module Bogus class HaveReceivedMatcher include ProxiesMethodCalls extend Takes NO_SHADOW = "Given object is not a fake and nothing was ever stubbed or mocked on it!" takes :verifies_stub_definition, :records_double_interactions def matches?(subject) @subject = subject return false unless Shadow.has_shadow?(subject) verifies_stub_definition.verify!(subject, @name, @args) records_double_interactions.record(subject, @name, @args) subject.__shadow__.has_received(@name, @args) end def description "have received #{call_str(@name, @args)}" end def failure_message_for_should return NO_SHADOW unless Shadow.has_shadow?(@subject) %Q{Expected #{@subject.inspect} to #{description}, but it didn't.\n\n} + all_calls_str end def failure_message_for_should_not return NO_SHADOW unless Shadow.has_shadow?(@subject) %Q{Expected #{@subject.inspect} not to #{description}, but it did.} end def method_call proxy(:set_method) end def set_method(name, *args, &block) @name = name @args = args self end private def call_str(method, args) "#{method}(#{', ')})" end def all_calls_str shadow = @subject.__shadow__ calls ={|i| call_str(i.method, i.args)} if calls.any? message = "The recorded interactions were:\n" calls.each{|s| message << " - #{s}\n"} message else "There were no interactions with this object.\n" end end end end