describe Hallon::Enumerator do let(:item) do mock.tap { |x| x.stub(:get).and_return(&alphabet) } end let(:enum) do { |i| item.get(i) } end let(:alphabet) do proc { |x| %w[a b c d e][x] } end it "should be an enumerable" do enum.should respond_to :each enum.should be_an Enumerable end describe "#each" do it "should call the containing block" do enum = { |i| item.get(i) } enum.each_with_index { |x, i| x.should eq alphabet[i] } end end describe "#size" do it "should return the given size" do eq 4 end end describe "#[]" do it "should support #[x] within range" do item.should_receive(:get).with(1).and_return(&alphabet) enum[1].should eq "b" end it "should support negative #[x] within range" do item.should_receive(:get).with(4).and_return(&alphabet) enum[-1].should eq "e" end it "should return nil for #[x] outside range" do item.should_not_receive(:get) enum[6].should be_nil end it "should return nil for #[-x] outside range" do item.should_not_receive(:get) enum[-6].should be_nil end it "should return a slice of elements for #[x, y]" do item.should_receive(:get).with(1).and_return(&alphabet) item.should_receive(:get).with(2).and_return(&alphabet) enum[1, 2].should eq %w[b c] end it "should return elements for an inclusive range of #[x..y]" do item.should_receive(:get).with(1).and_return(&alphabet) item.should_receive(:get).with(2).and_return(&alphabet) item.should_receive(:get).with(3).and_return(&alphabet) enum[1..3].should eq %w[b c d] end it "should return return only existing elements for partly inclusive range of #[x..y]" do item.should_receive(:get).with(4).and_return(&alphabet) enum[4..7].should eq %w[e] end it "should return nil for a completely outside range of #[x..y]" do item.should_not_receive(:get) enum[6..10].should eq nil end it "should return the items for #[-x, y]" do item.should_receive(:get).with(2).and_return(&alphabet) item.should_receive(:get).with(3).and_return(&alphabet) item.should_receive(:get).with(4).and_return(&alphabet) enum[-3, 3].should eq %w[c d e] end it "should slice between items by #[x, y]" do item.should_not_receive(:get) enum[5, 1].should eq [] end it "should slice between items by #[x..y]" do item.should_not_receive(:get) enum[5..10].should eq [] end end end