsequent dependants if (!confirmed) { mout.array.remove(names, name); } else { packages[name] = decEndpoint.canonicalDir; } }); }); }); return promise; }) // Remove packages .then(function () { return that._removePackages(packages); }) .fin(function () { that._installed = null; that._working = false; }); }; Project.prototype.getTree = function (options) { this._options = options || {}; return this._analyse() .spread(function (json, tree, flattened) { var extraneous = []; var additionalKeys = ['missing', 'extraneous', 'different', 'linked']; // Convert tree tree = this._manager.toData(tree, additionalKeys); // Mark incompatibles this.walkTree(tree, function (node) { var version; var target =; if (node.pkgMeta && semver.validRange(target)) { version = node.pkgMeta.version; // Ignore if target is '*' and resolved to a non-semver release if (!version && target === '*') { return; } if (!version || !semver.satisfies(version, target)) { node.incompatible = true; } } }, true); // Convert extraneous mout.object.forOwn(flattened, function (pkg) { if (pkg.extraneous) { extraneous.push(this._manager.toData(pkg, additionalKeys)); } }, this); // Convert flattened flattened =, function (node) { return this._manager.toData(node, additionalKeys); }, this); return [tree, flattened, extraneous]; }.bind(this)); }; Project.prototype.walkTree = function (node, fn, onlyOnce) { var result; var dependencies; var queue = mout.object.values(node.dependencies); if (onlyOnce === true) { onlyOnce = []; } while (queue.length) { node = queue.shift(); result = fn(node, node.endpoint ? :; // Abort traversal if result is false if (result === false) { continue; } // Add dependencies to the queue dependencies = mout.object.values(node.dependencies); // If onlyOnce was true, do not add if already traversed if (onlyOnce) { dependencies = dependencies.filter(function (dependency) { return !mout.array.find(onlyOnce, function (stacked) { if (dependency.endpoint) { return mout.object.equals(dependency.endpoint, stacked.endpoint); } return === && dependency.source === stacked.source && ===; }); }); onlyOnce.push.apply(onlyOnce, dependencies); } queue.unshift.apply(queue, dependencies); } }; Project.prototype.saveJson = function (forceCreate) { var file; var jsonStr = JSON.stringify(this._json, null, ' ') + '\n'; var jsonHash = md5(jsonStr); // Save only if there's something different if (jsonHash === this._jsonHash) { return Q.resolve(); } // Error out if the json file does not exist, unless force create // is true if (!this._jsonFile && !forceCreate) { this._logger.warn('no-json', 'No bower.json file to save to, use bower init to create one'); return Q.resolve(); } file = this._jsonFile || path.join(this._config.cwd, 'bower.json'); return Q.nfcall(fs.writeFile, file, jsonStr) .then(function () { this._jsonHash = jsonHash; this._jsonFile = file; return this._json; }.bind(this)); }; Project.prototype.hasJson = function () { return this._readJson() .then(function (json) { return json ? this._jsonFile : false; }.bind(this)); }; Project.prototype.getJson = function () { return this._readJson(); }; Project.prototype.getManager = function () { return this._manager; }; Project.prototype.getPackageRepository = function () { return this._manager.getPackageRepository(); }; // ----------------- Project.prototype._analyse = function () { return Q.all([ this._readJson(), this._readInstalled(), this._readLinks() ]) .spread(function (json, installed, links) { var root; var jsonCopy = mout.lang.deepClone(json); root = { name:, source: this._config.cwd, target: json.version || '*', pkgMeta: jsonCopy, canonicalDir: this._config.cwd, root: true }; mout.object.mixIn(installed, links); // Mix direct extraneous as dependencies // (dependencies installed without --save/--save-dev) jsonCopy.dependencies = jsonCopy.dependencies || {}; jsonCopy.devDependencies = jsonCopy.devDependencies || {}; mout.object.forOwn(installed, function (decEndpoint, key) { var pkgMeta = decEndpoint.pkgMeta; var isSaved = jsonCopy.dependencies[key] || jsonCopy.devDependencies[key]; // The _direct propery is saved by the manager when .newly is specified // It may happen pkgMeta is undefined if package is uninstalled if (!isSaved && pkgMeta && pkgMeta._direct) { decEndpoint.extraneous = true; if (decEndpoint.linked) { jsonCopy.dependencies[key] = pkgMeta.version || '*'; } else { jsonCopy.dependencies[key] = (pkgMeta._originalSource || pkgMeta._source) + '#' + pkgMeta._target; } } }); // Restore the original dependencies cross-references, // that is, the parent-child relationships this._restoreNode(root, installed, 'dependencies'); // Do the same for the dev dependencies if (!this._options.production) { this._restoreNode(root, installed, 'devDependencies'); } // Restore the rest of the extraneous (not installed directly) mout.object.forOwn(installed, function (decEndpoint, name) { if (!decEndpoint.dependants) { decEndpoint.extraneous = true; this._restoreNode(decEndpoint, installed, 'dependencies'); // Note that it has no dependants, just dependencies! root.dependencies[name] = decEndpoint; } }, this); // Remove root from the flattened tree delete installed[]; return [json, root, installed]; }.bind(this)); }; Project.prototype._bootstrap = function (targets, resolved, incompatibles) { var installed =, function (decEndpoint) { return decEndpoint.pkgMeta; }); this._json.resolutions = this._json.resolutions || {}; // Configure the manager and kick in the resolve process return this._manager .configure({ targets: targets, resolved: resolved, incompatibles: incompatibles, resolutions: this._json.resolutions, installed: installed, forceLatest: this._options.forceLatest }) .resolve() .then(function () { // If the resolutions is empty, delete key if (!mout.object.size(this._json.resolutions)) { delete this._json.resolutions; } }.bind(this)); }; Project.prototype._readJson = function () { var that = this; if (this._json) { return Q.resolve(this._json); } return Q.fcall(function(){ // This will throw if package.json does not exist return fs.readFileSync(path.join(that._config.cwd, 'package.json')); }) .then(function(buffer){ // If package.json exists, use it's values as defaults var defaults = {}, npm = JSON.parse(buffer.toString()); = || path.basename(that._config.cwd) || 'root'; defaults.description = npm.description; defaults.main = npm.main; defaults.authors = npm.contributors ||; defaults.license = npm.license; defaults.keywords = npm.keywords; return defaults; }) .catch(function(err){ // Most likely no package.json so just set default name return { name: path.basename(that._config.cwd) || 'root' }; }) .then(function(defaults){ return that._json = readJson(that._config.cwd, { assume: defaults }); }) .spread(function (json, deprecated, assumed) { var jsonStr; if (deprecated) { that._logger.warn('deprecated', 'You are using the deprecated ' + deprecated + ' file'); } if (!assumed) { that._jsonFile = path.join(that._config.cwd, deprecated ? deprecated : 'bower.json'); } jsonStr = JSON.stringify(json, null, ' ') + '\n'; that._jsonHash = md5(jsonStr); return that._json = json; }); }; Project.prototype._readInstalled = function () { var componentsDir; var that = this; if (this._installed) { return Q.resolve(this._installed); } // Gather all folders that are actual packages by // looking for the package metadata file componentsDir = path.join(this._config.cwd,; return this._installed = Q.nfcall(glob, '*/.bower.json', { cwd: componentsDir, dot: true }) .then(function (filenames) { var promises; var decEndpoints = {}; // Foreach bower.json found promises = (filename) { var name = path.dirname(filename); var metaFile = path.join(componentsDir, filename); // Read package metadata return readJson(metaFile) .spread(function (pkgMeta) { decEndpoints[name] = { name: name, source: pkgMeta._originalSource || pkgMeta._source, target: pkgMeta._target, canonicalDir: path.dirname(metaFile), pkgMeta: pkgMeta }; }); }); // Wait until all files have been read // and resolve with the decomposed endpoints return Q.all(promises) .then(function () { return that._installed = decEndpoints; }); }); }; Project.prototype._readLinks = function () { var componentsDir; var that = this; // Read directory, looking for links componentsDir = path.join(this._config.cwd,; return Q.nfcall(fs.readdir, componentsDir) .then(function (filenames) { var promises; var decEndpoints = {}; promises = (filename) { var dir = path.join(componentsDir, filename); // Filter only those that are valid links return validLink(dir) .spread(function (valid, err) { var name; if (!valid) { if (err) { that._logger.debug('read-link', 'Link ' + dir + ' is invalid', { filename: dir, error: err }); } return; } // Skip links to files (see #783) if (!valid.isDirectory()) { return; } name = path.basename(dir); return readJson(dir, { assume: { name: name } }) .spread(function (json, deprecated) { if (deprecated) { that._logger.warn('deprecated', 'Package ' + name + ' is using the deprecated ' + deprecated); } json._direct = true; // Mark as a direct dep of root decEndpoints[name] = { name: name, source: dir, target: '*', canonicalDir: dir, pkgMeta: json, linked: true }; }); }); }); // Wait until all links have been read // and resolve with the decomposed endpoints return Q.all(promises) .then(function () { return decEndpoints; }); // Ignore if folder does not exist }, function (err) { if (err.code !== 'ENOENT') { throw err; } return {}; }); }; Project.prototype._removePackages = function (packages) { var that = this; var promises = []; return scripts.preuninstall(that._config, that._logger, packages, that._installed, that._json) .then(function () { mout.object.forOwn(packages, function (dir, name) { var promise; // Delete directory if (!dir) { promise = Q.resolve(); that._logger.warn('not-installed', '\'' + name + '\'' + ' cannot be uninstalled as it is not currently installed', { name: name }); } else { promise = Q.nfcall(rimraf, dir); that._logger.action('uninstall', name, { name: name, dir: dir }); } // Remove from json only if successfully deleted if ( && that._json.dependencies) { promise = promise .then(function () { delete that._json.dependencies[name]; }); } if (that._options.saveDev && that._json.devDependencies) { promise = promise .then(function () { delete that._json.devDependencies[name]; }); } promises.push(promise); }); return Q.all(promises); }) .then(function () { return that.saveJson(); }) // Resolve with removed packages .then(function () { return mout.object.filter(packages, function (dir) { return !!dir; }); }); }; Project.prototype._restoreNode = function (node, flattened, jsonKey, processed) { var deps; // Do not restore if the node is missing if (node.missing) { return; } node.dependencies = node.dependencies || {}; node.dependants = node.dependants || {}; processed = processed || {}; // Only process deps that are not yet processed deps = mout.object.filter(node.pkgMeta[jsonKey], function (value, key) { return !processed[ + ':' + key]; }); mout.object.forOwn(deps, function (value, key) { var local = flattened[key]; var json = endpointParser.json2decomposed(key, value); var restored; var compatible; var originalSource; // Check if the dependency is not installed if (!local) { flattened[key] = restored = json; restored.missing = true; // Even if it is installed, check if it's compatible // Note that linked packages are interpreted as compatible // This might change in the future: #673 } else { compatible = local.linked || (!local.missing && === local.pkgMeta._target); if (!compatible) { restored = json; if (!local.missing) { restored.pkgMeta = local.pkgMeta; restored.canonicalDir = local.canonicalDir; restored.incompatible = true; } else { restored.missing = true; } } else { restored = local; mout.object.mixIn(local, json); } // Check if source changed, marking as different if it did // We only do this for direct root dependencies that are compatible if (node.root && compatible) { originalSource = mout.object.get(local, 'pkgMeta._originalSource'); if (originalSource && originalSource !== json.source) { restored.different = true; } } } // Cross reference node.dependencies[key] = restored; processed[ + ':' + key] = true; restored.dependants = restored.dependants || {}; restored.dependants[] = mout.object.mixIn({}, node); // We need to clone due to shared objects in the manager! // Call restore for this dependency this._restoreNode(restored, flattened, 'dependencies', processed); // Do the same for the incompatible local package if (local && restored !== local) { this._restoreNode(local, flattened, 'dependencies', processed); } }, this); }; module.exports = Project;