#=== Neo4j.rb configuration settings # The folder location of the neo4j and lucene database storage_path: db # If enable neo4j.rb will create _all relationship to all instances inheriting from Neo4j::Rails::Model # If disabled all custom rules will also be unavailable. enable_rules: true # if identity map should be on or not # It may impact the performance. Using the identity map will keep all loaded wrapper node/relationship # object in memory for each thread and transaction - which may speed up or slow down operations. identity_map: true # When using the Neo4j::Model you can let neo4j automatically set timestamps when updating/creating nodes. # If set to true neo4j.rb automatically timestamps create and update operations if the model has properties named created_at/created_on or updated_at/updated_on # (similar to ActiveRecord). timestamps: true # Configuration for lucene lucene: { fulltext: { provider: lucene, type: fulltext }, exact: { provider: lucene, type: exact} } # If migrations should be run in a new thread # If set to true it you can use the database while it is migrating. migration_thread: false # If online backup should be available, if it is the Online JAR file will be loaded, # Notice it must be either 'true' or 'false' as string # To set a different port than the default port of 9999 use online_backup_port online_backup_enabled: 'false' #online_backup_port: '9999' #use the clustered Neo4j GraphDatabase (org.neo4j.kernel.ha.HighlyAvailableGraphDatabase) #enable_ha: true # if enabled you can use the bin/neo4j-shell command to access the database # enable_remote_shell: "port=9332" ##===Memory mapped I/O settings=== # ##Each file in the Neo store can use memory mapped I/O for reading/writing. ##Best performance is achived if the full file can be memory mapped but if ##there isn't enough memory for that Neo will try and make the best use of ##the memory it gets (regions of the file that get accessed often will more ##likley be memory mapped). # ##For high traversal speed it is important to have the nodestore.db and ##relationshipstore.db files. # #neostore.nodestore.db.mapped_memory: 25M #neostore.relationshipstore.db.mapped_memory: 50M #neostore.propertystore.db.mapped_memory: 90M #neostore.propertystore.db.index.mapped_memory: 1M #neostore.propertystore.db.index.keys.mapped_memory: 1M #neostore.propertystore.db.strings.mapped_memory: 130M #neostore.propertystore.db.arrays.mapped_memory: 130M # # ##: ": ": "Cache settings: ": ": " # ##use adaptive caches YES|NO. Let Neo try make best use of available heap. #use_adaptive_cache: YES # ##heap usage/max heap size ratio. Neo will increase caches while ratio ##is less and decrease if greater. Default 0.77 seems to be a good over ##all ratio of heap usage to avoid GC trashing. Larger heaps may allow for ##a higher ratio while tiny heaps may need even less. #adaptive_cache_heap_ratio: 0.77 # ##how aggressive Neo will decrease caches once heap ratio reached #adaptive_cache_manager_decrease_ratio: 1.15 # ##how aggresive Neo will increase caches if ratio isn't yet reached #adaptive_cache_manager_increase_ratio: 1.1 # ##if no requests are made to Neo this is the amount of time in ms Neo will wait ##before it checks the heap usage and adapts the caches if needed #adaptive_cache_worker_sleep_time: 3000 # ##minimum size (number of nodes) of node cache. If adaptive cache is in use ##node cache will not be decreased under this value #min_node_cache_size: 0 # ##minimum size (number of relationships) of relationship cache. If adaptive ##cache is in use relationship cache will not be decreased under this value #min_relationship_cache_size: 0 # ##maximum size (number of nodes) of node cache. If adaptive cache is not in ##use the node cache will not be increased above this value #max_node_cache_size: 1500 # ##maximum size (number of relationship) of node cache. If adaptive cache is ##not in use the relationship cache will not be increased above this value #max_relationship_cache_size: 3500