# frozen_string_literal: true class Avo::Index::ResourceControlsComponent < Avo::ResourceComponent include Avo::ApplicationHelper include Avo::Concerns::CanReorderItems def initialize(resource: nil, reflection: nil, parent_record: nil, parent_resource: nil, view_type: :table, actions: nil) @resource = resource @reflection = reflection @parent_record = parent_record @parent_resource = parent_resource @view_type = view_type @actions = actions end def can_detach? is_has_many_association? ? super : false end def can_edit? return authorize_association_for(:edit) if @reflection.present? @resource.authorization.authorize_action(:edit, raise_exception: false) end def can_view? return false if Avo.configuration.resource_default_view.edit? return authorize_association_for(:show) if @reflection.present? # Even if there's a @reflection object present, for show we're going to fallback to the original policy. @resource.authorization.authorize_action(:show, raise_exception: false) end def show_path args = {} if @parent_record.present? args = { via_resource_class: parent_resource.class.to_s, via_record_id: @parent_record.to_param } end helpers.resource_path(record: @resource.record, resource: parent_or_child_resource, **args) end def edit_path # Add the `view` param to let Avo know where to redirect back when the user clicks the `Cancel` button. args = {via_view: "index"} if @parent_record.present? args = { via_resource_class: parent_resource.class.to_s, via_record_id: @parent_record.to_param } end helpers.edit_resource_path(record: @resource.record, resource: parent_or_child_resource, **args) end def singular_resource_name if @reflection.present? field&.name&.singularize || reflection_resource.name else @resource.singular_name.present? ? @resource.singular_name : @resource.model_class.model_name.name.downcase end end def parent_resource return @parent_resource if @parent_resource.present? return nil if @parent_record.blank? Avo.resource_manager.get_resource_by_model_class @parent_record.class end def is_has_many_association? @reflection.is_a?(::ActiveRecord::Reflection::HasManyReflection) || @reflection.is_a?(::ActiveRecord::Reflection::ThroughReflection) end def referrer_path Avo.root_path(paths: ["resources", params[:resource_name], params[:id], params[:related_name]], query: request.query_parameters.to_h) end private def render_edit_button(control) return unless can_edit? link_to helpers.svg("edit", class: svg_classes), edit_path, class: "flex items-center", title: control.title, data: { target: "control:edit", control: :edit, "resource-id": @resource.record.id, tippy: "tooltip", } end def render_show_button(control) return unless can_view? link_to helpers.svg("eye", class: svg_classes), show_path, class: "flex items-center", title: control.title, data: { target: "control:view", control: :show, tippy: "tooltip", } end def render_delete_button(control) # If the resource is a related resource, we use the can_delete? policy method because it uses # authorize_association_for(:destroy). # Otherwise we use the can_see_the_destroy_button? policy method becuse it do no check for assiciation # only for authorize_action . policy_method = is_a_related_resource? ? :can_delete? : :can_see_the_destroy_button? return unless send policy_method a_button url: helpers.resource_path(record: @resource.record, resource: @resource), style: :icon, color: :gray, icon: "trash", form_class: "flex flex-col sm:flex-row sm:inline-flex", title: control.title, method: :delete, params: hidden_params, data: { turbo_frame: params[:turbo_frame], turbo_confirm: control.confirmation_message, turbo_method: :delete, target: "control:destroy", control: :destroy, tippy: control.title ? :tooltip : nil, "resource-id": @resource.record.id, } end def render_detach_button(control) return unless can_detach? a_button url: helpers.resource_detach_path(params[:resource_name], params[:id], params[:related_name], @resource.record.id), style: :icon, color: :gray, icon: "detach", form_class: "flex items-center", title: control.title, method: :delete, params: hidden_params, data: { turbo_frame: params[:turbo_frame], turbo_confirm: control.confirmation_message, target: "control:detach", control: :detach, "resource-id": @resource.record.id, tippy: :tooltip, } end def render_order_controls(control) if can_reorder? render Avo::Pro::Ordering::ButtonsComponent.new resource: @resource, reflection: @reflection, view_type: @view_type end end def svg_classes "text-gray-600 h-6 hover:text-gray-600" end def hidden_params hidden = {} hidden[:view_type] = params[:view_type] if params[:view_type] hidden[:view] = parent_resource&.view&.to_s if params[:turbo_frame] hidden[:turbo_frame] = params[:turbo_frame] hidden[:referrer] = referrer_path end hidden.compact end end