# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- require "spec_helper" unless ENV["CI"] describe "Message framing implementation" do let(:connection) do c = Bunny.new(:user => "bunny_gem", :password => "bunny_password", :vhost => "bunny_testbed", :port => ENV.fetch("RABBITMQ_PORT", 5672)) c.start c end after :each do connection.close if connection.open? end context "with payload exceeding 128 Kb (max frame size)" do it "successfully frames the message" do ch = connection.create_channel q = ch.queue("", :exclusive => true) x = ch.default_exchange as = ("a" * (1024 * 1024 * 4 + 28237777)) x.publish(as, :routing_key => q.name, :persistent => true) sleep(1) expect(q.message_count).to eq 1 _, _, payload = q.pop expect(payload.bytesize).to eq as.bytesize ch.close end end context "with payload of several MBs of non-ASCII characters" do it "successfully frames the message" do ch = connection.create_channel q = ch.queue("", :exclusive => true) x = ch.default_exchange as = "кириллца, йо" * (1024 * 1024) x.publish(as, :routing_key => q.name, :persistent => true) sleep(1) expect(q.message_count).to eq 1 _, _, payload = q.pop expect(payload.bytesize).to eq as.bytesize ch.close end end context "with empty message body" do it "successfully publishes the message" do ch = connection.create_channel q = ch.queue("", :exclusive => true) x = ch.default_exchange x.publish("", :routing_key => q.name, :persistent => false, :mandatory => true) sleep(0.5) expect(q.message_count).to eq 1 envelope, headers, payload = q.pop expect(payload).to eq "" expect(headers[:content_type]).to eq "application/octet-stream" expect(headers[:delivery_mode]).to eq 1 expect(headers[:priority]).to eq 0 ch.close end end end end