module Fox class FXQuatf < FXVec4f # Return an initialized FXQuatf instance. def initialize; end # # Construct an FXQuatf instance from a rotation axis and angle. # # ==== Parameters: # # +axis+:: the rotation axis [FXVec3f] # +angle+:: the rotation angle (in radians) [Float] # def initialize(axis, phi=0.0); end # # Construct from Euler angles yaw (z), pitch (y) and roll (x). # # ==== Parameters: # # +roll+:: roll angle in radians [Float] # +pitch+:: pitch angle in radians [Float] # +yaw+:: yaw angle in radians [Float] # def initialize(roll, pitch, yaw); end # # Construct quaternion from axes # # ==== Parameters: # # +ex+:: x-axis [FXVec3f] # +ey+:: y-axis [FXVec3f] # +ez+:: z-axis [FXVec3f] # def initialize(ex, ey, ez); end # # Construct quaternion from 3x3 matrix (where _mat_ is an FXMat3f instance). # def initialize(mat); end # # Construct an FXQuatf from components. # # ==== Parameters: # # +x+:: x [Float] # +y+:: y [Float] # +z+:: z [Float] # +width+:: w [Float] # def initialize(x, y, z, w); end # Adjust quaternion length; returns a reference to self. def adjust!; end # # Set quaternion from rotation axis and angle. # # ==== Parameters: # # +axis+:: the rotation axis [FXVec3f] # +angle+:: the rotation angle (in radians) [Float] # def setAxisAngle(axis, phi=0.0); end # # Return the rotation axis and angle for this quaternion, i.e. # # axis, angle = aQuaternion.getAxisAngle() # # where _axis_ is an FXVec3f instance and _angle_ is the angle # of rotation in radians. # def getAxisAngle(); end # # Set quaternion from yaw (z), pitch (y) and roll (x). # # ==== Parameters: # # +roll+:: roll angle in radians [Float] # +pitch+:: pitch angle in radians [Float] # +yaw+:: yaw angle in radians [Float] # def setRollPitchYaw(roll, pitch, yaw); end # # Obtain roll, pitch and yaw angles (in radians) from quaternion, e.g. # # roll, pitch, yaw = aQuaternion.getRollPitchYaw() # def getRollPitchYaw(); end # Set quaternion from axes (where _ex_, _ey_ and _ez_ are FXVec3f instances). def setAxes(ex, ey, ez); end # Get quaternion axes as a 3-element array of FXVec3f instances. def getAxes(); end # Return the local x-axis as an FXVec3f instance. def getXAxis(); end # Return the local y-axis as an FXVec3f instance. def getYAxis(); end # Return the local z-axis as an FXVec3f instance. def getZAxis(); end # # Return the exponentiation of this quaternion (a new FXQuatf instance). # def exp; end # # Return the logarithm of this quaternion (a new FXQuatf instance). # def log; end # # Return the inverse of this quaternion (a new FXQuatf instance). # def invert; end # # Invert unit quaternion (returns a new FXQuatf instance). # def unitinvert; end # # Return the conjugate of this quaternion (a new FXQuatf instance). # def conj; end # # Return the product of this quaternion and _other_ (another FXQuatf instance). # def *(other); end # # Compute the rotation of a vector _vec_ by this quaternion; returns the # rotated vector (a new FXVec3f instance). # # ==== Parameters: # # +vec+:: the vector to be rotated [FXVec3f] # def *(vec); end # # Construct a quaternion from arc a->b on unit sphere and # return reference to self. # # ==== Parameters: # # +a+:: [FXVec3f] # +b+:: [FXVec3f] # def arc!(a, b); end # # Spherical lerp, return reference to self. # # ==== Parameters: # # +u+:: [FXQuatf] # +v+:: [FXQuatf] # +f+:: [Float] # def lerp!(u, v, f); end end end