def compile_ruby_methods(input_file_contents) # These are some interesting methods that we really miss in Javascript. # So we have made these methods available def compile_complex_methods(input_file_contents) method_map_replacement = { ".include" => [".indexOf"," != -1"], } method_map_replacement.each do |val,key| possible_complex_method_calls = input_file_contents.reject {|element| !element.include?(val)} possible_complex_method_calls.each do |statement| before,after = statement.split(val) after,remains = after.split if after[-1].eql?(")") after = after[0...-1] + key[1] + after[-1] elsif after.strip.eql?(after) after = after + key[1] end reconstructed_statement = before + key[0] + after + remains input_file_contents[input_file_contents.index(statement)] = reconstructed_statement end end return input_file_contents end method_map_replacement = { ".split" => ".split(\" \")", ".join" => ".join()", ".strip" => ".replace(/^\\s+|\\s+$/g,'')", ".lstrip" => ".replace(/^\\s+/g,\"\")", ".rstrip" => ".replace(/\\s+$/g,\"\")", ".to_s" => ".toString()", ".reverse" => ".reverse()", ".empty" => ".length == 0", ".upcase" => ".toUpperCase()", ".downcase" => ".toLowerCase()", } method_map = method_map_replacement.keys method_map_regex = method_map.collect {|name| name.gsub(".","\\.")} method_map_regex ="|")) modified_file_contents = input_file_contents.clone input_file_contents.each_with_index do |line, index| if line.match(method_map_regex) method_match = line.match(method_map_regex).to_a[0] unless line.include?(method_match + "(") line = line.sub(method_match,method_map_replacement[method_match]) end end modified_file_contents[index] = line end modified_file_contents = compile_complex_methods(modified_file_contents) return modified_file_contents end