.row .span8.offset2{:style => "border-left: 1px solid #ededed; border-right: 1px solid #ededed;"} .row-fluid .span8.offset2 .thanks-message="Thanks, #{@order.person.first_name}!" .blow .row-fluid .span6 .pull-right %h6 Order Number .span6 %h6{:style => 'color: black'}=@order.id - if @order.total_with_service_fee > 0 .blow .row-fluid .span6 .pull-right %h6 Payment Method .span6 %h6{:style => 'color: black'}=@order.payment_method %p   %p - if @order.total_with_service_fee > 0 %b You will see a charge on your credit card statement from "Artful.ly" %br We've also sent a confirmation of this order to %b=@order.person.email #shopping-cart-display .well -unless @order.tickets.empty? %h4 Tickets %table.table -@order.tickets.each do |item| %tr %td =item.product.event.name %br =item.product.show %td.right=number_as_cents item.total_price -unless @order.memberships.empty? %h4 Memberships %table.table -current_cart.memberships.each do |membership| %tr %td=membership.membership_type.membershipize %td.right=number_as_cents membership.membership_type.price -unless @order.donations.empty? %h4 Donations %table.table -@order.donations.each do |item| %tr %td="Donation to #{@store_organization.name}" %td.right=number_as_cents item.total_price %table.table -@order.discount_codes.each do |discount| %tr#discount-display %td.details Discount code %span=discount.code -# Hiding this, because we display the sold price of the tickets in this view. -# also displaying the discount amount makes the math wrong %td.right.amount -#=number_as_cents @order.total_discount %table.table -unless @order.service_fee == 0 %tr %td Service Charge %td.right=number_as_cents @order.service_fee %tr %td %b Total %td.right %b=number_as_cents @order.total_with_service_fee %p   -@order.events.each do |event| .store-event-display %h6=event.name %p =truncate(event.description, :length => 400, :separator => ' ', :omission => '...') %p %b Physical tickets will not be issued for this event. Please check in at the door with your order number. %p For questions about this event please contact: %br -unless event.contact_email.blank? Contact email: %b=event.contact_email %br -unless event.contact_phone.blank? Contact phone: %b=event.contact_phone - unless event.venue.address_as_string.blank? .map-mini-thanks =link_to image_tag("http://maps.google.com/maps/api/staticmap?size=760x250&maptype=roadmap&markers=color:red|#{event.venue.address_as_url_query}&sensor=false&zoom=14"), "http://maps.google.com/maps?q=#{event.venue.address_as_url_query.html_safe}&z=15" .address-background .address-block %br =event.venue.name %div="#{event.venue.street_as_string}, #{event.venue.city_state_zip_as_string}"