require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "..", "spec_helper") describe Savon::Service do include SpecHelper # initialize describe "initialize" do it "raises an ArgumentError when called with an invalid endpoint" do ["", nil, "invalid", 123].each do |arg| lambda { }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end end end # wsdl describe "wsdl" do before { @service = new_service_instance } it "returns an instance of Savon::WSDL" do @service.wsdl.should be_a(Savon::WSDL) end it "returns the exact same Savon::WSDL instance every time" do @service.wsdl.should equal(@service.wsdl) end end # method_missing describe "method_missing" do before { @service = new_service_instance } it "raises a NoMethodError when called with an invalid soap_action" do lambda { @service.invalid_action }.should raise_error(NoMethodError) end it "by default returns content from the response using the '//return' XPath" do @service.find_user.should == { :firstname => "The", :lastname => "Dude", :email => "", :username => "thedude", :id => "123" } end it "returns the content of the response starting at a custom XPath" do @service.find_user(nil, "//email").should == "" end it "returns nil if a given XPath does not match anything in the SOAP response" do @service.find_user(nil, "//doesNotMatchAnything").should be_nil end it "raises a Savon::SOAPFault in case of a SOAP fault" do @service = new_service_instance(:soap_fault => true) lambda { @service.find_user }.should raise_error(Savon::SOAPFault) end it "raises a Savon::HTTPError in case the server returned an error code and no SOAP fault" do @service = new_service_instance(:http_error => true) lambda { @service.find_user }.should raise_error(Savon::HTTPError) end it "raises a Savon::SOAPFault in case the server returned an error code and a SOAP fault" do @service = new_service_instance(:soap_fault => true, :http_error => true) lambda { @service.find_user }.should raise_error(Savon::SOAPFault) end end end