# digest-kangarootwelve This gem is an implementation of KangarooTwelve for Ruby that works on top of the `Digest::Base` class. It can be configured to produce outputs with different digest lengths, and can be initilized with different customization strings. To know more about the KangarooTwelve algorithm, visit https://keccak.team/kangarootwelve.html. The core implementation of KangarooTwelve is part of the [XKCP](https://github.com/XKCP/XKCP) project. XKCP provides multiple targets for different architecture-dependent builds. This gem can be configured to compile differently based on the target specified. The current target implementations are `armv6`, `armv6m`, `armv7a`, `armv7m`, `armv8a`, `avr8`, `avx`, `avx2`, `avx2noasm`, `avx512`, `avx512noasm`, `compact`, `generic32`, `generic32lc`, `generic64`, `generic64lc`, `reference`, `reference32bits`, `ssse3`, and `xop`, with `compact` being the default target. Details on what architectures these targets support are provided in the [README.markdown](https://github.com/XKCP/XKCP/blob/master/README.markdown) file of XKCP. ## Installation To use the gem in an application, add the following line to the application's Gemfile: gem 'digest-kangarootwelve' And then execute: bundle The gem can also be installed manually using the `gem` command: gem install digest-kangarootwelve To build and install the gem against a different platform target, use a `--with-target` option that follows a `--`. Example: gem install digest-kangarootwelve -- --with-target=avx Targets may also need `CFLAGS` specified. Please see the [Build failures](#build-failures) section. It's also a good idea to test the gem before actively using it, especially when using a not so commonly used target. Here's one way to test it: cd GEM_DIR/gems/digest-kangarootwelve-VERSION bundle rake test To know the right value of GEM_DIR, try running `gem info digest-kangarootwelve`. ## Installing in Gentoo The library can also be globally installed in Gentoo using `layman`: # Fetch remote list of overlays, and add 'konsolebox' overlay. layman -f && layman -a konsolebox # Unmask unstable keyword. echo 'dev-ruby/digest-kangarootwelve' > /etc/portage/package.accept_keywords/dev-ruby.digest-kangarootwelve # Merge package. emerge dev-ruby/digest-kangarootwelve ## Testing from source The gem can also be tested from source using the following commands: # Clone this repo. git clone https://github.com/konsolebox/digest-kangarootwelve-ruby.git -b master # Change to directory. cd digest-kangarootwelve-ruby # Optionally checkout a tagged version. git checkout v0.4.0 # Run bundle bundle # Finally run `rake` to compile the extension and test the gem. rake # A different target can also be specified. Example: rake clean clobber && rake -- --with-target=avx ## Build failures Targets like AVX2 may fail to build unless an explicit `CFLAGS` with proper architecture-related options is specified. Specifying a `CFLAGS` can be done by using the `--with-cflags` option. For example: rake -- --with-target=avx2 --with-cflags="-march=native" gem install digest-kangarootwelve -- --with-target=avx2 --with-cflags="-march=native" bundle config build.digest-kangarootwelve --with-target=avx2 --with-cflags="-march=native" Compact (the default target) and AVX targets have been tested to not need a `CFLAGS` to compile and work. Please note that this gem has not been tested to work with cross-compilations, so please test the resulting runtime thoroughly. ## Example Usage Digest::KangarooTwelve[32].digest("abc") => "\xAB\x17O2\x8CU\xA5Q\v\v \x97\x91\xBF\x8B`\xE8\x01\xA7\xCF\xC2\xAAB\x04-\xCB\x8FT\x7F\xBE:}" Digest::KangarooTwelve[32].hexdigest("abc") => "ab174f328c55a5510b0b209791bf8b60e801a7cfc2aa42042dcb8f547fbe3a7d" Digest::KangarooTwelve[32].new.update("a").update("b").update("c").hexdigest => "ab174f328c55a5510b0b209791bf8b60e801a7cfc2aa42042dcb8f547fbe3a7d" Digest::KangarooTwelve.implement(name: "SecretHash", digest_length: 32, customization: "secret") => Digest::SecretHash Digest::KangarooTwelve.implement(n: "SecretHash", d: 32, c: "secret") => Digest::SecretHash Digest::SecretHash.hexdigest("abc") => "dc1fd53f85402e2b34fa92bd87593dd9c3fe6cc49d9db6c05dc0cf26c6a7e03f" Digest::KangarooTwelve.default => Digest::KangarooTwelve_64 ## Details The implementation classes produced by `[]`, `default` or `implement` can be used just like any other implementation class in `Digest` (like `Digest::SHA1` or `Digest::SHA512`), since the implementation classes are based on `Digest::Base`. For details on how to use these methods, please examine the comments in `ext/digest/kangarootwelve/ext.c`, or run `ri` with `ri 'Digest::KangarooTwelve'`, or `ri 'Digest::KangarooTwelve::'`. ## API Documentation RubyGems.org also provides autogenerated API documentation of the library in https://www.rubydoc.info/gems/digest-kangarootwelve/. ## Github Page https://github.com/konsolebox/digest-kangarootwelve-ruby ## RubyGems.org Page https://rubygems.org/gems/digest-kangarootwelve ## Contributing 1. Fork it ( https://github.com/konsolebox/digest-kangarootwelve-ruby/fork ). 2. Create feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`). 3. Commit changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`). 4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`). 5. Create a new Pull Request. 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