require 'spec_helper' describe Clearance::PasswordsController do include Shoulda::Matchers::ActionMailer it { should route(:get, '/users/1/password/edit'). to(:controller => 'clearance/passwords', :action => 'edit', :user_id => '1') } describe 'a signed up user' do before do @user = create(:user) end describe 'on GET to #new' do before { get :new, :user_id => @user.to_param } it { should respond_with(:success) } it { should render_template(:new) } end describe 'on POST to #create' do describe 'with correct email address' do before do ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.clear post :create, :password => { :email => } end it 'should generate a token for the change your password email' do @user.reload.confirmation_token.should_not be_nil end it { should have_sent_email.with_subject(/change your password/i) } it { should respond_with(:success) } end describe 'with incorrect email address' do before do email = '' (Clearance.configuration.user_model.exists?(['email = ?', email])).should_not be ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.clear @user.reload.confirmation_token.should == @user.confirmation_token post :create, :password => { :email => email } end it 'should not generate a token for the change your password email' do @user.reload.confirmation_token.should == @user.confirmation_token end it 'should not send a password reminder email' do ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.should be_empty end it { should render_template(:create) } end end end describe 'a signed up user and forgotten password' do before do @user = create(:user) @user.forgot_password! end describe 'on GET to #edit with correct id and token' do before do get :edit, :user_id => @user.to_param, :token => @user.confirmation_token end it 'should find the user' do assigns(:user).should == @user end it { should respond_with(:success) } it { should render_template(:edit) } end describe 'on GET to #edit with correct id but blank token' do before do get :edit, :user_id => @user.to_param, :token => '' end it { should check the URL/i).now } it { should render_template(:new) } end describe 'on GET to #edit with correct id but no token' do before do get :edit, :user_id => @user.to_param end it { should check the URL/i).now } it { should render_template(:new) } end describe 'on PUT to #update with password' do before do @new_password = 'new_password' @user.encrypted_password.should_not == @new_password put :update, :user_id => @user, :token => @user.confirmation_token, :password_reset => { :password => @new_password } @user.reload end it 'should update password' do @user.encrypted_password.should == @new_password end it 'should clear confirmation token' do @user.confirmation_token.should be_nil end it 'should set remember token' do @user.remember_token.should_not be_nil end it { should redirect_to_url_after_update } end describe 'on PUT to #update with blank password' do before do put :update, :user_id => @user.to_param, :token => @user.confirmation_token, :password_reset => { :password => '' } @user.reload end it 'should not update password to be blank' do @user.encrypted_password.should_not be_blank end it 'should not clear token' do @user.confirmation_token.should_not be_nil end it 'should not be signed in' do cookies[:remember_token].should be_nil end it { should can't be blank/i).now } it { should respond_with(:success) } it { should render_template(:edit) } end describe 'on PUT to #update with an empty token after the user sets a password' do before do put :update, :user_id => @user.to_param, :token => @user.confirmation_token, :password_reset => { :password => 'good password' } put :update, :user_id => @user.to_param, :token => [nil], :password_reset => { :password => 'new password' } end it { should check the URL/i).now } it { should render_template(:new) } end end describe 'given two users and user one signs in' do before do @user_one = create(:user) @user_two = create(:user) sign_in_as @user_one end end end