# :stopdoc:
# This file is automatically generated by the WXRuby3 documentation 
# generator. Do not alter this file.
# :startdoc:

module Wx

  # The following are the operating systems which are recognized by wxWidgets and whose version can be detected at run-time.
  # The values of the constants are chosen so that they can be combined as flags; this allows checking for operating system families like e.g. {Wx::OperatingSystemId::OS_MAC} and {Wx::OperatingSystemId::OS_UNIX}.
  # Note that you can obtain more detailed information about the current OS version in use by checking the major, minor, and micro version numbers returned by {get_os_version} or by {Wx::PlatformInfo#get_os_major_version}, {Wx::PlatformInfo#get_os_minor_version}, and {Wx::PlatformInfo#get_os_micro_version}.
  class OperatingSystemId < Wx::Enum
    # Returned on error.
    OS_UNKNOWN = Wx::OperatingSystemId.new(0)
    # Apple Mac OS 8/9/X with Mac paths.
    OS_MAC_OS = Wx::OperatingSystemId.new(1)
    # Apple macOS with Unix paths.
    OS_MAC_OSX_DARWIN = Wx::OperatingSystemId.new(2)
    # A combination of all <code>wxOS_MAC_*</code> values previously listed.
    OS_MAC = Wx::OperatingSystemId.new(3)
    # Windows NT family (XP/Vista/7/8/10/11)
    OS_WINDOWS_NT = Wx::OperatingSystemId.new(8)
    # Any Windows system, currently can be only {Wx::OperatingSystemId::OS_WINDOWS_NT}.
    OS_WINDOWS = Wx::OperatingSystemId.new(60)
    # Linux.
    OS_UNIX_LINUX = Wx::OperatingSystemId.new(64)
    # FreeBSD.
    OS_UNIX_FREEBSD = Wx::OperatingSystemId.new(128)
    # OpenBSD.
    OS_UNIX_OPENBSD = Wx::OperatingSystemId.new(256)
    # NetBSD.
    OS_UNIX_NETBSD = Wx::OperatingSystemId.new(512)
    # SunOS.
    OS_UNIX_SOLARIS = Wx::OperatingSystemId.new(1024)
    # AIX.
    OS_UNIX_AIX = Wx::OperatingSystemId.new(2048)
    # HP/UX.
    OS_UNIX_HPUX = Wx::OperatingSystemId.new(4096)
    # A combination of all <code>wxOS_UNIX_*</code> values previously listed.
    OS_UNIX = Wx::OperatingSystemId.new(8128)
  end # OperatingSystemId
  # The list of wxWidgets ports.
  # Some of them can be used with more than a single (native) toolkit.
  class PortId < Wx::Enum
    # returned on error
    PORT_UNKNOWN = Wx::PortId.new(0)
    # {Wx::Base}, no native toolkit used
    PORT_BASE = Wx::PortId.new(1)
    # wxMSW, native toolkit is Windows API
    PORT_MSW = Wx::PortId.new(2)
    # {Wx::Motif}, using [Open]Motif or Lesstif
    PORT_MOTIF = Wx::PortId.new(4)
    # wxGTK, using GTK+ 1.x, 2.x, 3.x, GPE
    PORT_GTK = Wx::PortId.new(8)
    # {Wx::DFB}, using {Wx::Universal}
    PORT_DFB = Wx::PortId.new(16)
    # wxX11, using {Wx::Universal}
    PORT_X11 = Wx::PortId.new(32)
    # {Wx::Mac}, using Carbon or Classic Mac API
    PORT_MAC = Wx::PortId.new(128)
    # {Wx::Cocoa}, using Cocoa NextStep/Mac API
    PORT_COCOA = Wx::PortId.new(256)
    # {Wx::QT}, using Qt 5+
    PORT_QT = Wx::PortId.new(1024)
  end # PortId
  # The architecture bitness of the operating system (regardless of the build environment of wxWidgets library - see {is_platform64bit} documentation for more info).
  class Bitness < Wx::Enum
    # returned on error
    BITNESS_INVALID = Wx::Bitness.new(-1)
    # 32 bit
    BITNESS_32 = Wx::Bitness.new(0)
    # 64 bit
    BITNESS_64 = Wx::Bitness.new(1)
    BITNESS_MAX = Wx::Bitness.new(2)
  end # Bitness
  # The endian-ness of the machine.
  class Endianness < Wx::Enum
    # returned on error
    ENDIAN_INVALID = Wx::Endianness.new(-1)
    # 4321
    ENDIAN_BIG = Wx::Endianness.new(0)
    # 1234
    ENDIAN_LITTLE = Wx::Endianness.new(1)
    # 3412
    ENDIAN_PDP = Wx::Endianness.new(2)
    ENDIAN_MAX = Wx::Endianness.new(3)
  end # Endianness
  # Returns true only for MSW programs running under Wine.
  # This function can be used to check for some functionality not implemented when using Wine.
  # === 
  # Category:  Application and System configuration
  # @return [Boolean]
  def self.is_running_under_wine; end
  # This class holds information about the operating system, the toolkit and the basic architecture bitness of the machine where the application is currently running.
  # This class does not only have getters for the information above, it also has setters. This allows you to e.g. save the current platform information in a data file (maybe in string form) so that when you later load it, you can easily retrieve (see the static getters for string->enum conversion functions) and store inside a {Wx::PlatformInfo} instance (using its setters) the signature of the system which generated it.
  # In general however you only need to use the static {Wx::PlatformInfo.instance} method and then access the various information for the current platform: 
  # ```ruby
  #   Wx.log_message("This application is running under %s.", 
  #                  Wx::PlatformInfo.instance.get_operating_system_id_name)
  # ```
  # === 
  # Category:  Application and System configuration
  # @see get_os_version
  # @see  is_platform_little_endian
  # @see  is_platform64bit
  # @see  Wx::AppTraits
  # @see  Network
  # @see  User and OS 
  # @note This class is <b>untracked</b> and should not be derived from nor instances extended!
  class PlatformInfo < ::Object
    # Returns the architecture bitness ID of this {Wx::PlatformInfo} instance.
    # @return [Wx::Bitness]
    def get_bitness; end
    alias_method :bitness, :get_bitness
    # Returns the endianness ID of this {Wx::PlatformInfo} instance.
    # @return [Wx::Endianness]
    def get_endianness; end
    alias_method :endianness, :get_endianness
    # Returns the CPU architecture name, if available.
    # @see get_cpu_architecture_name
    # @see  Wx::PlatformInfo#get_native_cpu_architecture_name
    # @return [String]
    def get_cpu_architecture_name; end
    alias_method :cpu_architecture_name, :get_cpu_architecture_name
    # Returns the native CPU architecture name, if available.
    # @see get_native_cpu_architecture_name
    # @see  Wx::PlatformInfo#get_cpu_architecture_name 
    # @return [String]
    def get_native_cpu_architecture_name; end
    alias_method :native_cpu_architecture_name, :get_native_cpu_architecture_name
    # Returns the run-time major version of the OS associated with this {Wx::PlatformInfo} instance.
    # @see get_os_version
    # @see  Wx::PlatformInfo#check_os_version 
    # @return [Integer]
    def get_os_major_version; end
    alias_method :os_major_version, :get_os_major_version
    # Returns the run-time minor version of the OS associated with this {Wx::PlatformInfo} instance.
    # @see get_os_version
    # @see  Wx::PlatformInfo#check_os_version 
    # @return [Integer]
    def get_os_minor_version; end
    alias_method :os_minor_version, :get_os_minor_version
    # Returns the run-time micro version of the OS associated with this {Wx::PlatformInfo} instance.
    # @see get_os_version
    # @see  Wx::PlatformInfo#check_os_version
    # @return [Integer]
    def get_os_micro_version; end
    alias_method :os_micro_version, :get_os_micro_version
    # Returns the operating system ID of this {Wx::PlatformInfo} instance.
    # See {get_os_version} for more info.
    # @return [Wx::OperatingSystemId]
    def get_operating_system_id; end
    alias_method :operating_system_id, :get_operating_system_id
    # Returns the description of the operating system of this {Wx::PlatformInfo} instance.
    # See {get_os_description} for more info.
    # @return [String]
    def get_operating_system_description; end
    alias_method :operating_system_description, :get_operating_system_description
    # Returns the wxWidgets port ID associated with this {Wx::PlatformInfo} instance.
    # @return [Wx::PortId]
    def get_port_id; end
    alias_method :port_id, :get_port_id
    # Returns the Linux distribution info associated with this {Wx::PlatformInfo} instance.
    # See {get_linux_distribution_info} for more info.
    # @return [Wx::LinuxDistributionInfo]
    def get_linux_distribution_info; end
    alias_method :linux_distribution_info, :get_linux_distribution_info
    # Returns the desktop environment associated with this {Wx::PlatformInfo} instance.
    # See {Wx::AppTraits#get_desktop_environment} for more info.
    # @return [String]
    def get_desktop_environment; end
    alias_method :desktop_environment, :get_desktop_environment
    # Returns the run-time major version of the toolkit associated with this {Wx::PlatformInfo} instance.
    # Note that if {Wx::PlatformInfo#get_port_id} returns {Wx::PortId::PORT_BASE}, then this value is zero (unless externally modified with {Wx::PlatformInfo#set_toolkit_version}); that is, no native toolkit is in use. See {Wx::AppTraits#get_toolkit_version} for more info.
    # @see Wx::PlatformInfo#check_toolkit_version 
    # @return [Integer]
    def get_toolkit_major_version; end
    alias_method :toolkit_major_version, :get_toolkit_major_version
    # Returns the run-time minor version of the toolkit associated with this {Wx::PlatformInfo} instance.
    # Note that if {Wx::PlatformInfo#get_port_id} returns {Wx::PortId::PORT_BASE}, then this value is zero (unless externally modified with {Wx::PlatformInfo#set_toolkit_version}); that is, no native toolkit is in use. See {Wx::AppTraits#get_toolkit_version} for more info.
    # @see Wx::PlatformInfo#check_toolkit_version 
    # @return [Integer]
    def get_toolkit_minor_version; end
    alias_method :toolkit_minor_version, :get_toolkit_minor_version
    # Returns the run-time micro version of the toolkit associated with this {Wx::PlatformInfo} instance.
    # Note that if {Wx::PlatformInfo#get_port_id} returns {Wx::PortId::PORT_BASE}, then this value is zero (unless externally modified with {Wx::PlatformInfo#set_toolkit_version}); that is, no native toolkit is in use. See {Wx::AppTraits#get_toolkit_version} for more info.
    # @see Wx::PlatformInfo#check_toolkit_version
    # @return [Integer]
    def get_toolkit_micro_version; end
    alias_method :toolkit_micro_version, :get_toolkit_micro_version
    # Returns the name for the architecture bitness of this {Wx::PlatformInfo} instance.
    # @return [String]
    def get_bitness_name; end
    alias_method :bitness_name, :get_bitness_name
    # Returns the name for the endianness of this {Wx::PlatformInfo} instance.
    # @return [String]
    def get_endianness_name; end
    alias_method :endianness_name, :get_endianness_name
    # Returns the operating system family name of the OS associated with this {Wx::PlatformInfo} instance.
    # @return [String]
    def get_operating_system_family_name; end
    alias_method :operating_system_family_name, :get_operating_system_family_name
    # Returns the operating system name of the OS associated with this {Wx::PlatformInfo} instance.
    # @return [String]
    def get_operating_system_id_name; end
    alias_method :operating_system_id_name, :get_operating_system_id_name
    # Returns the name of the wxWidgets port ID associated with this {Wx::PlatformInfo} instance.
    # @return [String]
    def get_port_id_name; end
    alias_method :port_id_name, :get_port_id_name
    # Returns the short name of the wxWidgets port ID associated with this {Wx::PlatformInfo} instance.
    # @return [String]
    def get_port_id_short_name; end
    alias_method :port_id_short_name, :get_port_id_short_name
    # Returns the operating system directory.
    # See {get_os_directory} for more info.
    # @return [String]
    def self.get_operating_system_directory; end
    # Returns true if the OS version is at least major.minor.micro.
    # @see Wx::PlatformInfo#get_os_major_version
    # @see  Wx::PlatformInfo#get_os_minor_version
    # @see  Wx::PlatformInfo#get_os_micro_version
    # @see  Wx::PlatformInfo#check_toolkit_version 
    # @param major [Integer] 
    # @param minor [Integer] 
    # @param micro [Integer] 
    # @return [Boolean]
    def check_os_version(major, minor, micro=0) end
    # Returns true if the toolkit version is at least major.minor.micro.
    # @see Wx::PlatformInfo#get_toolkit_major_version
    # @see  Wx::PlatformInfo#get_toolkit_minor_version
    # @see  Wx::PlatformInfo#get_toolkit_micro_version
    # @see  Wx::PlatformInfo#check_os_version 
    # @param major [Integer] 
    # @param minor [Integer] 
    # @param micro [Integer] 
    # @return [Boolean]
    def check_toolkit_version(major, minor, micro=0) end
    # Returns true if this instance is fully initialized with valid values.
    # @return [Boolean]
    def is_ok; end
    alias_method :ok?, :is_ok
    # Returns true if this {Wx::PlatformInfo} describes {Wx::Universal} build.
    # @return [Boolean]
    def is_using_universal_widgets; end
    alias_method :using_universal_widgets?, :is_using_universal_widgets
    # Returns the global {Wx::PlatformInfo} object, initialized with the values for the currently running platform.
    # @return [Wx::PlatformInfo]
    def self.instance; end
  end # PlatformInfo
  # {Wx::VersionInfo} contains version information.
  # This class is used by wxWidgets to provide version information about the libraries it uses and itself, but you can also apply it in user space, to provide version information about your own libraries, or other libraries that you use.
  # === 
  # Category:  Data Structures
  # @note This class is <b>untracked</b> and should not be derived from nor instances extended!
  class VersionInfo < ::Object
    # Constructor.
    # The version information objects need to be initialized with this constructor and are immutable once they are created.
    # @param name [String]  The name of the library or other entity that this object pertains to.
    # @param major [Integer]  The major version component.
    # @param minor [Integer]  The minor version component.
    # @param micro [Integer]  The micro version component, 0 by default.
    # @param revision [Integer]  The revision version component, also known as "build
    #       number". This component is also 0 by default and is only available since wxWidgets 3.2.0.
    # @param description [String]  Free form description of this version, none by default.
    # @param copyright [String]  Copyright string, none by default.
    # @return [Wx::VersionInfo]
    def initialize(name=(()), major=0, minor=0, micro=0, revision=0, description=(()), copyright=(())) end
    # Get the name of the object (library).
    # Name string.
    # @return [Wx::String]
    def get_name; end
    alias_method :name, :get_name
    # Get the major version number.
    # Major version number.
    # @return [Integer]
    def get_major; end
    alias_method :major, :get_major
    # Get the minor version number.
    # Minor version number.
    # @return [Integer]
    def get_minor; end
    alias_method :minor, :get_minor
    # Get the micro version, or release number.
    # This is the third component of the version.
    # Micro version, or release number.
    # @return [Integer]
    def get_micro; end
    alias_method :micro, :get_micro
    # Get the revision version, or build number.
    # This is the fourth component of the version.
    # Revision version, or build number.
    # @return [Integer]
    def get_revision; end
    alias_method :revision, :get_revision
    # Get the string representation of this version object.
    # This function returns the description if it is non-empty or {Wx::VersionInfo#get_version_string} if there is no description.
    # @see Wx::VersionInfo#get_description
    # @see  Wx::VersionInfo#get_version_string 
    # @return [String]
    def to_string; end
    # Get the string representation.
    # The micro and revision components of the version are ignored/not used if they are both zero. If the revision component is non-zero all four parts will be used even if the micro component is zero.
    # The version string in the form "name major.minor[.micro[.revision]]".
    # @return [String]
    def get_version_string; end
    alias_method :version_string, :get_version_string
    # Return true if a description string has been specified.
    # @see Wx::VersionInfo#get_description 
    # @return [Boolean]
    def has_description; end
    alias_method :has_description?, :has_description
    # Get the description string.
    # The description may be empty.
    # The description string, free-form.
    # @return [Wx::String]
    def get_description; end
    alias_method :description, :get_description
    # Returns true if a copyright string has been specified.
    # @see Wx::VersionInfo#get_copyright 
    # @return [Boolean]
    def has_copyright; end
    alias_method :has_copyright?, :has_copyright
    # Get the copyright string.
    # The copyright string may be empty.
    # The copyright string.
    # @return [Wx::String]
    def get_copyright; end
    alias_method :copyright, :get_copyright
  end # VersionInfo
  # A structure containing information about a Linux distribution as returned by the lsb_release utility.
  # See {get_linux_distribution_info} or {Wx::PlatformInfo#get_linux_distribution_info} for more info.
  # @note This class is <b>untracked</b> and should not be derived from nor instances extended!
  class LinuxDistributionInfo < ::Object
    # The id of the distribution; e.g. "Ubuntu".
    # @return [String]
    def id; end
    # The id of the distribution; e.g. "Ubuntu".
    # @param val [String]
    # @return [void]
    def id=(val); end
    # The version of the distribution; e.g. "9.04".
    # @return [String]
    def release; end
    # The version of the distribution; e.g. "9.04".
    # @param val [String]
    # @return [void]
    def release=(val); end
    # The code name of the distribution; e.g. "jaunty".
    # @return [String]
    def code_name; end
    # The code name of the distribution; e.g. "jaunty".
    # @param val [String]
    # @return [void]
    def code_name=(val); end
    # The description of the distribution; e.g. "Ubuntu 9.04".
    # @return [String]
    def description; end
    # The description of the distribution; e.g. "Ubuntu 9.04".
    # @param val [String]
    # @return [void]
    def description=(val); end
    # @param ldi [Wx::LinuxDistributionInfo] 
    # @return [Boolean]
    def ==(ldi) end
  end # LinuxDistributionInfo
