require 'spec_helper' def publish_and_consume_once(queue_name="test_sink", data="data") amqp(:spec_timeout => 0.5) do do |channel, _| exchange = queue = channel.queue(queue_name).bind(exchange) queue.subscribe do |hdr, msg| hdr.should be_an AMQP::Header msg.should == data done { queue.unsubscribe; queue.delete } end EM.add_timer(0.2) do exchange.publish data end end end end describe RSPEC do it 'should work as normal without AMQP-Spec' do 1.should == 1 end end describe 'Evented AMQP specs' do describe AMQP, " when testing with EventedSpec::SpecHelper" do include EventedSpec::SpecHelper default_options AMQP_OPTS if defined? AMQP_OPTS default_timeout 1 puts "Default timeout: #{default_timeout}" puts "Default options :#{default_options}" it_should_behave_like 'SpecHelper examples' context 'inside embedded context / example group' do it_should_behave_like 'SpecHelper examples' end end describe AMQP, " when testing with EventedSpec::AMQPSpec" do include EventedSpec::AMQPSpec default_options AMQP_OPTS if defined? AMQP_OPTS default_timeout 1 it_should_behave_like 'Spec examples' context 'inside embedded context / example group' do it 'should inherit default_options/metadata from enclosing example group' do # This is a guard against regression on dev box without notice AMQP.connection.instance_variable_get(:@settings)[:host].should == AMQP_OPTS[:host] self.class.default_options[:host].should == AMQP_OPTS[:host] self.class.default_timeout.should == 1 done end it_should_behave_like 'Spec examples' end end describe AMQP, " tested with EventedSpec::SpecHelper when Rspec failures occur" do include EventedSpec::SpecHelper default_options AMQP_OPTS if defined? AMQP_OPTS it "bubbles failing expectations up to Rspec" do expect { amqp do :this.should == :fail end }.to raise_error RSPEC::Expectations::ExpectationNotMetError AMQP.connection.should == nil end it "should NOT ignore failing expectations after 'done'" do expect { amqp do done :this.should == :fail end }.to raise_error RSPEC::Expectations::ExpectationNotMetError AMQP.connection.should == nil end it "should properly close AMQP connection after Rspec failures" do AMQP.connection.should == nil end end describe 'MQ', " when AMQP.queue/fanout/topic tries to access Thread.current[:mq] across examples" do include EventedSpec::SpecHelper default_options AMQP_OPTS if defined? AMQP_OPTS it 'sends data to the queue' do publish_and_consume_once end it 'does not hang sending data to the same queue, again' do publish_and_consume_once end it 'cleans Thread.current[:mq] after pubsub examples' do Thread.current[:mq].should be_nil end end end describe RSPEC, " when running an example group after another group that uses AMQP-Spec " do it "should work normally" do :does_not_hang.should_not be_false end end