# frozen_string_literal: true module Briard module Readers module SchemaOrgReader SO_TO_DC_RELATION_TYPES = { "citation" => "References", "isBasedOn" => "IsSupplementedBy", "sameAs" => "IsIdenticalTo", "isPartOf" => "IsPartOf", "hasPart" => "HasPart", "isPredecessor" => "IsPreviousVersionOf", "isSuccessor" => "IsNewVersionOf" } SO_TO_DC_REVERSE_RELATION_TYPES = { "citation" => "IsReferencedBy", "isBasedOn" => "IsSupplementTo", "sameAs" => "IsIdenticalTo", "isPartOf" => "HasPart", "hasPart" => "IsPartOf", "isPredecessor" => "IsNewVersionOf", "isSuccessor" => "IsPreviousVersionOf" } def get_schema_org(id: nil, **options) return { "string" => nil, "state" => "not_found" } unless id.present? url = normalize_id(id) response = Maremma.get(url, accept: "json", raw: true) # some responses are returned as a hash if response.body["data"].is_a?(Hash) string = response.body.dig("data", "html", "head", "script", 1, "__content__") else doc = Nokogiri::XML(response.body.fetch("data", nil), nil, 'UTF-8') # workaround for xhtml documents nodeset = doc.css("script") string = nodeset.find { |element| element["type"] == "application/ld+json" } string = string.text if string.present? end { "string" => string } end def read_schema_org(string: nil, **options) if string.present? errors = jsonlint(string) return { "errors" => errors } if errors.present? end read_options = ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess.new(options.except(:doi, :id, :url, :sandbox, :validate, :ra)) meta = string.present? ? Maremma.from_json(string) : {} identifiers = Array.wrap(meta.fetch("identifier", nil)).map do |r| r = normalize_id(r) if r.is_a?(String) if r.is_a?(String) && !r.start_with?("https://doi.org") { "identifierType" => "URL", "identifier" => r } elsif r.is_a?(Hash) { "identifierType" => get_identifier_type(r["propertyID"]), "identifier" => r["value"] } end end.compact.uniq id = normalize_id(options[:doi] || meta.fetch("@id", nil) || meta.fetch("identifier", nil)) schema_org = meta.fetch("@type", nil) && meta.fetch("@type").camelcase resource_type_general = Briard::Utils::SO_TO_DC_TRANSLATIONS[schema_org] types = { "resourceTypeGeneral" => resource_type_general, "resourceType" => meta.fetch("additionalType", nil), "schemaOrg" => schema_org, "citeproc" => Briard::Utils::SO_TO_CP_TRANSLATIONS[schema_org] || "article-journal", "bibtex" => Briard::Utils::SO_TO_BIB_TRANSLATIONS[schema_org] || "misc", "ris" => Briard::Utils::SO_TO_RIS_TRANSLATIONS[resource_type_general.to_s.dasherize] || "GEN" }.compact authors = meta.fetch("author", nil) || meta.fetch("creator", nil) # Authors should be an object, if it's just a plain string don't try and parse it. if not authors.is_a?(String) creators = get_authors(from_schema_org_creators(Array.wrap(authors))) end contributors = get_authors(from_schema_org_contributors(Array.wrap(meta.fetch("editor", nil)))) publisher = parse_attributes(meta.fetch("publisher", nil), content: "name", first: true) ct = (schema_org == "Dataset") ? "includedInDataCatalog" : "Periodical" container = if meta.fetch(ct, nil).present? url = parse_attributes(from_schema_org(meta.fetch(ct, nil)), content: "url", first: true) { "type" => (schema_org == "Dataset") ? "DataRepository" : "Periodical", "title" => parse_attributes(from_schema_org(meta.fetch(ct, nil)), content: "name", first: true), "identifier" => url, "identifierType" => url.present? ? "URL" : nil, "volume" => meta.fetch("volumeNumber", nil), "issue" => meta.fetch("issueNumber", nil), "firstPage" => meta.fetch("pageStart", nil), "lastPage" => meta.fetch("pageEnd", nil) }.compact elsif schema_org == "BlogPosting" issn = meta.dig("isPartOf", "issn") { "type" => "Blog", "title" => meta.dig("isPartOf", "name"), "identifier" => issn, "identifierType" => issn.present? ? "ISSN" : nil }.compact else {} end related_identifiers = Array.wrap(schema_org_is_identical_to(meta)) + Array.wrap(schema_org_is_part_of(meta)) + Array.wrap(schema_org_has_part(meta)) + Array.wrap(schema_org_is_previous_version_of(meta)) + Array.wrap(schema_org_is_new_version_of(meta)) + Array.wrap(schema_org_references(meta)) + Array.wrap(schema_org_is_referenced_by(meta)) + Array.wrap(schema_org_is_supplement_to(meta)) + Array.wrap(schema_org_is_supplemented_by(meta)) rights_list = Array.wrap(meta.fetch("license", nil)).compact.map do |rl| if rl.is_a?(String) hsh_to_spdx("rightsURI" => rl) else hsh_to_spdx("__content__" => rl["name"], "rightsURI" => rl["id"]) end end funding_references = Array.wrap(meta.fetch("funder", nil)).compact.map do |fr| if fr["@id"].present? { "funderName" => fr["name"], "funderIdentifier" => fr["@id"], "funderIdentifierType" => fr["@id"].to_s.start_with?("https://doi.org/10.13039") ? "Crossref Funder ID" : "Other" }.compact else { "funderName" => fr["name"] }.compact end end # strip milliseconds from iso8601, as edtf library doesn't handle them dates = [] dates << { "date" => strip_milliseconds(meta.fetch("datePublished")), "dateType" => "Issued" } if Date.edtf(strip_milliseconds(meta.fetch("datePublished", nil))).present? dates << { "date" => strip_milliseconds(meta.fetch("dateCreated")), "dateType" => "Created" } if Date.edtf(strip_milliseconds(meta.fetch("dateCreated", nil))).present? dates << { "date" => strip_milliseconds(meta.fetch("dateModified")), "dateType" => "Updated" } if Date.edtf(strip_milliseconds(meta.fetch("dateModified", nil))).present? publication_year = meta.fetch("datePublished")[0..3] if meta.fetch("datePublished", nil).present? if meta.fetch("inLanguage", nil).is_a?(String) language = meta.fetch("inLanguage") elsif meta.fetch("inLanguage", nil).is_a?(Object) language = meta.dig("inLanguage", 'alternateName') || meta.dig("inLanguage", 'name') else language = nil end state = meta.present? || read_options.present? ? "findable" : "not_found" geo_locations = Array.wrap(meta.fetch("spatialCoverage", nil)).map do |gl| if gl.dig("geo", "box") s, w, n, e = gl.dig("geo", "box").split(" ", 4) geo_location_box = { "westBoundLongitude" => w, "eastBoundLongitude" => e, "southBoundLatitude" => s, "northBoundLatitude" => n, }.compact.presence else geo_location_box = nil end geo_location_point = { "pointLongitude" => gl.dig("geo", "longitude"), "pointLatitude" => gl.dig("geo", "latitude") }.compact.presence { "geoLocationPlace" => gl.dig("geo", "address"), "geoLocationPoint" => geo_location_point, "geoLocationBox" => geo_location_box }.compact end # handle keywords as array and as comma-separated string subjects = meta.fetch("keywords", nil) subjects = subjects.to_s.split(", ") if subjects.is_a?(String) subjects = Array.wrap(subjects).reduce([]) do |sum, subject| sum += name_to_fos(subject) sum end { "id" => id, "types" => types, "doi" => validate_doi(id), "identifiers" => identifiers, "url" => normalize_id(meta.fetch("url", nil)), "content_url" => Array.wrap(meta.fetch("contentUrl", nil)), "sizes" => Array.wrap(meta.fetch("contenSize", nil)).presence, "formats" => Array.wrap(meta.fetch("encodingFormat", nil) || meta.fetch("fileFormat", nil)), "titles" => meta.fetch("name", nil).present? ? [{ "title" => meta.fetch("name", nil) }] : nil, "creators" => creators, "contributors" => contributors, "publisher" => publisher, "agency" => parse_attributes(meta.fetch("provider", nil), content: "name", first: true), "container" => container, "related_identifiers" => related_identifiers, "publication_year" => publication_year, "dates" => dates, "descriptions" => meta.fetch("description", nil).present? ? [{ "description" => sanitize(meta.fetch("description")), "descriptionType" => "Abstract" }] : nil, "rights_list" => rights_list, "version_info" => meta.fetch("version", nil).to_s.presence, "subjects" => subjects, "language" => language, "state" => state, "schema_version" => meta.fetch("schemaVersion", nil).to_s.presence, "funding_references" => funding_references, "geo_locations" => geo_locations }.merge(read_options) end def schema_org_related_identifier(meta, relation_type: nil) normalize_ids(ids: meta.fetch(relation_type, nil), relation_type: SO_TO_DC_RELATION_TYPES[relation_type]) end def schema_org_reverse_related_identifier(meta, relation_type: nil) normalize_ids(ids: meta.dig("@reverse", relation_type), relation_type: SO_TO_DC_REVERSE_RELATION_TYPES[relation_type]) end def schema_org_is_identical_to(meta) schema_org_related_identifier(meta, relation_type: "sameAs") end def schema_org_is_part_of(meta) schema_org_related_identifier(meta, relation_type: "isPartOf") end def schema_org_has_part(meta) schema_org_related_identifier(meta, relation_type: "hasPart") end def schema_org_is_previous_version_of(meta) schema_org_related_identifier(meta, relation_type: "PredecessorOf") end def schema_org_is_new_version_of(meta) schema_org_related_identifier(meta, relation_type: "SuccessorOf") end def schema_org_references(meta) schema_org_related_identifier(meta, relation_type: "citation") end def schema_org_is_referenced_by(meta) schema_org_reverse_related_identifier(meta, relation_type: "citation") end def schema_org_is_supplement_to(meta) schema_org_reverse_related_identifier(meta, relation_type: "isBasedOn") end def schema_org_is_supplemented_by(meta) schema_org_related_identifier(meta, relation_type: "isBasedOn") end end end end