require 'test_plugin_helper' class PolicyMailerTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase setup do @user = User.current = users :admin FactoryGirl.create(:mail_notification, :name => :openscap_policy_summary, :description => N_('A summary of reports for OpenScap policies'), :mailer => 'ForemanOpenscap::PolicyMailer', :method => 'policy_summary', :subscription_type => 'report',) #just to have some content to send ForemanOpenscap::Policy.any_instance.stubs(:ensure_needed_puppetclasses).returns(true) host = FactoryGirl.create(:compliance_host) asset = FactoryGirl.create(:asset, :assetable_id => policy = FactoryGirl.create(:policy, :assets => [asset]) arf_report = FactoryGirl.create(:arf_report, :policy => policy, :host_id => policy_arf_report = FactoryGirl.create(:policy_arf_report, :policy_id =>, :arf_report_id => @user.mail_notifications << MailNotification[:openscap_policy_summary] ActionMailer::Base.deliveries = [] @user.user_mail_notifications.first.deliver @email = ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.first end test 'policy mailer should deliver summary' do assert"") end test 'policy mailer should contain body' do refute @email.body.nil? end test 'policy mailer should have a correct subject' do refute @email.subject.empty? assert @email.subject.include? Setting[:email_subject_prefix].first end test 'policy mailer sends Foreman URL in body' do assert @email.body.include? Setting[:foreman_url] end end