{I" class:ETI"BundledAsset; FI"logical_path; TI".social_networking/home-controller_spec.js; FI" pathname; TI"x/Users/usabilitymonitor/Desktop/Github/social_networking/spec/javascripts/social_networking/home-controller_spec.js; FI"content_type; TI"application/javascript; TI" mtime; Tl+t˜ VI"length; TiÃ$I"digest; TI"%9d93ca910d1fdcb4ec646b02b7c4ca8c; FI"source; TI"Ã$;(function() { 'use strict'; describe('HomeCtrl', function() { var controller, onYourMindResource, commentResource, homeTool, likeResource, scope, q, deferred, sharedResource; beforeEach(function() { module('socialNetworking.controllers'); module('socialNetworking.services'); onYourMindResource = { create: function(attributes) { deferred = q.defer(); return deferred.promise; } }; commentResource = { create: function() { deferred = q.defer(); return deferred.promise; } }; likeResource = { create: function() { deferred = q.defer(); return deferred.promise; } }; sharedResource = { create: function() { deferred = q.defer(); return deferred.promise; }, get: function() { deferred = q.defer(); return deferred.promise; } } }); beforeEach(inject(function($rootScope, $q, $controller, $filter, _homeTool_) { homeTool = _homeTool_; scope = $rootScope; q = $q; controller = $controller('HomeCtrl', { OnYourMindResource: onYourMindResource, CommentResource: commentResource, LikeResource: likeResource, homeTool: _homeTool_, participantId: 123, actionItems: [], feedItems: [], memberProfiles: [], $filter: $filter, $http: sharedResource, $location: {}, $scope: scope, noticesEnabled: false, noticeUtility: Notice, resource: 'someResource' }); })); it('should initialize the mode', function() { expect(controller.inFeedBrowseMode()).toBeTruthy(); }); describe('#timeAgoInWords', function() { var foo; beforeEach(function() { foo = { calendar: function() { return 'foo'; } }; window.moment = function() { return foo; }; spyOn(foo, 'calendar'); }); it('runs .calendar to display the time in words of an event', function() { controller.timeAgoInWords(); expect(foo.calendar).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); describe('Commenting', function() { describe('#commentOn', function() { beforeEach(function() { spyOn(controller, 'setSelectedItem'); spyOn(homeTool, 'newCommentOn'); }); it('builds and sets the item', function() { controller.commentOn(); expect(controller.setSelectedItem).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(homeTool.newCommentOn).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); describe('#closeCommentForm', function() { it('removes the selected item from being commented on', function() { var item = {}; controller.setSelectedItem(item); expect(controller.isCommentingOn(item)).toEqual(true); controller.closeCommentForm(); expect(controller.isCommentingOn(item)).toEqual(false); }); }); describe('#isCommentingOn', function() { it('returns whether the selected item is currently selected for commenting', function() { var item = {}; expect(controller.isCommentingOn(item)).toEqual(false); controller.setSelectedItem(item); expect(controller.isCommentingOn(item)).toEqual(true); }); }); describe('#saveComment', function() { beforeEach(function() { spyOn(controller, 'closeCommentForm'); }); describe('when the input field is empty', function() { beforeEach(function() { spyOn(homeTool, 'getCommentModel').and.callFake(function() { return { text: '' }; }); }); it('closes the commenting form', function() { controller.saveComment(); expect(controller.closeCommentForm).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); describe('when the input field is populated', function() { beforeEach(function() { spyOn(homeTool, 'getCommentModel').and.callFake(function() { return { text: 'Great thought!' }; }); }); it('closes the commenting form', function() { controller.saveComment(); deferred.resolve({}); scope.$apply(); expect(controller.closeCommentForm).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); }); }); describe('#show', function() { it('should set the appropriate mode', function() { controller.show('profiles'); expect(controller.inFeedBrowseMode()).toBeFalsy(); controller.show('feed'); expect(controller.inFeedBrowseMode()).toBeTruthy(); }); }); describe('#saveOnYourMind', function() { describe('when successful', function() { it('should return to feed mode and add the statement to the feed', function() { controller.saveOnYourMind(); deferred.resolve({ feedItems: 'feed item' }); controller.resetFeed = function() { return true; } scope.$apply(); expect(controller.inFeedBrowseMode()).toBeTruthy(); expect(controller.feedItems.length).toBe(1); }); }); describe('when unsuccessful', function() { it('should set the error', function() { controller.newOnYourMindStatement(); controller.saveOnYourMind(); deferred.reject({ error: 'baz' }); scope.$apply(); expect(controller.inOnYourMindEntryMode()).toBeTruthy(); expect(controller.feedItems.length).toBe(0); expect(controller.error).toBe('baz'); }); }); }); describe('#getMore', function() { describe('when feed is disabled', function() { it('remains disabled', function() { controller.feedDisabled = true; controller.getMore(); expect(controller.feedDisabled).toBe(true); }); }); describe('when feed is enabled', function() { it('is set to disabled', function() { controller.feedDisabled = false; controller.getMore(); expect(controller.feedDisabled).toBe(true); }); describe('when promise resolves', function() { function getMore(items) { items = items || []; controller.getMore(); deferred.resolve({data: {feedItems: items}}); scope.$digest(); } describe('when feed items exist', function() { var items = ['foo']; it('sets concatenated feed items', function() { controller.feedItems = ['bar'] getMore(items); expect(controller.feedItems).toEqual(['bar', 'foo']); }); it('disables feed', function() { controller.feedDisabled = false; getMore(items); expect(controller.feedDisabled).toBe(false); }); it('increments the page number', function() { controller.page = 1; getMore(items); expect(controller.page).toBe(2); }); }); describe('when no feed items exist', function() { function getFixture() { return $('#jasmine_content'); } function getFeed() { return getFixture() .append('
') .find('#infinite-feed'); } it('disables infinite scroll', function() { var feed = getFeed(); expect(feed.attr('infinite-scroll-disabled')).toBe('false'); getMore(); expect(feed.attr('infinite-scroll-disabled')).toBe('true'); }); }); }); }); }); describe('#associationCount', function() { it('returns the number of associations', function() { var item = {}; item.likes = [{ participantId: 1 }]; expect(controller.associationCount(item.likes)) .toEqual(1); }); it('returns the count of 0 if no associations exist', function() { var item = {}; expect(controller.associationCount(item.likes)) .toEqual(0); }); }); describe('#hasLikeableContent', function() { it('returns true if the item is not a nudge', function() { expect(controller.hasLikeableContent({ description: 'foo' })) .toEqual(true); }); it('returns false if the item is not a nudge', function() { expect(controller.hasLikeableContent({ description: 'nudge' })) .toEqual(false); }); }); describe('#isLikeable', function() { it('returns false if the item is a nudge', function() { expect(controller.isLikeable({ description: 'nudge' })) .toEqual(false); }); it('returns false if the item has already been liked by the participant', function() { var item = {}; item.likes = [{ participantId: 123 }]; expect(controller._participantId) .toEqual(123); expect(controller.isLikeable(item)) .toEqual(false); }); it('returns true if the item has not been liked by the current participant and the item is not a nudge', function() { var item = {}; item.description = 'foo'; item.likes = [{ participantId: 1 }]; expect(controller._participantId) .toEqual(123); expect(controller.isLikeable(item)) .toEqual(true); }); }); }); })(); ; TI"required_assets_digest; TI"%cf6c906987ff7368ecbcfc699f8ac268; FI" _version; TI"%069e88c06b889877799890854d7f4c40; F