# frozen_string_literal: true # Load blacklight which will give spotlight views a higher preference than those in blacklight # devise must be required to first to ensure we can override devise and invitable views in spotlight correctly require 'devise' require 'devise_invitable' require 'blacklight' require 'blacklight/oembed' require 'autoprefixer-rails' require 'friendly_id' require 'tophat' require 'paper_trail' require 'clipboard/rails' require 'leaflet-rails' require 'i18n/active_record' require 'spotlight/upload_field_config' require 'riiif' module Spotlight ## # Spotlight::Engine # rubocop:disable ClassLength class Engine < ::Rails::Engine isolate_namespace Spotlight # Breadcrumbs on rails must be required outside of an initializer or it doesn't get loaded. require 'breadcrumbs_on_rails/breadcrumbs' require 'breadcrumbs_on_rails/action_controller' initializer 'breadcrumbs_on_rails.initialize' do ActiveSupport.on_load(:action_controller) do include BreadcrumbsOnRails::ActionController end end require 'carrierwave' require 'underscore-rails' require 'github/markup' require 'sir_trevor_rails' require 'openseadragon' require 'sprockets/es6' require 'almond-rails' config.assets.precompile += %w(spotlight/fallback/*.png) config.autoload_paths += %W( #{config.root}/app/builders #{config.root}/app/controllers/concerns #{config.root}/app/models/concerns ) initializer 'spotlight.initialize' do require 'cancan' require 'bootstrap_form' require 'acts-as-taggable-on' require 'oembed' Mime::Type.register 'application/solr+json', :solr_json end initializer 'oembed.initialize' do OEmbed::Providers.register_all end initializer 'spotlight.factories', after: 'factory_bot.set_factory_paths' do FactoryBot.definition_file_paths << File.expand_path('../../../spec/factories', __FILE__) if defined?(FactoryBot) end initializer 'spotlight.assets.precompile' do |app| app.config.assets.precompile += %w(spotlight/default_thumbnail.jpg spotlight/default_browse_thumbnail.jpg) Sprockets::ES6.configuration = { 'modules' => 'amd', 'moduleIds' => true } # When we upgrade to Sprockets 4, we can ditch sprockets-es6 and config AMD # in this way: # https://github.com/rails/sprockets/issues/73#issuecomment-139113466 end def self.user_class Spotlight::Engine.config.user_class.constantize end def self.catalog_controller Spotlight::Engine.config.catalog_controller_class.constantize end def self.blacklight_config Spotlight::Engine.config.default_blacklight_config || catalog_controller.blacklight_config end config.user_class = '::User' config.catalog_controller_class = '::CatalogController' config.default_blacklight_config = nil config.exhibit_main_navigation = [:curated_features, :browse, :about] config.resource_partials = [ 'spotlight/resources/external_resources_form', 'spotlight/resources/upload/form', 'spotlight/resources/csv_upload/form', 'spotlight/resources/json_upload/form', 'spotlight/resources/iiif/form' ] config.external_resources_partials = [] config.solr_batch_size = 20 Spotlight::Engine.config.reindex_progress_window = 10 # Filter resources by exhibit by default config.filter_resources_by_exhibit = true # Should Spotlight write to solr? If set to false, Spotlight will not initiate indexing. config.writable_index = true # The allowed file extensions for uploading non-repository items. config.allowed_upload_extensions = %w(jpg jpeg png) # Suffixes for spotlight-created solr fields config.solr_fields = OpenStruct.new config.solr_fields.prefix = '' config.solr_fields.boolean_suffix = '_bsi' config.solr_fields.string_suffix = '_ssim' config.solr_fields.text_suffix = '_tesim' # Suffixes for exhibit-specific solr fields config.custom_field_types = { vocab: { suffix: '_ssim', facetable: true }, text: { suffix: '_tesim' } } config.resource_global_id_field = :"#{config.solr_fields.prefix}spotlight_resource_id#{config.solr_fields.string_suffix}" # Set to nil if you don't want to pull thumbnails from the index config.full_image_field = :full_image_url_ssm config.thumbnail_field = :thumbnail_url_ssm # Defaults to the blacklight_config.index.title_field: config.upload_title_field = nil # UploadFieldConfig.new(...) config.upload_description_field = :spotlight_upload_description_tesim config.upload_fields = [ UploadFieldConfig.new( field_name: config.upload_description_field, label: -> { I18n.t(:"spotlight.search.fields.#{config.upload_description_field}") }, form_field_type: :text_area ), UploadFieldConfig.new( field_name: :spotlight_upload_attribution_tesim, label: -> { I18n.t(:'spotlight.search.fields.spotlight_upload_attribution_tesim') } ), UploadFieldConfig.new( field_name: :spotlight_upload_date_tesim, label: -> { I18n.t(:'spotlight.search.fields.spotlight_upload_date_tesim') } ) ] config.iiif_manifest_field = :iiif_manifest_url_ssi config.iiif_metadata_class = -> { Spotlight::Resources::IiifManifest::Metadata } config.iiif_collection_id_field = :collection_id_ssim config.iiif_title_fields = nil config.default_json_ld_language = 'en' config.masthead_initial_crop_selection = [1200, 120] config.thumbnail_initial_crop_selection = [120, 120] # Configure the CarrierWave file storage mechanism config.uploader_storage = :file config.featured_image_thumb_size = [400, 300] config.featured_image_square_size = [400, 400] config.contact_square_size = [70, 70] # Additional page configurations to be made available to page editing widgets # See Spotlight::PageConfigurations config.page_configurations = {} # To present curators with analytics reports on the exhibit dashboard, you need to configure # an Analytics provider. Google Analytics support is provided out-of-the-box. config.analytics_provider = nil initializer 'analytics.initialize' do Spotlight::Engine.config.analytics_provider = Spotlight::Analytics::Ga end # If you use Google Analytics, you need to wire your site to report to a Google Analytics property. # Adding Google Analytics to your site is left as an excersize for the implementor (you could # consider overriding the layout to inject GA code..) # # After getting your site to report to Google Analytics, you need to: # a) register an OAuth service account with access to your analytics property: # (https://github.com/tpitale/legato/wiki/OAuth2-and-Google#registering-for-api-access) # b) download the pkcs12 key and make it accessible to your application # c) in e.g. an initializer, set these configuration values as appropriate # to your OAuth2 service account and analytics property: config.ga_pkcs12_key_path = nil config.ga_web_property_id = nil config.ga_email = nil config.ga_analytics_options = {} config.ga_page_analytics_options = config.ga_analytics_options.merge(limit: 5) config.ga_anonymize_ip = false # false for backwards compatibility Blacklight::Engine.config.inject_blacklight_helpers = false config.i18n_locales = { ar: 'العربية', de: 'Deutsch', en: 'English', es: 'Español', fr: 'Français', it: 'Italiano', hu: 'Magyar', nl: 'Nederlands', 'pt-BR': 'Português brasileiro', sq: 'Shqip', zh: '中文' } # Whitelisting the available_locales is necessary here, as any dependency we # add could add an available locale which could break things if unexpected. config.i18n.available_locales = config.i18n_locales.keys # Query parameters for autocomplete requests config.autocomplete_search_field = 'autocomplete' config.default_autocomplete_params = { qf: 'id^1000 full_title_tesim^100 id_ng full_title_ng', facet: false, 'facet.field' => [] } config.default_browse_index_view_type = :gallery # default email address to send "Report a Problem" feedback to (in addition to any exhibit-specific contacts) config.default_contact_email = nil config.spambot_honeypot_email_field = :email_address initializer 'blacklight.configuration' do # Field containing the last modified date for a Solr document Blacklight::Configuration.default_values[:index].timestamp_field ||= 'timestamp' # Default configuration for the browse view Blacklight::Configuration.default_values[:browse] ||= Blacklight::OpenStructWithHashAccess.new(document_actions: []) end # make blacklight configuration play nice with bootstrap_form Blacklight::OpenStructWithHashAccess.send(:extend, ActiveModel::Translation) config.exhibit_themes = ['default'] config.default_page_content_type = 'SirTrevor' config.sir_trevor_widgets = %w( Heading Text List Quote Iframe Video Oembed Rule UploadedItems Browse LinkToSearch FeaturedPages SolrDocuments SolrDocumentsCarousel SolrDocumentsEmbed SolrDocumentsFeatures SolrDocumentsGrid SearchResults ) config.routes = OpenStruct.new config.routes.solr_documents = {} config.exports = { attachments: true, blacklight_configuration: true, config: true, pages: true, resources: true } end end