require "logger" module ManageEngine class APMLogger @apmlog=nil; @apmLogPath=nil; def initialize @obj=ManageEngine::APMObjectHolder.instance path = getLogsPath #puts "#{path}" if Dir[path] == [] Dir.mkdir(path) end @apmLogPath= path + '/apm.log' #puts "#{path}" # file = open(path, File::WRONLY | File::APPEND | File::CREAT) begin @apmlog =, 10, 5 * 1024 * 1024) @apmlog.level = Logger::INFO rescue Exception => e puts "Unable to create/edit the log file #{@apmLogPath}. Writing agent logs to STDOUT.\nError: #{e.message}" @apmlog = @apmlog.level = Logger::WARN end # @apmlog = @apmlog.datetime_format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" @apmlog.formatter = proc do |severity, datetime, progname, msg| "[#{datetime}|#{}][#{severity}]:#{msg}\n" end @apmlog.debug("[LOGGER] APM Agent Logging Initialized") end def getLogFilePath return @apmLogPath end def getLogsPath props = {} begin if FileTest.exists?(@obj.constants.apm_conf), 'r') do |line| line.strip! if (line[0] != ?# and line[0] != ?=) i = line.index('=') if (i) props[line[0..i - 1].strip] = line[i + 1..-1].strip else props[line] = '' end end end else puts "ManageEngine Ruby Agent Configuration File Not exist in #{@obj.constants.apm_conf}.\n Duplicate file will be available in /apm-agent/lib/config " end rescue Exception=>e puts "Problem in Reading Property File : \n #{e.message} \n #{e.backtrace}" ensure # end if props["apminsight.log.dir"]!=nil return props["apminsight.log.dir"] else return @obj.constants.conf_location+"log" end end def setLevel level level = level.upcase case level.upcase when "INFO" then @apmlog.level = Logger::INFO when "DEBUG" then @apmlog.level = Logger::DEBUG when "WARN" then @apmlog.level = Logger::WARN when "ERROR" then @apmlog.level = Logger::ERROR when "FATAL" then @apmlog.level = Logger::FATAL when "FINE" then @apmlog.level = Logger::DEBUG when "SEVERE" then @apmlog.level = Logger::ERROR when "WARNING" then @apmlog.level = Logger::WARN else @apmlog.level = Logger::DEBUG end end def info(msg) end def debug(msg) @apmlog.debug(msg) end def warn(msg) @apmlog.warn(msg) end def error(msg) @apmlog.error(msg) end def fatal(msg) @apmlog.fatal(msg) end def logException(msg,e) @apmlog.warn( "#{msg} => #{e.message}") @apmlog.warn( "Message : #{msg}\nTrace :\n#{e.backtrace}") end def close @apmlog.close end end end