<%= render partial: 'header_menu' %> <% content_for :content_title, "Additional Configuration #{@workshop.title}".html_safe %> <% submit_url = additional_configuration_admin_workshop_path %> <%= simple_form_for @workshop, url: submit_url, html: { class: 'form-horizontal' }, wrapper: :bs3_horizontal_form, wrapper_mappings: DmAdmin::FormWrapperMappings do |f| %> <%= f.error_notification message: "Please review the problems below" %> <%= panel header: false do %> <%= subsection title: 'Visual and Social Settings' do %> <%= f.input :preferred_header_accent_color, label: 'Accent Color', hint: 'Accent color used in header (if supported by theme). Any valid CSS color' %> <%= f.input :preferred_show_social_buttons, as: :boolean, label: 'Show social buttons' %> <%= f.input :image, label: 'Workshop Image', hint: 'Image used as a banner to the registration page. Also used for Facebook.' %> <%= locale_tabs do |locale| %> <%= f.input "summary_#{locale}", label: 'Workshop Summary', as: :code_editor, input_html: {style: "height: 100px;"}, hint: 'Text used when a workshop is liked on Facebook. This text will not be visible on the registration page.' %> <% end %> <% end %> <%= subsection title: 'Associated Blog & Forum' do %>

Select a blog and forum to be associated with this event. Any paid or accepted registrations will automatically be granted access to them.

<%= f.input :cms_blog, label: 'Blog', collection: CmsBlog.where(['owner_id = ? OR owner_id IS NULL', @workshop.id]), selected: @workshop.cms_blog.try(:id), include_blank: true %> <%= f.input :forum, label: 'Forum', collection: Forum.where(['owner_id = ? OR owner_id IS NULL', @workshop.id]), selected: @workshop.forum.try(:id), include_blank: true %> <% end %> <%= subsection title: 'Custom Fields' do %> <%= f.simple_fields_for :custom_field_defs do |builder| %> <%= render 'dm_core/admin/custom_fields/custom_field_def_fields', f: builder %> <% end %> <%= link_to_add_custom_fields 'Add Field', f, :custom_field_defs %> <% end %> <%= submit_or_cancel cancel_url: (@workshop.new_record? ? admin_workshops_url : admin_workshop_path(@workshop)) %> <% end %>
<%= link_to 'Clear Facebook Cache', "https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug/og/object?q=#{ERB::Util.url_encode(dm_event.register_new_url(@workshop))}", target: '_blank', class: 'btn btn-xs btn-default' %>
<% end %>