require 'rexml/document' # Uses Yahoo's fantastic weather RSS feed to resolve the weather information for either # (American) zip codes or search queries. "More info": class Weather # Yahoo's RSS weather service offers a numerical code that describes the conditions of a # forecasted day. Jay went through these codes creating the following array of Asterisk's # GSM audio files that best represent each condition. The numerical code associates with # the respective index in this array (error 0 is tornado, etc). When pulling an String from # this array, be sure to call the split() method on it to break it up between spaces! WEATHER_CODES = ["tornado", "storm", "hurricane", "severe thunderstorm", "thunderstorm", "rainy snowy", "rainy sleet", "snowy sleet", "icy misty", "misty", "icy rainy", "rainy", "rainy", "snowy", "snowy", "snowy", "snow", "hail", "sleet", "", "foggy", "foggy", "foggy", "", "windy", "low temperature", "cloudy", "mostly cloudy in-the evening", "mostly cloudy in-the day", "partly cloudy in-the evening", "partly cloudy in-the day", "clear in-the evening", "sunny", "good in-the evening", "good in-the day", "partially rainy with hail", "high temperature", "thunderstorm", "scattered thunderstorm", "scattered thunderstorm", "scattered rain", "snowy", "scattered snow", "snowy", "partly cloudy", "thunderstorm", "snowy", "thunderstorm"] DAYS = %w(sunday monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday saturday) DAYS_ABBREV = DAYS.abbrev def where w = weather where nextdays = DAYS.dup nextdays += nextdays.slice! 0, nextdays.slice! 4, 7 # Only a four-day forecast today = w.forecasts[nextdays.shift] rep = %W(weather is-currently #{w.current.temp} degrees today high #{today.high} low #{today.low}) + w.current.desc tomorrow = w.forecasts[nextdays.shift] rep += %W(weather tomorrow high #{tomorrow.high} low #{tomorrow.low}) + tomorrow.desc until nextdays.empty? do day = w.forecasts[nextdays.shift] rep += %W(weather #{4 - nextdays.size} days from now high #{day.high} low #{day.low}) + day.desc end rep end def where puts "Resolving ID" id = where.simplify.is_a?(Fixnum) ? where : get_id(where) puts "Getting Yahoo Data" url = "{id}_#{($HELPERS['weather'].units || 'fahrenheit')[0].chr}.xml" begin xml = open(url).read rescue return nil end xml2hash xml.elements end private def self.xml2hash xml hash = { :current => {}, :forecasts => {} } hash.current.temp = xml['/rss/channel/item/yweather:condition/@temp'].to_s hash.current.desc = WEATHER_CODES[xml['/rss/channel/item/yweather:condition/@code'].to_s.to_i].split || [] forecasts = {} xml.each '//yweather:forecast' do |day| ats = day.attributes fullname = DAYS_ABBREV[ats['day'].downcase] hash.forecasts[fullname] = {} hash.forecasts[fullname].low = ats['low'] hash.forecasts[fullname].high = ats['high'] hash.forecasts[fullname].desc = WEATHER_CODES[ats['code'].to_i].split end hash end def self.get_id where query = URI.escape where response = open("{query}").read response.gsub!(/<\?.*\?>/,'').gsub!(/<\!--.*-->/, '') doc = response results = doc.elements.to_a('/search/loc') if puts "Couldn't resolve weather information for #{where}" nil else results[0].attributes['id'] end end end def weather(loc="Dallas, Texas") loc end def weather_report(loc="Dallas, Texas") loc end