# encoding: utf-8 # from http://stackoverflow.com/a/9857493/445598 # because of # `incompatible encoding regexp match (UTF-8 regexp with ASCII-8BIT string) (Encoding::CompatibilityError)` require 'tempfile' module Gym # Responsible for building the fully working xcodebuild command class PackageCommandGeneratorXcode7 class << self def generate print_legacy_information parts = ["/usr/bin/xcrun #{XcodebuildFixes.wrap_xcodebuild.shellescape} -exportArchive"] parts += options parts += pipe File.write(config_path, config_content) # overwrite everytime. Could be optimized parts end def options options = [] options << "-exportOptionsPlist '#{config_path}'" options << "-archivePath '#{BuildCommandGenerator.archive_path}'" options << "-exportPath '#{temporary_output_path}'" options end def pipe [""] end # We export the ipa into this directory, as we can't specify the ipa file directly def temporary_output_path Gym.cache[:temporary_output_path] ||= Dir.mktmpdir('gym_output') end def ipa_path unless Gym.cache[:ipa_path] path = Dir[File.join(temporary_output_path, "*.ipa")].last # We need to process generic IPA if path # Try to find IPA file in the output directory, used when app thinning was not set Gym.cache[:ipa_path] = File.join(temporary_output_path, "#{Gym.config[:output_name]}.ipa") FileUtils.mv(path, Gym.cache[:ipa_path]) unless File.expand_path(path).casecmp(File.expand_path(Gym.cache[:ipa_path]).downcase).zero? elsif Dir.exist?(apps_path) # Try to find "generic" IPA file inside "Apps" folder, used when app thinning was set files = Dir[File.join(apps_path, "*.ipa")] # Generic IPA file doesn't have suffix so its name is the shortest path = files.min_by(&:length) Gym.cache[:ipa_path] = File.join(temporary_output_path, "#{Gym.config[:output_name]}.ipa") FileUtils.cp(path, Gym.cache[:ipa_path]) unless File.expand_path(path).casecmp(File.expand_path(Gym.cache[:ipa_path]).downcase).zero? else ErrorHandler.handle_empty_archive unless path end end Gym.cache[:ipa_path] end # The path the the dsym file for this app. Might be nil def dsym_path Dir[BuildCommandGenerator.archive_path + "/**/*.app.dSYM"].last end # The path the config file we use to sign our app def config_path Gym.cache[:config_path] ||= "#{Tempfile.new('gym_config').path}.plist" return Gym.cache[:config_path] end # The path to the manifest plist file def manifest_path Gym.cache[:manifest_path] ||= File.join(temporary_output_path, "manifest.plist") end # The path to the app-thinning plist file def app_thinning_path Gym.cache[:app_thinning] ||= File.join(temporary_output_path, "app-thinning.plist") end # The path to the App Thinning Size Report file def app_thinning_size_report_path Gym.cache[:app_thinning_size_report] ||= File.join(temporary_output_path, "App Thinning Size Report.txt") end # The path to the Apps folder def apps_path Gym.cache[:apps_path] ||= File.join(temporary_output_path, "Apps") end private def normalize_export_options(hash) # Normalize some values hash[:onDemandResourcesAssetPacksBaseURL] = URI.escape(hash[:onDemandResourcesAssetPacksBaseURL]) if hash[:onDemandResourcesAssetPacksBaseURL] if hash[:manifest] hash[:manifest][:appURL] = URI.escape(hash[:manifest][:appURL]) if hash[:manifest][:appURL] hash[:manifest][:displayImageURL] = URI.escape(hash[:manifest][:displayImageURL]) if hash[:manifest][:displayImageURL] hash[:manifest][:fullSizeImageURL] = URI.escape(hash[:manifest][:fullSizeImageURL]) if hash[:manifest][:fullSizeImageURL] hash[:manifest][:assetPackManifestURL] = URI.escape(hash[:manifest][:assetPackManifestURL]) if hash[:manifest][:assetPackManifestURL] end hash end def keys_to_symbols(hash) # Convert keys to symbols hash = hash.each_with_object({}) do |(k, v), memo| memo[k.to_sym] = v memo end hash end def read_export_options # Reads export options if Gym.config[:export_options] if Gym.config[:export_options].kind_of?(Hash) # Reads options from hash hash = normalize_export_options(Gym.config[:export_options]) else # Reads optoins from file hash = Plist.parse_xml(Gym.config[:export_options]) # Convert keys to symbols hash = keys_to_symbols(hash) end # Saves configuration for later use Gym.config[:export_method] ||= hash[:method] Gym.config[:include_symbols] = hash[:uploadSymbols] if Gym.config[:include_symbols].nil? Gym.config[:include_bitcode] = hash[:uploadBitcode] if Gym.config[:include_bitcode].nil? Gym.config[:export_team_id] ||= hash[:teamID] else hash = {} # Sets default values Gym.config[:export_method] ||= "app-store" Gym.config[:include_symbols] = true if Gym.config[:include_symbols].nil? Gym.config[:include_bitcode] = false if Gym.config[:include_bitcode].nil? end hash end def config_content require 'plist' hash = read_export_options # Overrides export options if needed hash[:method] = Gym.config[:export_method] if Gym.config[:export_method] == 'app-store' hash[:uploadSymbols] = (Gym.config[:include_symbols] ? true : false) unless Gym.config[:include_symbols].nil? hash[:uploadBitcode] = (Gym.config[:include_bitcode] ? true : false) unless Gym.config[:include_bitcode].nil? end hash[:teamID] = Gym.config[:export_team_id] if Gym.config[:export_team_id] hash.to_plist end def print_legacy_information return if Gym.config[:provisioning_profile_path].to_s.length == 0 UI.error "You're using Xcode 7, the `provisioning_profile_path` value will be ignored" UI.error "Please follow the Code Signing Guide: https://codesigning.guide (for match) or https://github.com/fastlane/fastlane/blob/master/fastlane/docs/CodeSigning.md" end end end end