class Module def %x{ function AnonModule(){} var klass = Opal.boot(Opal.Module, AnonModule); klass.$$name = nil; klass.$$class = Opal.Module; klass.$$dep = [] klass.$$is_mod = true; klass.$$proto = {}; // inherit scope from parent Opal.create_scope(Opal.Module.$$scope, klass); if (block !== nil) { var block_self = block.$$s; block.$$s = null;; block.$$s = block_self; } return klass; } end def ===(object) return false if `object == null` `Opal.is_a(object, self)` end def <(other) %x{ var working = self; while (working) { if (working === other) { return true; } working = working.$$parent; } return false; } end def alias_method(newname, oldname) %x{ var newjsid = '$' + newname, body = self.$$proto['$' + oldname]; if (self.$$is_singleton) { self.$$proto[newjsid] = body; } else { Opal.defn(self, newjsid, body); } return self; } self end def alias_native(mid, jsid = mid) `self.$$proto['$' + mid] = self.$$proto[jsid]` end def ancestors %x{ var parent = self, result = []; while (parent) { result.push(parent); result = result.concat(parent.$$inc); parent = parent.$$super; } return result; } end def append_features(klass) `Opal.append_features(self, klass)` self end def attr_accessor(*names) attr_reader(*names) attr_writer(*names) end alias attr attr_accessor def attr_reader(*names) %x{ var proto = self.$$proto; for (var i = names.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var name = names[i], id = '$' + name; // the closure here is needed because name will change at the next // cycle, I wish we could use let. var body = (function(name) { return function() { return this[name]; }; })(name); // initialize the instance variable as nil proto[name] = nil; if (self.$$is_singleton) { proto.constructor.prototype[id] = body; } else { Opal.defn(self, id, body); } } } nil end def attr_writer(*names) %x{ var proto = self.$$proto; for (var i = names.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var name = names[i], id = '$' + name + '='; // the closure here is needed because name will change at the next // cycle, I wish we could use let. var body = (function(name){ return function(value) { return this[name] = value; } })(name); // initialize the instance variable as nil proto[name] = nil; if (self.$$is_singleton) { proto.constructor.prototype[id] = body; } else { Opal.defn(self, id, body); } } } nil end def autoload(const, path) %x{ var autoloaders; if (!(autoloaders = self.$$autoload)) { autoloaders = self.$$autoload = {}; } autoloaders[#{const}] = #{path}; return nil; } end def class_variable_get(name) name = Opal.coerce_to!(name, String, :to_str) raise NameError, 'class vars should start with @@' if `name.length < 3 || name.slice(0,2) !== '@@'` %x{ var value = Opal.cvars[name.slice(2)]; #{raise NameError, 'uninitialized class variable @@a in' if `value == null`} return value; } end def class_variable_set(name, value) name = Opal.coerce_to!(name, String, :to_str) raise NameError if `name.length < 3 || name.slice(0,2) !== '@@'` %x{ Opal.cvars[name.slice(2)] = value; return value; } end def constants `self.$$scope.constants` end # check for constant within current scope # if inherit is true or self is Object, will also check ancestors def const_defined?(name, inherit = true) raise NameError, "wrong constant name #{name}" unless name =~ /^[A-Z]\w*$/ %x{ var scopes = [self.$$scope]; if (inherit || self === Opal.Object) { var parent = self.$$super; while (parent !== Opal.BasicObject) { scopes.push(parent.$$scope); parent = parent.$$super; } } for (var i = 0, length = scopes.length; i < length; i++) { if (scopes[i].hasOwnProperty(name)) { return true; } } return false; } end def const_get(name, inherit = true) if name['::'] && name != '::' return name.split('::').inject(self){|o, c| o.const_get(c)} end raise NameError, "wrong constant name #{name}" unless name =~ /^[A-Z]\w*$/ %x{ var scopes = [self.$$scope]; if (inherit || self == Opal.Object) { var parent = self.$$super; while (parent !== Opal.BasicObject) { scopes.push(parent.$$scope); parent = parent.$$super; } } for (var i = 0, length = scopes.length; i < length; i++) { if (scopes[i].hasOwnProperty(name)) { return scopes[i][name]; } } return #{const_missing name}; } end def const_missing(name) %x{ if (self.$$autoload) { var file = self.$$autoload[name]; if (file) { self.$require(file); return #{const_get name}; } } } raise NameError, "uninitialized constant #{self}::#{name}" end def const_set(name, value) raise NameError, "wrong constant name #{name}" unless name =~ /^[A-Z]\w*$/ begin name = name.to_str rescue raise TypeError, 'conversion with #to_str failed' end `Opal.casgn(self, name, value)` value end def define_method(name, method = undefined, &block) if `method === undefined && !#{block_given?}` raise ArgumentError, "tried to create a Proc object without a block" end block ||= case method when Proc method when Method method.to_proc when UnboundMethod lambda do |*args| bound = method.bind(self) *args end else raise TypeError, "wrong argument type #{block.class} (expected Proc/Method)" end %x{ var id = '$' + name; block.$$jsid = name; block.$$s = null; block.$$def = block; if (self.$$is_singleton) { self.$$proto[id] = block; } else { Opal.defn(self, id, block); } return name; } end def remove_method(name) `Opal.undef(self, '$' + name)` self end def include(*mods) %x{ for (var i = mods.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var mod = mods[i]; if (mod === self) { continue; } #{`mod`.append_features self}; #{`mod`.included self}; } } self end def include?(mod) %x{ for (var cls = self; cls; cls = cls.$$super) { for (var i = 0; i != cls.$$inc.length; i++) { var mod2 = cls.$$inc[i]; if (mod === mod2) { return true; } } } return false; } end def instance_method(name) %x{ var meth = self.$$proto['$' + name]; if (!meth || meth.$$stub) { #{raise NameError, "undefined method `#{name}' for class `#{}'"}; } return #{, `meth`, name)}; } end def instance_methods(include_super = true) %x{ var methods = [], proto = self.$$proto; for (var prop in proto) { if (!(prop.charAt(0) === '$')) { continue; } if (!(typeof(proto[prop]) === "function")) { continue; } if (proto[prop].$$stub) { continue; } if (!self.$$is_mod) { if (self !== Opal.BasicObject && proto[prop] === Opal.BasicObject.$$proto[prop]) { continue; } if (!include_super && !proto.hasOwnProperty(prop)) { continue; } if (!include_super && proto[prop].$$donated) { continue; } } methods.push(prop.substr(1)); } return methods; } end def included(mod) end def extended(mod) end def module_eval(&block) raise ArgumentError, 'no block given' unless block %x{ var old = block.$$s, result; block.$$s = null; result =; block.$$s = old; return result; } end alias class_eval module_eval def module_exec(&block) %x{ if (block === nil) { throw new Error("no block given"); } var block_self = block.$$s, result; block.$$s = null; result = block.apply(self, $; block.$$s = block_self; return result; } end alias class_exec module_exec def method_defined?(method) %x{ var body = self.$$proto['$' + method]; return (!!body) && !body.$$stub; } end def module_function(*methods) %x{ if (methods.length === 0) { self.$$module_function = true; } else { for (var i = 0, length = methods.length; i < length; i++) { var meth = methods[i], func = self.$$proto['$' + meth]; self.constructor.prototype['$' + meth] = func; } } return self; } end def name %x{ if (self.$$full_name) { return self.$$full_name; } var result = [], base = self; while (base) { if (base.$$name === nil) { return result.length === 0 ? nil : result.join('::'); } result.unshift(base.$$name); base = base.$$base_module; if (base === Opal.Object) { break; } } if (result.length === 0) { return nil; } return self.$$full_name = result.join('::'); } end def public(*methods) %x{ if (methods.length === 0) { self.$$module_function = false; } return nil; } end alias private public alias protected public alias nesting public def private_class_method(name) `self['$' + name] || nil` end alias public_class_method private_class_method def private_method_defined?(obj) false end def private_constant(*) end alias protected_method_defined? private_method_defined? alias public_instance_methods instance_methods alias public_method_defined? method_defined? def remove_class_variable(*) end def remove_const(name) %x{ var old = self.$$scope[name]; delete self.$$scope[name]; return old; } end def to_s `self.$$name` || "#<#{`self.$$is_mod ? 'Module' : 'Class'`}:0x#{__id__.to_s(16)}>" end def undef_method(symbol) `Opal.add_stub_for(self.$$proto, "$" + symbol)` self end end