class Prawn::Svg::Element attr_reader :document, :element, :parent_calls, :base_calls, :state, :attributes attr_accessor :calls def initialize(document, element, parent_calls, state) @document = document @element = element @parent_calls = parent_calls @state = state @base_calls = @calls = [] combine_attributes_and_style_declarations apply_styles if id = @attributes["id"] state[:ids][id] = @base_calls end end def name @name ||= end def each_child_element element.elements.each do |e| yield, e, @calls, @state.dup) end end def warnings @document.warnings end def add_call(name, *arguments) @calls << [name.to_s, arguments, []] end def add_call_and_enter(name, *arguments) @calls << [name.to_s, arguments, []] @calls = @calls.last.last end def append_calls_to_parent @parent_calls.concat(@base_calls) end protected def apply_styles # Transform if transform = @attributes['transform'] parse_css_method_calls(transform).each do |name, arguments| case name when 'translate' x, y = arguments x, y = x.split(/\s+/) if y.nil? add_call_and_enter name, @document.distance(x), -@document.distance(y) when 'rotate' rotation_arguments = arguments.first.split(/\s+/) if (rotation_arguments.length == 3) add_call_and_enter name, -rotation_arguments.first.to_f, :origin => [@document.x(rotation_arguments[1].to_f), @document.y(rotation_arguments[2].to_f)] else add_call_and_enter name, -arguments.first.to_f, :origin => [0, @document.y('0')] end when 'scale' args = arguments.first.split(/\s+/) x_scale = args[0].to_f y_scale = (args[1] || x_scale).to_f add_call_and_enter "transformation_matrix", x_scale, 0, 0, y_scale, 0, 0 when 'matrix' args = arguments.first.split(/\s+/) if args.length != 6 @document.warnings << "transform 'matrix' must have six arguments" else a, b, c, d, e, f = args.collect {|a| a.to_f} add_call_and_enter "transformation_matrix", a, b, c, d, @document.distance(e), -@document.distance(f) end else @document.warnings << "Unknown transformation '#{name}'; ignoring" end end end # Opacity: # We can't do nested opacities quite like the SVG requires, but this is close enough. fill_opacity = stroke_opacity = clamp(@attributes['opacity'].to_f, 0, 1) if @attributes['opacity'] fill_opacity = clamp(@attributes['fill-opacity'].to_f, 0, 1) if @attributes['fill-opacity'] stroke_opacity = clamp(@attributes['stroke-opacity'].to_f, 0, 1) if @attributes['stroke-opacity'] if fill_opacity || stroke_opacity state[:fill_opacity] = (state[:fill_opacity] || 1) * (fill_opacity || 1) state[:stroke_opacity] = (state[:stroke_opacity] || 1) * (stroke_opacity || 1) add_call_and_enter 'transparent', state[:fill_opacity], state[:stroke_opacity] end # Fill and stroke draw_types = [] [:fill, :stroke].each do |type| dec = @attributes[type.to_s] if dec == "none" state[type] = false elsif dec state[type] = true if color = color_to_hex(dec) add_call "#{type}_color", color end end draw_types << type.to_s if state[type] end # Stroke width add_call('line_width', @document.distance(@attributes['stroke-width'])) if @attributes['stroke-width'] # Fonts if size = @attributes['font-size'] @state[:font_size] = size.to_f * @document.scale end if weight = @attributes['font-weight'] font_updated = true @state[:font_style] = weight == 'bold' ? :bold : nil end if (family = @attributes['font-family']) && family.strip != "" font_updated = true @state[:font_family] = family end if @state[:font_family] && font_updated if pdf_font = Prawn::Svg::Font.map_font_family_to_pdf_font(@state[:font_family], @state[:font_style]) add_call_and_enter 'font', pdf_font else @document.warnings << "Font family '#{@state[:font_family]}' style '#{@state[:font_style] || 'normal'}' is not a known font." end end # Call fill, stroke, or both draw_type = draw_types.join("_and_") if draw_type != "" && !Prawn::Svg::Parser::CONTAINER_TAGS.include?( add_call_and_enter draw_type end end def parse_css_method_calls(string) string.scan(/\s*(\w+)\(([^)]+)\)\s*/).collect do |call| name, argument_string = call arguments = argument_string.split(",").collect {|s| s.strip} [name, arguments] end end # TODO : use HTML_COLORS = { 'black' => "000000", 'green' => "008000", 'silver' => "c0c0c0", 'lime' => "00ff00", 'gray' => "808080", 'olive' => "808000", 'white' => "ffffff", 'yellow' => "ffff00", 'maroon' => "800000", 'navy' => "000080", 'red' => "ff0000", 'blue' => "0000ff", 'purple' => "800080", 'teal' => "008080", 'fuchsia' => "ff00ff", 'aqua' => "00ffff" }.freeze RGB_VALUE_REGEXP = "\s*(-?[0-9.]+%?)\s*" RGB_REGEXP = /\Argb\(#{RGB_VALUE_REGEXP},#{RGB_VALUE_REGEXP},#{RGB_VALUE_REGEXP}\)\z/i def color_to_hex(color_string) color_string.scan(/([^(\s]+(\([^)]*\))?)/).detect do |color, *_| if m = color.match(/\A#([0-9a-f])([0-9a-f])([0-9a-f])\z/i) break "#{m[1] * 2}#{m[2] * 2}#{m[3] * 2}" elsif color.match(/\A#[0-9a-f]{6}\z/i) break color[1..6] elsif hex = HTML_COLORS[color.downcase] break hex elsif m = color.match(RGB_REGEXP) break (1..3).collect do |n| value = m[n].to_f value *= 2.55 if m[n][-1..-1] == '%' "%02x" % clamp(value.round, 0, 255) end.join end end end def clamp(value, min_value, max_value) [[value, min_value].max, max_value].min end def combine_attributes_and_style_declarations if @document && @document.css_parser tag_style = @document.css_parser.find_by_selector( id_style = @document.css_parser.find_by_selector("##{element.attributes["id"]}") if element.attributes["id"] if classes = element.attributes["class"] class_styles = classes.strip.split(/\s+/).collect do |class_name| @document.css_parser.find_by_selector(".#{class_name}") end end element_style = element.attributes['style'] style = [tag_style, class_styles, id_style, element_style].flatten.collect do |s| s.nil? || s.strip == "" ? "" : "#{s}#{";" unless s.match(/;\s*\z/)}" end.join else style = element.attributes['style'] || "" end @attributes = parse_css_declarations(style) element.attributes.each {|n,v| @attributes[n] = v unless @attributes[n]} end def parse_css_declarations(declarations) # copied from css_parser declarations.gsub!(/(^[\s]*)|([\s]*$)/, '') output = {} declarations.split(/[\;$]+/m).each do |decs| if matches = decs.match(/\s*(.[^:]*)\s*\:\s*(.[^;]*)\s*(;|\Z)/i) property, value, end_of_declaration = matches.captures output[property] = value end end output end end