module Avo class Configuration include ResourceConfiguration attr_writer :app_name attr_writer :branding attr_writer :root_path attr_writer :cache_store attr_writer :logger attr_writer :turbo attr_accessor :timezone attr_accessor :per_page attr_accessor :per_page_steps attr_accessor :via_per_page attr_accessor :locale attr_accessor :currency attr_accessor :default_view_type attr_accessor :license_key attr_accessor :authorization_methods attr_accessor :authenticate attr_accessor :current_user attr_accessor :id_links_to_resource attr_accessor :full_width_container attr_accessor :full_width_index_view attr_accessor :cache_resources_on_index_view attr_accessor :cache_resource_filters attr_accessor :context attr_accessor :display_breadcrumbs attr_accessor :hide_layout_when_printing attr_accessor :initial_breadcrumbs attr_accessor :home_path attr_accessor :search_debounce attr_accessor :view_component_path attr_accessor :display_license_request_timeout_error attr_accessor :current_user_resource_name attr_accessor :raise_error_on_missing_policy attr_accessor :disabled_features attr_accessor :buttons_on_form_footers attr_accessor :main_menu attr_accessor :profile_menu attr_accessor :model_resource_mapping attr_reader :resource_default_view attr_accessor :authorization_client attr_accessor :field_wrapper_layout attr_accessor :sign_out_path_name attr_accessor :resources attr_accessor :prefix_path attr_accessor :resource_parent_controller attr_accessor :mount_avo_engines attr_accessor :default_url_options def initialize @root_path = "/avo" @app_name = ::Rails.application.class.to_s.split("::").first.underscore.humanize(keep_id_suffix: true) @timezone = "UTC" @per_page = 24 @per_page_steps = [12, 24, 48, 72] @via_per_page = 8 @locale = nil @currency = "USD" @default_view_type = :table @license_key = nil @current_user = proc {} @authenticate = proc {} @authorization_methods = { index: "index?", show: "show?", edit: "edit?", new: "new?", update: "update?", create: "create?", destroy: "destroy?" } @id_links_to_resource = false @full_width_container = false @full_width_index_view = false @cache_resources_on_index_view = Avo::PACKED @cache_resource_filters = false @context = proc {} @initial_breadcrumbs = proc { add_breadcrumb I18n.t("avo.home").humanize, avo.root_path } @display_breadcrumbs = true @hide_layout_when_printing = false @home_path = nil @search_debounce = 300 @view_component_path = "app/components" @display_license_request_timeout_error = true @current_user_resource_name = "user" @raise_error_on_missing_policy = false @disabled_features = [] @buttons_on_form_footers = false @main_menu = nil @profile_menu = nil @model_resource_mapping = {} @resource_default_view ="show") @authorization_client = :pundit @field_wrapper_layout = :inline @resources = nil @resource_parent_controller = "Avo::ResourcesController" @mount_avo_engines = true @cache_store = computed_cache_store @logger = default_logger @turbo = default_turbo @default_url_options = [] end def current_user_method(&block) @current_user = block if block.present? end def current_user_method=(method) @current_user = method if method.present? end def authenticate_with(&block) @authenticate = block if block.present? end def set_context(&block) @context = block if block.present? end def set_initial_breadcrumbs(&block) @initial_breadcrumbs = block if block.present? end def namespace if Avo.configuration.root_path.present? Avo.configuration.root_path.delete "/" else root_path.delete "/" end end def root_path return "" if @root_path === "/" @root_path end def feature_enabled?(feature) ! end def branding**@branding || {}) end def app_name @app_name).handle end def license=(value) if Rails.env.development? puts "[Avo DEPRECATION WARNING]: The `config.license` configuration option is no longer supported and will be removed in future versions. Please discontinue its use and solely utilize the `license_key` instead." end end def license gems = {|gem|} @license ||= if gems.include?("avo-advanced") "advanced" elsif gems.include?("avo-pro") "pro" elsif gems.include?("avo") "community" end end def resource_default_view=(view) @resource_default_view = end def cache_store target: @cache_store, production_rejected_cache_stores: %w[ActiveSupport::Cache::MemoryStore ActiveSupport::Cache::NullStore] ).handle end # When not in production or test we'll just use the MemoryStore which is good enough. # When running in production we'll use Rails.cache if it's not ActiveSupport::Cache::MemoryStore or ActiveSupport::Cache::NullStore. # If it's one of rejected cache stores, we'll use the FileStore. # We decided against the MemoryStore in production because it will not be shared between multiple processes (when using Puma). def computed_cache_store -> { if Rails.env.production? if ActiveSupport::Cache.lookup_store(:file_store, Rails.root.join("tmp", "cache")) else Rails.cache end elsif Rails.env.test? Rails.cache else ActiveSupport::Cache.lookup_store(:memory_store) end } end def logger @logger).handle end def default_logger -> { file_logger ="log", "avo.log")) file_logger.datetime_format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" file_logger.formatter = proc do |severity, time, progname, msg| "[Avo] #{time}: #{msg}\n".tap do |i| puts i end end file_logger } end def turbo @turbo).handle end def default_turbo -> do { instant_click: true } end end end def self.configuration @configuration ||= end def self.configuration=(config) @configuration = config end def self.configure yield configuration end end