// Copyright 2012 Twitter, Inc // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 var TwitterCldr = require('../../../lib/assets/javascripts/twitter_cldr/twitter_cldr_en.js'); describe("PluralRules", function() { describe("#all", function() { it("returns an array of all English plural rules", function() { expect(TwitterCldr.PluralRules.all()).toEqual(["one", "other"]); }); }); describe("#rule_for", function() { it("returns 'one' for the number 1", function() { expect(TwitterCldr.PluralRules.rule_for(1)).toEqual("one"); }); it("returns 'other' for any number greater than 1", function() { for (var i = 2; i < 10; i ++) { expect(TwitterCldr.PluralRules.rule_for(i)).toEqual("other"); } }); it("returns 'other' for the number 0", function() { expect(TwitterCldr.PluralRules.rule_for(0)).toEqual("other"); }); }); });