--- title: AuditMessage --- ## PureCloud::AuditMessage ## Properties |Name | Type | Description | Notes| |------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------| | **id** | **String** | AuditMessage ID. | | | **user** | [**AuditUser**](AuditUser.html) | | [optional] | | **correlation_id** | **String** | Correlation ID. | [optional] | | **transaction_id** | **String** | Transaction ID. | [optional] | | **transaction_initiator** | **BOOLEAN** | Whether or not this audit can be considered the initiator of the transaction it is a part of. | [optional] [default to false]| | **application** | **String** | The application through which the action of this AuditMessage was initiated. | [optional] | | **service_name** | **String** | The name of the service which sent this AuditMessage. | | | **level** | **String** | The level of this audit. USER or SYSTEM. | | | **timestamp** | **String** | The time at which the action of this AuditMessage was initiated. | [optional] | | **received_timestamp** | **String** | The time at which this AuditMessage was received. | | | **status** | **String** | The status of the action of this AuditMessage | | | **action_context** | **String** | The context of a system-level action | [optional] | | **action** | **String** | A string representing the action that took place | [optional] | | **changes** | [**Array<Change>**](Change.html) | Details about any changes that occurred in this audit | [optional] | | **entity** | [**AuditEntity**](AuditEntity.html) | | [optional] | | **service_context** | [**ServiceContext**](ServiceContext.html) | The service-specific context associated with this AuditMessage. | [optional] | {: class="table table-striped"}