KManager.action :domain_model do action do DrawioDsl::Drawio .init(k_builder, on_exist: :write, on_action: :execute) .diagram(theme: :style_04) .page('Domain Modal', margin_left: 0, margin_top: 0, rounded: 0, background: '#fafafa') do grid_layout(wrap_at: 6, grid_w: 220, grid_h: 180) group(title: 'Tailwind GEM', theme: :style_01) group(title: 'Configuration', theme: :style_01) klass(:a1, w: 200) do format .header('Configuration', namespace: :config, description: 'Configuration container for the Tailwind DSL') .field(:collections , type: :Collections) # winter, summer .field(:themes , type: :Themes) # light, dark, red, blue .field(:data_shapes , type: :DataShapes) # obj, heading_paragraph_list, image_heading_paragraph_list .field(:component_groups , type: :ComponentGroups) # nav, footer, header, hero, price end # A Collection would be better named as a UIKit or DesignSystem klass(:a2, w: 200) do format .header('Collection', namespace: :config, description: 'Configuration for collection of Tailwind components. AKA uikit / brands / set / design') .field(:name, type: :String) .field(:description, type: :String) .field(:component_groups , type: :ComponentGroups) # winter, summer .field(:default_themes , type: :Themes) # light, dark end klass(:a3, w: 200, description: 'Configuration for theme', note: 'light, dark, red, green') do format .header('Theme', namespace: :config) .field(:key, type: :Symbol) .field(:name, type: :String) # The name will default to the titleized version of the key .field(:description, type: :String) end klass(:a4, w: 200, description: 'Configuration for data shape', note: 'object, key_value array') do format .header('DataShape') .field(:key, type: :Symbol) .field(:name, type: :String) .field(:description, type: :String) end klass(:a5, w: 200) do format .header('ComponentGroup', namespace: :config, description: 'Configuration for component group. [nav, footer, header, hero, price]') .field(:key, type: :Symbol) .field(:name, type: :String) .field(:description, type: :String) .field(:collection, type: :Collection) # belongs_to (foreign_key) .field(:components , type: :Components) # 01, 02, 03 end klass(:a6, w: 200, description: 'Configuration for component', note: '01, 02, 03') do format .header('Component', namespace: :config) .field(:key, type: :Symbol) .field(:name, type: :String) .field(:description, type: :String) .field(:data_shape, type: :DataShape) end solid(source: :a1, target: :a2, exit_point: :e, entry_point: :w, waypoint: :orthogonal_curved) solid(source: :a1, target: :a3, exit_point: :e, entry_point: :w, waypoint: :orthogonal_curved) solid(source: :a1, target: :a4, exit_point: :e, entry_point: :w, waypoint: :orthogonal_curved) solid(source: :a1, target: :a5, exit_point: :e, entry_point: :w, waypoint: :orthogonal_curved) solid(source: :a5, target: :a6, exit_point: :e, entry_point: :w, waypoint: :orthogonal_curved) solid(source: :a6, target: :a4, exit_point: :w, entry_point: :e, waypoint: :orthogonal_curved) solid(source: :a2, target: :a3, exit_point: :w, entry_point: :e, waypoint: :orthogonal_curved) group(title: 'Schema', theme: :style_01) # website -> root (start of sitemap) # -> page -> pages [about, contact, news, products, services, terms, privacy] -> news -> news_item # -> page -> components -> component -> data_shape klass(:b1, w: 200, description: '') do format .header('WebSite', namespace: :schema) .field(:key, type: :Symbol) .field(:name, type: :String) .field(:description, type: :String) .field(:target_folder, type: :String) .field(:base_collection, type: :Collection) # belongs_to (foreign_key) .field(:theme, type: :Theme) # belongs_to (foreign_key) .field(:root, type: :Page) .method(:favourite_components, type: :Components) # these are the components have been used in the site and implicitly become favourite end klass(:b2, w: 200, description: '') do format .header('Page', namespace: :schema) .field(:key, type: :Symbol) .field(:name, type: :String) .field(:description, type: :String) .field(:sub_folder, type: :String) .field(:level, type: :Integer) # level 1 will hold root (home page) and top level pages (about, contact, etc) .field(:pages, type: :Pages) # 01, 02, 03 .field(:components, type: :Components) # 01, 02, 03 end klass(:b3, w: 200, description: '') do format .header('Component', namespace: :schema) .field(:key, type: :Symbol) .field(:name, type: :String) .field(:description, type: :String) .field(:component_group, type: :ComponentGroup) # belongs_to (foreign_key) .field(:data_shape, type: :DataShape) end solid(source: :b1, target: :b2, exit_point: :e, entry_point: :w, waypoint: :orthogonal_curved) solid(source: :b2, target: :b3, exit_point: :e, entry_point: :w, waypoint: :orthogonal_curved) solid(source: :b2, target: :b2, exit_point: :e, entry_point: :s, waypoint: :orthogonal_curved) group(title: 'Tailwind Generator', theme: :style_01) # MVC pattern # Model (data shape) -> View (component html) -> Controller (tailwind generator) group(title: 'Tailwind DSL', theme: :style_01) klass(w: 200, description: 'DSL for tailwind websites') do format .header('TailwindDsl') .method(:website) .method(:page) .method(:component) .method(:save) end group(title: 'DataBuilder', theme: :style_01) klass(w: 200, description: 'Base for any Data Builder') do format .header('BaseDataBuilder') .field(:obj, type: :Hash) end # page('home') do # component('nav') do # data # .logo('xmen.png') # .menu('About', 'about.html') # .menu('Contact', 'contact.html') # .menu('News', 'news.html') # end interface(description: 'Create an instance of a DataBuilder for the target component', theme: :style_02) do format .header('Factory', interface_type: 'MixIn') .method(:data) .method(:data_instance) end grid_layout(wrap_at: 6, grid_w: 220, grid_h: 220) group(title: 'Raw Component Transformers', theme: :style_03) temp_suffix = 'X' # turn this on when generating code to avoid folder name collision # klass(:c1, w: 200) do format .header('UiKit' , namespace: "#{temp_suffix}Etl::RawComponents", description: 'Root container for normalizing the raw Tailwind html in component data structures', dry_struct: false) .field(:design_systems , type: "DesignSystem[]") end klass(:c2, w: 200) do format .header('DesignSystem', namespace: "#{temp_suffix}Etl::RawComponents", description: 'DesignSystem represents a collection of Tailwind CSS components that follow a specific design system', dry_struct: false) .field(:name , type: :string) .field(:stats , type: :Hash) .field(:groups , type: "Group[]") end klass(:c3, w: 200) do format .header('Group' , namespace: "#{temp_suffix}Etl::RawComponents", description: 'Group represents a collection of Tailwind CSS components withing a named group or category', dry_struct: false) .field(:key , type: :string) .field(:type , type: :string) .field(:folder , type: :string) .field(:sub_keys , type: "string[]") .field(:files , type: "SourceFile[]") end klass(:c4, w: 200) do format .header('SourceFile' , namespace: "#{temp_suffix}Etl::RawComponents", description: 'SourceFile represents a list of source files that contain raw Tailwind CSS components', dry_struct: false) .field(:name , type: :string) .field(:file_name , type: :string) .field(:file_name_only , type: :string) .field(:file , type: :string) .field(:target , type: "TargetFile") end klass(:c5, w: 200) do format .header('TargetFile' , namespace: "#{temp_suffix}Etl::RawComponents", description: 'TargetFile represents each sub_file that can be built from a source file, such as HTML Component, Tailwind Config, Settings and Data Structure', dry_struct: false) .field(:html_file , type: :string) .field(:clean_html_file , type: :string) .field(:tailwind_config_file , type: :string) .field(:settings_file , type: :string) .field(:data_file , type: :string) .field(:model_file , type: :string) .field(:astro_file , type: :string) end solid(source: :c1, target: :c2, exit_point: :e, entry_point: :w, waypoint: :orthogonal_curved) solid(source: :c2, target: :c3, exit_point: :e, entry_point: :w, waypoint: :orthogonal_curved) solid(source: :c3, target: :c4, exit_point: :e, entry_point: :w, waypoint: :orthogonal_curved) solid(source: :c4, target: :c5, exit_point: :e, entry_point: :w, waypoint: :orthogonal_curved) end .cd(:docs) .save('domain-model.drawio') .save_json('domain-model') .export_svg('domain-model', page: 1) end end KManager.opts.app_name = 'tailwind_domain_model' KManager.opts.sleep = 2 KManager.opts.reboot_on_kill = 0 KManager.opts.reboot_sleep = 4 KManager.opts.exception_style = :long = true = true = 'FINISHED :)'